Stops immediately while you fly by
aww great now i'm blind * walks right into tree* DAMN IT
their treating pretty nicely as for how ami im blown i can't find a single buizel in soul silver
-turns on cool 70's chase music- you'll never take me alive coppers
*heads toward where NoN is* man what a pain
umm no problem so how are you
hey sup kim wheres nas
wow didn't see that coming *******
sees cr and kim wondering how they got here so fast and whattheir doing
aha there he is *keeps power to a minimum to hide self
so then i guess they found him guess i'll just follow
now where could he be the more time i waste the more time they have to find him
starts to look for kbmj
wait that secret place isn't underground is it
hey by the way can someone please bring me upto speed with this
yeah sure thats what they all say
yo whats up hows it going
*cocks gun* eat this
so exactly what ere they some type of power you collect
wow first thing you idiots have agreed on