wow maybe i should join idk rping isn't for me but what the hell
yeah but geez getting kidnapped thats kinda harsh so who kidnapped or should i say girlnapped you
you tell em i can't wait to see what happens
too bad leo you didn't count on one thing i have twin goodbye shoots leo in head
great so what are you doing
oh yeah it's awesome
dude i gots no idea what u just said
uuummm hey you know what you should read the story on join the darkside
-cries- oh man this is like the stories on tv with friends falling apart one by one
then leo go BOOM hahahahahahahhahaha
time for everyone to boogaloo
ok can someone fill me in i'm a little confused
yeah what again
sorry i'n a guy thats just attracted to female groups cause i looooooove women
because your just plain pathetic
why are you missing them i thought you liked usa computers let me guess you've gotten use to them
one problem -standing behind maikeu69- i have a twin blows head off mwahahahahahahahaha and revives docyx
I'M SOOOOOORRRRYYY it's just so damn addictive
Ha and you said it was impossible soon they all will become back to Ragnarok
docyx yay now i can strangle you