ooh i know cover your ears evil grin
haha no response my job here is done
*listens in while peeking on them
:gunwtf::roll::roll::roll: laughs oh man you guys are pathetic crying like little girls and being sorry hmph sad really
wow hey do you know about the central powers
docyx you stay back i gots me some huntin to do yeehaw
his names kekkou asuhi
COME HERE DOCYX somebody get my chainsaw
your going to spoil your stomach you know
who's KBMJ
*jumps off skyscraper to get a closer look at whats going on loses sight of NoN and gets lost
*sits on skyscraper watching and laughing as fools play around confused
nah it's the pokemon jo;teon if it were human
i don't know its so addictive
yo so whats up how are you
so exactly is everyone rping seperately or can i finally blow off leo's head
-cocks shotgun- not on my watch
ok thats just as good right
how about the power of thunder
is there an ice god