im still waiting are you babies gonna cry all day or are you gonna man up and fight
was she a girl on this site
you know how i got over it i got dirt on her and sent her crashing to rhe ground burning
i feel deep;y sorry for you for my heart was also once broken as well
sits waiting with eyes closed
WHAT no energy damn it and this was just getting fun well i'll wait
after kim gets to land attacks nas and cr with electric burst
alright but my fights not over
vanishes and catches kbmj
truthfully i have no idea
AHHHHHH son of -beeeeeeeeeeeep- how dare you kicks kbnj but before contact stops and sits down
vanishes to and carches kim kim has nothing to do with this leave her out of it
Who the f*ck are you callin childish
to bad that would've worked if i wasnt already covered by lightning now die
release thunder wave attacking everyone except kim and ax
opens electric portal to 8-axel and pulls him through
*steps out of portal then vanishes behind cr and attacks with electric outburst
i don't like being teleported *eyes turn completely black*
hahahaha you can't win against the lightning brothers
fuses with him to create i have bo idea