so first order of business can someone please tell me whats the difference between kingdom hearts 3 and birth by sleep
hehehehe take that dman23 in yo face
so guys lets get started
hey long time no see eh the invite you'll be getting is from me
glad you could make it this thing is gonna be a smashing success and free from boredom
thx by the way indoor plumbing it's gonna be big
please join im going to make this as fun as possible
twitch twitch no no icreated -twitch- a group to -twitch- kepp others and -twitch- myself from being bored -twitch-
ugh boring so i just started a group call ragnarok to kepp people and myself from being bored
please come back i miss you no like seriously im singing barbie girl im totally bored
don't judge me im borred aight ive got nothin to do
yeah long time no see
thats not even the worst part i think i know all the lyrics
hey there hows it going been a while eh
hey there hows it going nice to meet you
hey haven't talked to you in a while hows it going
no i mean im so bored im actually sitting in a chair listening to aqua-barbie girl
wow havent seen you on in a while
nothing bored out of my freakin mind
wow so how is everyone