lets do it
as planned
oh great now look what you mushy *******ss got me saying
nas it's ok man you can't win everyones heart sometimes you've got live and let go
WHOA SERVED nas you just got servedah
me:heh pathetic still *watches what goes on
one prob;em everyones frozen
can someone please unfreeze me like NOW
me: turns back to normal. this sucks releases energy towards nas to get his body functional again
awesome let our powers combine
as headed towards cr and kim crashe lands on face out of disgustedness with cr's patheticness
double i like it sure
parties anime conventions games movies and other things
oh about ten seconds
yeah we do lots of things in there
hatred:better get your head in the game kid *charges highly concentrated black thunder
yeah theres a group after school called anime club
i'm doing great just got back home
???: gets in way of cr. hey hows it going *shoots cr with black thunder
hey whats up hows it going