It's a great movie, but ultimately unsatisfying. Like a CGI fantasy princess version of From Up on Poppy Hill.
Can't we at least have the Golden Age of JPEGs first? I like to have my Golden Ages in alphabetical order.
Joke's on you, I'm actually the rain. BWAHAHAH
I am 7% smoother than I expected.
Geez, it's not like I'm a veteran or anything. You're making me blush. Actually, that would be pretty cool. BLAMBLAMBLAM! TAKE THAT PANTY ROBOT! IF THERE'S ONE WAR AL QUAEDA CAN'T WIN, IT'S THE WAR ON SUBPAR LINGERIE!
Accepted. I would love to check you out in the rain.
I will be your pretend boyfriend if you'll agree to my pretend wife. I'm in a mildly complicated situation.
Great! I may just end up making the thread for you and then hope others join in. I really think that it has potential and it would be a shame to not try it out as soon as possible.
Limited Brands East US Distribution Center 5 (Victoria's Secret), AM Returns Opening/Crediting I process Victoria's Secret and Pink returns for most of the East (and possibly Midwest) parts of the US and Canada. Ten hours a day (plus a half hour unpaid lunch break), four days a week for most of the year (only truly great thing about my job) plus overtime (5-6 days a week, **** YEAH TIME AND A HALF PAY) if needed, mostly for the two or three months after the Fall Peak season. So yeah, warehouse work. I hate my job and I'm sure my supervisor is well aware of that, but as long as I come in every day with a spring in my step and a smile on my face with a consistently improving UPH (My current high score is 62!), there's no reason to let me go because I'm not doing anything to bring down the department's combined UPH. Overall, it's pretty nice considering I'd rather not be doing it. And hey, someone has to do this job and as long as I'm getting paid for it, I may as well do it with as much fake enthusiasm as I can! I may hate my job, but I sure as hell am proud to do it!
Distribution sucks more.
Here's the first thread where I didn't say much about it other than that I had a cool mechanic that I wanted to test out. Here's the second thread that didn't get any attention, but has way more details that have stayed mostly the same since then. I've also decided that the "story" of our trial run will just be an excuse plot where you and your party try to save a princess from some evil dude. I'll make up the rest as we go. Since this is mainly a trial run for my interacting elemental stats mechanic, the RNG will probably be VERY biased toward random encounters with enemies who are very easy to beat until late in the game where y'all'll be at high enough levels that you can test out how specialized each of your characters as become. For the same reason, it'll also be pretty easy to level up at first, but that's just par for the course in RPGs anyway. I also noticed that the way I set things up had the unintended but very nice side effect of making the game reward specializing your character rather than keep him or her super balanced. Keep that in mind if this game gets anywhere.
But it wouldn't be fraudulent because you actually did get hit and you weren't trying to get hit.
I've made enough progress on the main mechanic that I want to test that I can probably set it up with some generic enemies and a simple post ID based RNG to make a reasonably playable forum game. Here's the spreadsheet that I used to create the system of how stats will interact with each other so y'all can play around with it. Download the file, open it in your favorite spreadsheet program, and input values into the Base Stats section. Then look at the "Affinity" and "Weakness" sections to see how that affected everything. So who wants in? I'll make a thread in The Playground if 4 or more people are interested.
Do you ever find yourself standing by the side of the road waiting for the crosswalk light to change knowing that you shouldn't just go but for just a brief moment you think, "Hey, I wonder what would happen if I just stepped out in front of the next car," but then you don't and you continue on with your life never thinking about that moment again? And you're not suicidal or anything. You don't want to die, you're just curious, even though you know the answer to your wondering. It's such a weird feeling, isn't it?
Do "No"s make any difference?
And that's when I realized that people who are in my age range are starting to have babies on purpose. What have I done with my life? Nothing. I'm just a guy who lives with his parents and spends ten hours a day getting paid to fondle women's underwear. Although I want to be a father sooner than just "someday," I have neither any particular drive to make a person nor the significant other to help me do so. I am not completely worthless, of course. There are at least half a dozen people who love and care about me enough that I can't just leave and start fresh elsewhere. Even so, I'm starting to feel like I'll never get the chance raise hell with the school when some bitch starts spreading the rumor that my little girl is a slut. At this rate, my grandmother will get to meet her great-great-grandchildren before I'm even close to that point and it's all because everyone around me is growing up so goddamn fast. /depressedrantover
Kitty 4 4um Helper 4eva.
I hear ya, pal. I want people ask me stupid questions someday. I've even been on the poll!