Broken images are in season.
All the characters are super androgynous to make it open to interpretation, but I'm pretty sure White Mage is female in canon.
Terra and White Mage would like to have a word with you.
Ah, good. Because I swear to god, man. Right, the stash. It's under his secret lab, which can be revealed by pressing a secret button in the secret compartment of his secret box, which is itself accessed by pulling the secret string in his secret box. He's really bad at keeping secrets. I do not know where the the secret box is.
The niece, the lab, or the stash? If it's my niece, hands off. She's the closest thing I'll ever have to a daughter and you can bet your ass I'll kick it if you so much as think about hers.
You just have to know where to look. Tori (the developer dude, not my niece) has a nice stash under his lab.
When my uncle Andrew was going around announcing his engagement to my aunt Kim, my grandpa misheard her name over the phone and said something along the lines of, "Oh, that's wonderful! Give Jim my regards." It's especially funny because when he met her she was still a mechanic at an airport that he'd landed his plane at and he thought she was a dude until he noticed that she had some really nice legs. I don't remember why I thought this was relevant. I just figured I'd share. So yeah, my grandpa thought his son was gay for like ten years.
I don't know if I should say for fear of being banned. I mean, it's not like I'd be linking to it, but it's just a web extension away from being a link so I don't know. @Misty, can we get a ruling here?
You're all joking around here but I'm for serious. I went on my favorite hentai site to fap and instead it made me feel.
Fanmade porn of Final Fantasy XIII has more compelling characters and storylines than the official material. Please remember this for the next game in the series.
AKA: Wear Green If You Don't Want to Die Day
Seriously? Well now I've got no choice but to hate him. Ruining the goddamn barrel mumblemumblemumble.
But seriously, what's this al- BARREL!
Sex is what you are. Anything with a penis is a male. Anything with a vagina is a female. Gender is who you are, and depends on your own personal identity.
He went from male to female. That's a sex change, not a gender change, you twit.
It was really Eren me out. I'm pretty Yeager for the next chapter. I'm watching the Giant Zombie Anime to hold me over. It's way too pretty for the themes it portrays.
But they're going to get one anyway because ALPHABETS.
I don't know why I didn't have the full quote.