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  1. Aelin
    Coming across Chief Yolvun only made Everette feel so much worse than before, he felt that he had failed the mayor and it hurt his soul greatly to know that he let harm come to the girl that he promised to look after. Running his fingers through his hair Everette looked at the Chief and did his best to explain. "You might have to go back around. I would suggest that no one drinks the water, not for tonight at least. I don't know what happened. Renza went to get us rain water to have with dinner and she came back seeming really sick. Conrad and Samuel are with her now trying to make sure that she is alright, but we tested that water not three hours ago and it was fine. I don't know what happened but I want to find out. There is nothing natural about that happening. The water wouldn't have gone bad like that on its own in just a couple hours. I was just heading out to see if I could find anything off." Everette didn't want to admit the fact that in the process he got himself turned around and now was just running for the sake of running around hoping to see something off, without really knowing how to get to the pace he needed to check.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    As they fought Tinarah thought she might have caught a comment about a Heart of Light from her brother. Were they talking about Aria again? Perhaps worrying about her. Tinarah was confident that she would be fine, even if she didn't trust Torrin, she did to some extent trust Thalassa, so she wasn't too worried about Aria. That being said Tinarah wasn't entirely sure of the context of the conversation having not heard the entire thing, so for the most part she kept to herself as Frozone warned them not to worry too much about creatures because he could block them out before more decided to join the party. With a nod of acknowledgment, Tinarah wasn't going to leave without at least a little bit of a fight.

    Switching from Torrins fight style, Tinarah tried to pick up a bit of what she remembered from Stamatis's teaching. That being said they had spent a lot of time focusing on magic, which wasn't an option here, so instead she was forced to just use whatever fighting styles she knew. The stuff Torrin had taught her was more prominent in her mind, but at the same time it bothered Tinarah to some extent to use it, hence her trying, and in the end failing to change. It didn't take her long to just go back to what she was doing before as she fought her way through the Helping Hats, moving forward as she did so so that Frozone could make that wall.

    HP: 27/60
    MP: 0/20
    AP: 2/38

    Enemies Defeated: 6 Helping Hats
    Enemies Remaining: 16 Helping Hats
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    There was a small tentative smile on Auburns lips as she looked between the two boys. "My father is great, though I don't know if I am on the path to greatness. I couldn't even keep an eye for that Ursa... I don't know if I am quite cut out for all this. I might have to leave the hero work to my dad." Auburn told them hinting at her nearly leaving not long before. That being said now that they had gotten her to open up a little bit, she was already feeling a little more comfortable and a little more confident. She didn't like starting conversations, or talking much, but she realized that she hated being ignored equally as much. "So... I don't know about this hero work, but I think we are supposed to be meeting with the crazy lady. I am sure Qrow won't mind if we leave now, he has done what my father asked I am sure and now can't care less." Auburn laughed a little bit knowing a bit more about Qrows demeanor from his occasional visits to see her father and just stories that she was told. While she wasn't close with him she felt like she knew him well enough to make that call.

    Lingering around Arian started to wonder what was taking the other team so long to get back. He thought they were supposed to meet back pretty quickly and here he was waiting around, avoiding Noire while he was at it. While she tried to apologize and Arian tried to move on, it didn't mean that he wanted to deal with her any more than he had to. Looking over he noticed Lloyd giving a talking to to one of their members. Vice had seemed distant so far and while there is a part of Arian who wanted to say that it didn't matter, he also knew that wasn't true and that they would need to work better, he was sure he was guilty of that as well but chose not to think of it as he leaned back against the nearest wall. Flipping a coin his tail swished behind him, keeping himself a little more content than he had been so far. Perhaps it was just the fact that someone besides him was in trouble that made him feel better, he wasn't sure but didn't care much to question it as he waited for the point in which they were allowed to leave.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    Pushing Daeni off of him, Cerdic stood up. "Impossible or not, don't be an idiot. I told you to stay back and stay safe. If that thing wants whatever is in your heart you are putting more than yourself in danger by stepping in front of attacks like that. I can handle myself. So for christ sake Daeni, STAY BACK, AND STAY SAFE!" Cerdic tried to beat the idea into the thick skull of hers and he stepped up in front of her again so that she could have a moment to recover as he looked towards the creature made of darkness. It didn't even deserve a name at this point.

    Readying his keyblade Cerdic knew that staying back he couldn't protect the machine and Daeni, he would have to keep the creature occupied.
    "This better be worth it. No one do anything stupid and don't try to stop me." Cerdic muttered to himself as he tried to muster all the courage that he could in order to be ready for this. He had always tried to take things carefully never stepping into obvious danger if he could help it, but looking back at his friends he didn't want to see them in danger either, it was the only thing he could do. He was so useless before now, he had to do something useful. Finally Cerdic got himself convinced to do what needed to be done and stepped forward and put himself on the offense, not paying much attention to the world around him as he laid attacks in on the creature to draw it's attention completely to himself.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 3, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Aelin
    Listening the the entire story Thea was wide eyed and nervous throughout. Though there was no signs of her power sparking off anywhere, she still seemed nervous and the magic energy that was around her still remained as she clenched at her dress to keep herself in check the best that she could. "That is terrible! Why would they sacrifice children? That isn't fair! Of course we will help. I am not letting them get away with that. I won't let them hurt Maliel's little sister. She was so nice, Maliel helped us when we arrived and I think she was trying to protect me from the mayor. I don't know for sure but she lied about my age and stuff and kept telling me what to do and not to do." Thea stated earnestly as she looked up at them squirming a little bit. Feeling her fires burning under her skin, she really wanted to go and deal with the spider and save Selena as soon as possible, though she knew it wasn't her call. If Zephyr and Gavin said no, there was little that she could do on her own.

    Turning back to her two companions she looked at them.
    "We are going to go help now right? We really need to before it is too late. And I have lots of friends in the magic council, they will listen to me I am sure." Friends wasn't the right word for it, and there was no guarantee that they would listen to her. The only reason that they knew her was that they often checked up on her and they had dealt with her after the death of her parents. They were the ones that set up the agreement with Divine Rose and what she was to be doing. While Thea wasn't entirely sure the whole story and agreement, she just knew who the people were and they seemed nice enough, if not a little grumpy so she thought of them as her friends.

    "Thanks." Everette tried to laugh a little bit, but he was still a little out of it, just not speaking too much on the subject. Instead Everette just sat there waiting for Renza to get back. Since Conrad was finishing dinner and Renza fetching drinks, there was not much that he could have done anyways. It made him feel a bit useless, but that was the least of his worries. He would clean up after dinner and that was fine. For now he could relax and try and clear his mind a little bit, trying his best to relax a little bit.

    There was a sound and Conrad was the first to get up and see what it was. He heard Conrad practically yell Renza's name and Everette was on his feet as the chair fell back to the ground behind him. Before he could make it to the door Conrad was there with Renza who clearly wasn't in a good shape. She was fine just minutes ago and they knew that the water she was getting was fine. He made sure that she got the right water and everything. Perhaps he should have gone with her. There was no time for regret though as Everette got up and looked at the girl.
    "Make sure she is going to be okay. I am going to investigate. I took samples of several of those rain waters, they should have been fine. She should have been fine to get them!" Everette was a little annoyed as he turned and looked towards the door.

    "I will be back soon." Everette told both the boys as he ran outside and started to head towards the water store for the rain water. He made it about a block before he realized that he wasn't quite sure how to get to the water store house, so instead he just kind of ran around town, guessing the general direction, keeping his eyes peeled for anyone who might be out at this time. As far as Everette could tell there wouldn't be many people walking around at this time and he was sure the water Renza had gotten was fine just hours before.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    Well at least they stopped trying to decide a leader and just moved on. However as they started to head forward, it seemed that Tinarah was falling to the background once more. This time she had not actually tried to fall to the back, but looking around there wasn't that many people here that she was comfortable talking to. Aria went with the other group, and Take was pulling aside Chrono to talk to him privately. Meanwhile Tinarah still didn't find herself all that comfortable with Boreas. He seemed a little harsh in her opinion. Even when Tinarah tried to explain her reservations about him and Torrin, he believed that it should be just so easy to just let go and be okay with them. To her Boreas almost seemed offended that it wasn't simply that easy to just move off of it and that made Tinarah not so comfortable with him. Then there was Qamar. They were getting a little better from the first meeting, but the first incident still played in her mind, making Tinarah not bother making any move towards interacting with her. Glyde was someone that she didn't understand and he was quiet himself so she didn't really know how to deal with that.

    As they walked on suddenly there was a bit of an issue as creatures showed up in front of her. At leas there was something that she could do now, and made use of her training for once. Perhaps she could not deal with things fully on her own yet, but she could just put training to use and make the bad useful. After all the training with Torrin had to be good for something after all. When the battle started, though Tinarah was not the first to jump in, she didn't hold back at all. Summoning her keyblade to her, she took a few deep breaths, centering herself like Master Stamatis taught her, before she jumped into a series of moves that Torrin had taught her. Of course what Torrin taught her was meant to be used with a sword, but there was no reason that it couldn't apply here. While she was cautious of those around her, their battles meant nothing to her as she focused mostly on her own battles and not on what the others were doing. In the end it turned to be effective as she glanced around at the ruined robots around her, just admiring how much she had grown. Her chest heaved up and down with heavy breaths but it seemed despite the fact she was still recovering from a rather rough shape that she was in, she could manage to fight still and that was very encouraging to Tinarah.

    HP: 35/60
    MP: 0/20
    AP: 2/38

    Enemies Defeated: 6 Helping Hats
    Enemies Remaining: 12 Helping Hats
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    As they arrived Thea saw a child who very much seemed to like Izra. It was enough to convince Thea to trust her. She then saw Kyo and Jack, and looked at them curiously. She now really wondered what was going on here since she thought the two boys worked for the mayor. But instead they started asking about another child and Thea got quite concerned. "Oh no! I stopped you from saving another child. We need to go rescue them before they get hurt. You should have saved them not me. I can fight for myself. See I have magic." Thea made a small flame in her hand but noticed blue lacing through it and quickly put it out before it could go out of control. "Can we go back? Can we help them rescue the other girl? I don't want anyone to get hurt for me. That is unfair. We should go." She begged of Zephyr and Gavin. Sure she wanted to know what was going on here, but now she was more worried about the other girl that they were speaking of. Seeing the safe kids and familiar faces, Thea liked to believe that these people were good and now just wanted to help everyone. That being said she was being desperate and those more in tune to magic could feel it radiating off of her, for now she was containing it but it was clearly not a good thing to let her work herself up over such things.

    Rubbing the back of his neck, Everette looked away. He was supposed to be the one that they could go to and trust. He was supposed to be sort of leader like, he was the S-class after all, and here Sam and Conrad were comforting him. It wasn't surprising though, they were both good friends, Samuel was his best friend, they had both always had his back despite everything that he had been through. Even on mission they were still there for him even if he would rather forget it and move on. In truth Everette knew that wasn't necessarily the best thing to do, he knew that he needed to talk it out and not stew on it. He lectured Sam on the amount of sleep that he got, but Everette was well enough aware that if he left this unchecked he would lose sleep too it, worrying what he might forget, cursing his own mind.

    "You are right... thanks. I just I guess I need to work on not feeling responsible for everyone all the time. I know you are both capable of handling yourselves just fine without me. But if anything happened I wouldn't forgive myself, and it is always a fear that my own mind would get in the way. You know? I can't control it, no amount of studying fixes it, just.... it was damage that no one was able to fully fix. I guess sometimes when I remember how bad it can get, I just get concerned." Everette admitted as he finished what he was doing, handing the vegetables over to Conrad so that he could finish the cooking while Renza went to set the table.

    Renza offered to go get some water and Everette instinctively called out to her.
    "Make sure it is the rain water." After he was sure that she knew he took a seat and looked at the other two giving a small smile and laugh, though it seemed a little forced. "Some S-class I am, needing you guys to support me just to get through the task. But I appreciate it. It just shows you two would be good for the job one day. I will be rooting for you."
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    April is the month of Broadway Songs. Make sure you get your votes in on which we song we do. Voting will end April 8th

    Defying Gravity
    Karaoke | Original

    Suddenly Seymour
    Karaoke | Original

    Skid Row
    Karaoke | Original

    I Can Hear the Bells
    Karaoke | Original

    Sweet Transvestite
    Karaoke | Original

    Karaoke | Original
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 1, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  9. Aelin

    Mr/Ms. KHV

    Alright the sign ups are closed and the first round has been sent out. Keep tune next week to see what the contestants have come up with and help us vote on who's was the best.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 1, 2018 in forum: The Playground
  10. Aelin
    Putting in some of my own.

    Karaoke | Original
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 31, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  11. Aelin
    After being told to sit around and wait, now she didn't even get to join in the fight. Tinarah tried not to show the disappointment as she felt she had been side lined. It was partly because since she had arrived they had told them they came here to help, but every step of the way had been pushed to the side and had to wait and watch. Sure she wasn't much of a fighter, but she wasn't going to get better or stronger if she was always forced to sit around and wait for the others to do all the work, and getting stronger was something that she really needed right now. This probably wasn't the best way of going about it, but if the council was going to let her in the field she at least wished she had been given the privilege of doing something and not just waiting around. At least they had some sort of mission to do and it would be helpful, especially since she relied a lot on magic.

    "Alright, stay safe." Tinarah told the other group before averting her gaze sighing quietly as she turned to Frozone. She got the feeling that he didn't overly like her, so she would have to be careful with going about this, probably keep her mouth shut about it for the most part though Qamar was already questioning leadership herself. "I think the idea is following Mr. Frozone's lead." Tinarah tried to tell Qamar. It wasn't a problem if they wanted another leader from their own team but at the same time this was his world, his friend, so why should they take lead? There was no point to it and it was a waste of time debating it. They should just get a move on and get going sooner rather than later so they could deal with the magic thing before whatever fight was to be had could go too south.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
  13. Aelin

    "Perhaps you would have more energy if you stopped sleeping at your desk." Everette retorted as he turned to look at Samuel, flexing his hand and clenching it, so the writing on his hand was covered."I am fine, I am just scared that if I wait for anything too long I am going to forget. I already can't really remember how we are supposed to get to the river, I know we have to go there and was told where to go but I don't know how. We can't afford to be wasting time this mission, not with so many people sick." He sighed before going back to what he was doing. "How about you, are you okay, you have been working a lot. Are you holding up okay?"

    Taking the flute from the girl, Thea looked up to the girl and thought for a moment. "I think that we should trust her. Of course see the kids, but the mayor was giving me creepy vibes. And isn't it strange how protective the girl was? She kept looking over my shoulder and not letting me do stuff." Thea went off about her thoughts though she knew her reasoning wasn't really solid it was just a thought that she had. Either way both Zephyr and Gavin wanted to see the kids first so that seemed like the direction that they were going to go.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Boreas addressed her and Tinarah had to force herself to look at the man. She was starting to get used to having him and Torrin around and not against her, but she still felt uncomfortable with it. "If we went sooner they wouldn't have as much time to set up a trap. Perhaps we could have gotten an upper hand." Tinarah then sighed as she thought of something else. "I heard it mentioned that it was those goggles that controlled Mr. Incredible. If we destroy them it would free Mr. Incredible. All it would take is one thing out of place and we might stand a chance. Or at least delay the inevitable." Like when she questioned Torrin instead of blindly following into battle. Though according to him after nearly a month he nearly finished taking them out, but that fight, for that one fight Torrin's side lost and she had given the Keyblade Wielders a chance to get the upper hand. If they managed to get Mr. Incredible to even stop and turn for a moment, it might cause confusion enough to get the upper hand. It was a long shot, but they could at least try given there was only so many options now, and in the end they had to run in there regardless. There was no more waiting around, they had to do something and soon.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 30, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    With no more heartless to kill, Karina took a quick look around and noticed what Finlay was up to. "For Christ Sakes Finlay, I can't look away for one battle can I? Stop trying to kill the pet and maybe focus more on the heartless. Steel is harmless enough, and if he needs another good beating I can handle that. This is not what I brought you for!" Karina yelled at Finaly not forgetting the big fight with Steel they had when entering the realm of Darkness either.
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    The silence from Arctus wasn't sitting well. Yes she was talking to Luna before, but it seemed like Arctus always had something to say. Whenever she looked at him he didn't seem so involved in the battle that he couldn't talk. Not a single witty comment from him? It just didn't feel right. That being said she couldn't complain too much about that. Usually he was just annoying, it was kind of sad that she missed his annoying voice. Rolling her eyes she tried not to think about it too much as she turned her attention back to the heartless. They were almost done but she had a feeling that this wouldn't be the end. Looking around for her team Karina called out to all of them. "Hey Black Coats." She didn't know what else to say to get the attention of those following after her lead, it was the best she got. Karina figured that the SoS people already knew, so she wanted to make sure that everyone was prepared and that she would be able to bring everyone back alive. "Remember this Son of a ***** can summon more of these things. The battle isn't over until he is dead, so don't get to comfortable yet. There is a fight still ahead of us yet. Watch your backs." She called out over the heartless to everyone who would listen to her. It was important for them to know and be prepared for it because she was determined to make sure they lost no one else.

    With that covered there was still a fight that she needed to deal with herself as she moved ever closer to Uniform. Sure she was sure that the over sized out going man could deal with Uniform himself. He was one of the order after all. It wasn't the reason that Karina was heading in that direction. She was heading over there because she wanted to face him again. She had thought she was over him when he ran away, but now that he was threatening her friends this wasn't over. It was her fight once again. She would be there when he fell, even if it was not by her own hand. He would see the burning determination in her eyes, see that she wasn't going to let him get the better of her. His words got under her skin sure but it wasn't going to stop her, very little would stop her now. Not when she was so far into this. This far into her new life, leaving her past behind. He could talk all he wanted but she wasn't going to sit down and wait for him to come for her. she wasn't going to wait to die, not when there was still a fight to be hand. It was all that she was good at after all may as well go for it.

    Thankfully this round was almost over. She knew that the heartless would come again but if she could just get a moment to breath properly then she would be able to fight once more. They were almost at that point. She could get there if she tried a little more. Taking on her favoured ability once more she used Zantetsuken to get herself going once more. It was one last attempt and after she burst through the heartless, Aislinn fell to one knee as she breathed. Her eyes closed for a moment. "I will keep going. For Sarah and her family. I can do this." She told herself but for the time being she didn't get up, didn't try to fight again as she let the others finish the battle.

    Total Words: 614
    EXP: 60
    Total EXP: 3840

    Aislinn Heartless Defeated:
    18 Neoshadows

    Karina Heartless Defeated:
    6 Neoshadows
    2 Darkball

    Enemies Remaining:
    25 Neoshadows
    38 Darkballs
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    Having finished yelling at Luna Karina turned around letting most of the rest of her rage out on the heartless around her. They stood between her and her target after all and that was not okay. Sure she yelled at Luna but that was not the object of her rage, it was the mad man who was summoning all of these bastards to their doorstep. She wasn't going to let him get away with this, that was not okay in her mind. On top of that she did have a score to settle. Perhaps Karina had gone too light on him, perhaps becoming a little like her father wasn't a bad thing when it came to the fact of dealing with those out of line. She had tried to change but he was making things hard. Perhaps, just maybe if she got rid of that block in her way she could indeed become a person to be proud of. That being said she now finally had someone who accepted her for her, so perhaps change wasn't as needed as she had thought it was. Without the ever present loneliness, perhaps she could be okay with herself, or perhaps not. Karina couldn't quite figure out where she sat with it given she was never good with anything that didn't have to do with anger and violence. She had once upon a time tried to be a normal person, slip into her role in life. That only brought pain, fear and failure. Every time she tried to do something she failed at it and earned her fathers wrath. The one thing she was good at was fighting, and that was not a skill for girls. She escaped and trained it to the point she saw herself becoming her father. When she tried to back off Karina found herself lost and that was where she was now. Unsure how to deal with anything and everything. She was scared of being weak and she was scared of becoming her father. Finding the middle between that felt like an impossible task. Now looking back at Arctus she wondered if she even needed to try. If he was accepting her as she was, perhaps she was not as bad as she thought she was in her own mind. That being said, her mind was a volatile unpredictable thing that she couldn't trust either thinking good or bad thought. Everything she thought of turned in to an unsure mess as was the case now, leaving her instead to lose herself in the battle rage that quickly had crept up on her.

    Breath... just breath. She just needed to take the time to breath, though the heartless were not really allowing it. Every breath she took, Aislinn could see the heartless closing in on her. She had to keep fighting, had to do something, she wasn't going to die here. Taking one more breath Aislinn stepped forward, not launching herself into the attacks like usual, but instead stepping forward dealing single swings at the time, just enough to keep the heartless back a bit. Breathing heavily Aislinn quickly got a feeling for how many more she would have to deal with before continuing her fight in a slow manner. It bothered her she was slowing down the way she did, but there was no choice, there was no way that she could keep this up, Aislinn wasn't that stupid. If she launched herself into battle every time she started to feel tired, she would soon find herself taking a dirt nap. This was the best way to keep up with the battle.

    Total Words: 604
    EXP: 60
    Total EXP: 3780

    Aislinn Heartless Defeated:
    18 Neoshadows

    Karina Heartless Defeated:
    6 Neoshadows
    2 Darkball

    Enemies Remaining:
    61 Neoshadows
    73 Darkballs
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    As Karina stormed off, emotions clouding her own judgement, she had not noticed the attack from behind, it was only the quick thinking and attention of Luna that managed to save her. Karina was left, mouth agape for a moment as she contemplated what had just happened. She had already convinced herself that no one cared for her, so she was ready to move on, anger already filling her heart, but here stood Luna, turning back to help her, caring what happened. It had honestly caught Karina by surprise, as she turned, not actually able to make eye contact with the girl at this point. "I'm... fine. No damage done thanks to you." No physical damage at least, though Karina was still confused and unsure of what to make of the entire situation as she found herself just staring blankly for a moment before managing to snap herself out of it. Luna was trying to make excuses, but they were pathetic ones. Of course she didn't want to lose him again, but what did she think would happen? He would magically suddenly be able to use the keyblade and become a master so he could travel with them? No that was not how the world worked. "What did you think would happen Luna? Were you just going to run off, abandon all your friends, all the worlds you have helped just to go hide with him? Of course not, you are too nice to leave people to die and fight on their own. You know as well as I do that Koa isn't suited to go with you through whatever trials you all must face next, and you certainly are not suited for where I have been. You took the Mark of Mastery to get out of the realm of darkness, so don't throw that chance away. He is fine, I have seen him fight, he can hold his own and he isn't alone. I know god damn well that I should be the last person saying this, but you have to try trusting other people for once if you want to see him again, running away or dragging him with you are worse idea's than letting him walk his own path until this entire mess is dealt with. I don't know if Nequa is dead, I hope so but without a body, I am not going to assume anything, and Vanitis and Aux are still out there. That is just the start of our troubles. We can't just walk away from the paths we have chosen for one familiar face, so you will just have to learn to deal with it." Karina kind of snapped at Luna. She knew what she was saying, meant every word of it, but also knew that there was nicer ways that she could have said it. What was done was done though, and trying to be nice was never something Karina was good at, it was better to be blunt, she would deal with the consequences later.

    Ananta had gone off to help Steel, which was probably for the best, but once more Aislinn found herself feeling more alone in the fight. She wasn't the only one fighting alone, she knew that well enough but it was always nice having someone there to watch your back. Without it it left Aislinn twirling in circles, trying to cover from attacks on all sides. Unfortunately that wasn't possible and while she was holding her own well enough, it left her with a few scrapes and bruises. If nothing else it was nothing serious enough to stop her from fighting. She simply had to learn to shrug off the pain and keep going.

    Total Words: 617
    EXP: 60
    Total EXP: 3720

    Aislinn Heartless Defeated:
    18 Neoshadows

    Karina Heartless Defeated:
    6 Neoshadows
    2 Darkball

    Enemies Remaining:
    101 Neoshadows
    109 Darkballs
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    Aislinn supposed that it was fair enough that Stratos was moving on to deal with helping more people, but it still left her feeling a little lonely as he moved on and she was left to fight more or less on her own in that side of things. While it was fine, she could handle it, it wasn't the first thing that she wanted to do. Besides it providing entertainment it also provided reason to fight. A person to protect other than herself. While Sarah wasn't there, Aislinn began to imagine her sisters smile. She imagined the reason behind her strength, someone to fight for. At this point it wasn't fighting to protect her or make her life easier. Aislinn was fighting to return to her sister. She knew that Sarah wouldn't be able to handle it if she never returned. She knew how heart broken her sister would be if she died here on this battle field. That was her reason to fight. It wasn't for her own sake even though it was fighting to keep herself alive, she was doing it for others. Just that thought helped give Aislinn focus. With that in mind she was able to look Stratos straight in the eye and offer him a nod. "Yeah, you stay safe too, and show them how it is done." Aislinn encouraged Stratos, though she knew Aux really didn't need to be shown up by anyone, it would still be entertaining to watch from a distance at the very least.

    Flipping over top one of the Neoshadows, Aislinn sliced at it's back getting a second wind.... or a third wind... or a fourth. At this point she wasn't quite sure which one she was at or how she was doing, honestly she was just going for it. Moving around the side of another group of them Aislinn pounded one heartless into several more before summoning her keyblade back to her and using it to charge her way through the next grouping. There was now some gaps in the defenses of the Neoshadows. Not enough that Aislinn could consider it time for a break, but enough that she was gaining confidence that there would be an end to this coming in a relatively short amount of time. If she kept up the pace that she was going, there would be no issues dealing with the heartless, hopefully opening a path for them to deal with the man who was creating the heartless, though that was a big if.

    Karina would never admit that she was upset, though her attacks lost some of the flare they had before and degraded mainly into harsh fast slashes with her whip as she tore through the heartless. As one got too close to her, Karina didn't even try and use her weapon, instead using her already clenched fist to punch it. When it fell prone, she took advantage of that as well as she stomped on it's face. Sure it wasn't nearly as effective as a proper attack and it took a little longer, but it still did the job and get some of Karina's anger out, though that was very little considering how good she had been behaving. It had been long enough that since she had last had a full on fit, that she had a lot of pent up rage that she was more than happy to take out on the heartless. Even as she did her eyes were still glued on Uniform fighting Shiro in the distance. While it wouldn't be right away, she was going to get over there and kill that over confident son-of-a-bitch.

    Total Words: 608
    EXP: 60
    Total EXP: 3660

    Aislinn Heartless Defeated:
    18 Neoshadows

    Karina Heartless Defeated:
    6 Neoshadows
    2 Darkball

    Enemies Remaining:
    277 Neoshadows
    358 Darkballs
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    Watching Luna start to walk off, Karina wondered if it was something that she had said. For once in her life she wasn't actually attempting to chase anyone off, but she sat there and watched as Luna started walking away in the direction of Koa, Hikaru and the red haired boy that she couldn't quite figure out who he was still. She had at least seen the other two before she had left with Lea, this boy was a complete mystery to her though. Luna seemed to be a little upset and Karina couldn't figure out what she had done this time. Sure she deserved it for plenty of times before, but having come back and just watching people who once were her friends, or acquaintances anyways, walk away from her instead of fighting at her side. Perhaps she had created a greater gap between her and everyone else than she had originally thought. Karina had never let herself think about it before, convinced herself it didn't matter, instead filling her head with thoughts of power, but now that she had given that up, she realized how lonely she really was. Sure Arctus was at her back now, but part of her had hoped when she came back to save her friends, that they would be excited to see her. Instead Ananta and Luna stopped by for short periods of time while the rest gave her a cold shoulder while they went about talking to each other and fighting along side those they were closer with. Perhaps she had put more distance between herself and everyone else than she though.

    Turning away Karina focused her attention towards the direction that Uniform was, watching him closely as she fought through the heartless. If no one else cared she was there, she wouldn't care for them, instead dealing with the heartless until she made her way over to her one true goal, made her way over and killed Uniform. It would just be a small step in the direction that she was heading. He was the first person to kill if she was going to kill her past and move on with her life. She had learned that strength alone she couldn't do it, but apparently she couldn't rely on friends all that well either, so determination had to be the answer. Instead of running and hoping it went away, she would simply have to face it head on and go to whatever ends to deal with it, starting with the pain that thought it a good idea to get on her bad side by constantly bringing up the past that she was trying to leave behind. One day... eventually she would get to her father.

    Aislinn continued to think back to her life at home learning about the keyblade and those first days after her parents death. However hard this battle was, it was nothing compared to the struggles of getting her life started again, getting up every morning and making lunch for her and her sister. It was those times that she learned what strength really was. It was the ability to keep moving when things seemed like they were impossible. It was that same strength that Aislinn carried into battle with her. Sure she was physically strong for the most part, but it was how she carried herself, the inner strength that she knew was important and the reason that she could get her way through things. As long as she had that strength, even as her body tired she could still fight to the very end. There was no laying down and waiting to die for her, that was not an option, she couldn't let it be with something like this.

    Total Words: 623
    EXP: 60
    Total EXP: 3600

    Aislinn Heartless Defeated:
    18 Neoshadows

    Karina Heartless Defeated:
    6 Neoshadows
    1 Darkball

    Heartless injured
    Neoshadow 1/15

    Enemies Remaining:
    308 Neoshadows
    401 Darkballs
    Post by: Aelin, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena