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  1. Aelin
    As they managed to make their way away from the creatures, Qamar seemed to be doing a bit better. They found safety when Frozone created a thick wall of ice between them and the helping hats, that was good, they could stand a chance now, take a moment to breath and make sure that Qamar was on her own two feet. Or at least that was the idea until they came across Mr Incredible soon after. Of course the woman would have him protecting her. "Alright Qamar you are going to have to stand on your own." Tinarah informed as she moved Qamar's arm from around her shoulder, summoning her keyblade as soon as she was free to do so.

    "Damn it looks like there is no avoiding this." Tinarah mumbled as she looked at Mr. Incredible standing in the way. It would have been so much easier to just attack the woman, but that wasn't an option if she couldn't get to her. She supposed it was time to try something out. Music hummed around her, emitted from her necklace. Ice spread down her keyblade and a faint blue glow surrounded her being as Tinarah looked up towards Mr. Incredible. Without her full magic she wouldn't be able to do much with this, but it was something, it gave her a step ahead and she would take it.

    It would take using her magic sparely but she felt like she could do more now that she had entered her drive form. Part of Tinarah feared what would come from this attack, she wasn't in the best shape, sure she was doing better than most but not perfect. Starting off she attempted to aim passed Mr. Incredible with her magic bullets from her keyblade. She didn't know if it would work but it was worth a try. From there she took her keyblade and took a swipe at the man she didn't actually want to hurt.
    "Sorry Mr. Incredible, but we need to get passed somehow." Tinarah told him as she swiped at him. Hopefully they wouldn't have to do too much before they could move and attack the real target.
    Tinarah went into Magic Dance Drive
    Tinarah aimed her bullets at Mezmerella
    Did the rest of her damage to Mr. Incredible

    HP: 17/60
    MP: 10/20
    AP: 8/38
    DP: 0/3
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Aelin
    Well at least their target was dead and Arctus took a lot more pride in that than any normal person should. Either way she waited until he was done his gloating and turned back to her, wordlessly until he spoke to her. "My way works fine, or as fine as journaling would." She informed him before turning to look at Uniform. "You say that like there is ever a break from trials and hardship. When you find one that we can talk normally, let me know. For now I have a bigger issue to deal with." Karina then turned away from Arctus and started to run over towards Uniform. "This is my fight." She claimed as she neared and prepared her weapon to attack him.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Aelin
    Karina stopped, stopped fighting, and just looked at Arctus. "I don't write... but I do have my own ways of coping. Though I don't know where the hell it is anymore." She stated to him not knowing how to deal with what he had said next, she looked away from him before responding to him again. "Maybe it wasn't but I don't know what it meant. At the time I just wanted to stop the random jabbering but why I used a kiss. I don't know. I just don't know anything anymore okay? Everything has been a mess since I lost use of my keyblade, so leave it at that." He wouldn't, she knew he wouldn't, and perhaps it was for the best, perhaps he would have a solution for her own mind, but for now she just... she was breaking and Arctus wasn't helping. Perhaps it was what she needed, to break before she could rebuild, but she didn't know how to handle it at this moment, it just kind of left her stunned.

    Demon Tide Blue: 50/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Aelin
    "Write a book on all the people who want to kill me because I am a rebellious little shit of a daughter who didn't like her role in society. Sounds like a great idea." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she responded. "But yes plenty has happened, doesn't make it interesting, just annoying to deal with." Karina responded to him. The topic had her back in a foul mood, but because of that she was at the very least putting more effort into her attacks and doing a lot more for this fight. She just wanted it done with so she could set her eyes on her real target right now.

    Demon Tide Blue: 350/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Aelin
    "Cute you think my past is actually interesting." Karina seemed to turn dark at that thought as she let out a rain of attacks on the demon tide before turning back to Arctus, her eyes cold and hollow again. "There is nothing interesting about the train wreck that is my past except the fact apparently I can't just walk away from it." She glared back over at Uniform, oh how she itched to fight him again. She wanted to kill him so bad... or perhaps she was actually a masochist. Every time she got near him he just brought nothing but pain and yet here she was wishing she was fighting him instead of these heartless. Perhaps she just liked having a reason to be angry. Karina didn't even know anymore. She didn't understand her own mind at this point, all she knew was that the anger seemed to keep her going and this little bit of enjoyment she was having talking with Arctus was so foreign that she was longing for a reason to just hate someone again.

    Demon Tide Blue: 650/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Aelin
    It crossed her mind to go over to Koa and kiss him just to make a point, but even Karina wasn't that mean and she didn't feel like dealing with the mess that would be Luna after. So instead she just looked at Arctus as he commented about going back to call it blue, like his soul. "And what makes you say your soul is so blue? I wouldn't think you would care about that." She prodded him a little bit. Honestly she barely knew anything about this guy, perhaps some insight into him would be nice, but she wasn't going to push it too hard, instead just letting things lay where they fell. After all this was probably the most nice... ish words she had spoken to another human ever.

    Demon Tide Blue: 950/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Aelin
    Karina shrugged. "I mean in some ways they are kind of cute when they aren't trying to kill you, but yeah I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to actually make one as a stuffed animal to sell. Then again, bears only ever try and kill you and there is a lot of stuff bears." Karina reasoned as they continued their fight. Arctus continued his talking and he made some okay points and some weird comments. "I don't think colours will make this any more interesting. but if you want I can make this demon tide red." Suddenly red engulfed the entire thing. "Is that better? Or should I just make you turn a different colour instead, maybe that would be more entertaining. What do you think of green, you know for envy?"

    Demon Tide Chartreuse: 1,250/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Aelin
    "I mean I might be able to train it, but not while we are fighting hoards of the damn things. Unfortunately I don't have time for that, and I would rather the person summoning them not to have ultimate control over them and ruin my life in my sleep." Karina shot a glance at Uniform. She didn't put it past him to do such things. He liked his dirty tricks it seemed. Perhaps once this was over she would try but she doubted it would work. Now Karina felt just as crazy as Arctus even considering this, she was supposed to be destroying these things, and that is what she turned her attention back to.

    Demon Tide Blue: 1,550/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Aelin
    Karina hadn't remembered the last time she had laughed as much as she had this battle with Arctus, and this just took the cake as she burst out laughing. "Are you kidding me? I might be inclined to take it if it wouldn't try and rip my face off the moment I took him from you." Karina pointed out taking no moving to take the heartless from him. The thing wasn't tame it would want her dead all the time and she didn't know what he was thinking she would do with it. A pet perhaps? What in the world made him think it would be a good pet? Either way there was a lot more where that came from still trying to kill them, so her attention was forced back to the battle as she fended off a couple attacks before making a few more of her own.

    Demon Tide Blue: 1,850/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Aelin
    Oh that was bad, but at least he was trying. As much as Karina tried to be broody and keep a straight face she didn't know how in this case and just looked away from him for a moment to hide her amusement. "Well at least you aren't completely broken anymore. At least you can talk now." She retorted as she watched him fight. At least, most importantly he was fighting again, that was what they needed to do. They just needed to get through this and protect the SoS people. She had traveled too long with them to watch them die here. When it was her turn, she didn't do anything nearly as extravagant as before but Karina did throw out a fire ball that seared at only the edge of the demon tide, her real damage came from her bursting through the flames and hitting them straight on with strength based attacks. Soon she landed on the other side and found herself facing Arctus once more.

    Demon Tide Blue: 2,150/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Aelin
    Rolling her eyes once more, Karina cracked a little bit of a smile. "Sorry I don't like men who sulk to get their way. I would rather just show them up." She let the fire ripple forth as it coated the whip. It was almost like there was fire in Karina's eyes as she turned her attention from Arctus to the Demon Tide. Suddenly with a flair that seemed to be radiating from Karina herself, she was launching at the heartless slashing several times in a row at the tower of heartless before she dropped to the ground, standing in front of the heartless, focusing her breath, the firey energy slowly retreating as she looked back over at Arctus smiling in the slightest, a wicked challenging smile.

    Demon Tide Blue: 2,450/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Aelin
    Not good, this was not good. Seeing how much they seemed to be ganging up on Qamar, and without the use of her magic, Tinarah got a little nervous and took Frozone's advice. Letting her keyblade dissipate she ran over to Qamar grabbing the girls arm and swinging it over her shoulder as she started to follow behind. "Come on lets get you out of here." Tinarah said softly as she tried to bring Qamar further towards where safety would hopefully await them soon after. Glancing aroudn she looked to see how everyone else was doing. Much to her surprise it seemed that she was one of the few who were better off, meaning she would have to be ready to protect everyone else since she could. Even then she was not in the best shape to be dealing with things herself, but she would try if she had to.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Aelin
    Well this was a change of pace from what had been happening as two large Darksides loomed over them and a couple demon tides started swirling around themselves ready to attack. It seemed almost natural as the groups divided readying for the fight, Aislinn just assigning herself to one of them, seeing wherever she was needed. Looking at her group she nodded at them, they all knew what they were doing. Watching Kel do his special attack she decided that it was a good idea. "I think I might just follow your lead Kel." Aislinn smirked as she prepared her stance and time seemed to slow as she came from another angle at the Darkside using Zantetsuken herself.

    Aislinn used Zantetsuken.

    Oh dear he was sulking if his attacks said anything about what was going on. Sighing Karina just shook her head. There was no winning with this boy, were guys always this difficult? She had spent her entire life being pissy at them that he never really realized how hard they were to deal with. She normally just avoided them. "Are you going to sulk the rest of the fight now?" Karina asked over her shoulder as she laid into the Demon tide once more.

    Demon Tide Blue: 2,750/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Aelin
    Well at least finally Arctus seemed to get his mind together enough to start fighting again, and he shut up, so it seemed the mission accomplished. That being said, now that she thought about it, she started to worry about how this would come back for her later. She didn't mind the kiss or anything, but she had done it just to get him to stop talking and claimed to mean nothing. That wasn't entirely true but now she didn't know how Arctus was going to go about this when he got his mind about him. For now in his current stated there was no use worrying about it as she blasted it with fire, jumping back, now trying to avoid Arctus's gaze.

    Demon Tide Blue: 3,050/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Aelin
    Oh this was too good, this was great to watch Arctus stutter and try to call her out. It wasn't working so well. "Yes I am a female, glad you noticed." She retorted. "Try not to slobber too much we are still in the middle of a fight." Walking past Karina reached over and pushed Arctus's chin up trying to get him to close his mouth. Well he certainly stopped talking but now he was pretty useless. There just was no winning was there? Either way she could carry his dead ass around if she had to and deal with the demon tides herself.

    Demon TIde Blue: 3,350/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Aelin
    "I think I got that handled now." Karina called over to Aeira with a bit of a smirk hearing the stammering from Arctus. She couldn't help but smile a little bit at that, keeping her face away from him until she had dealt with the demon tower a little more before turning back to Arctus. "What happened to that random string of words you had a moment ago. I thought you were supposed to be the big strong Arctus. One meaningless kiss is going to be your undoing?" Meaningless might not have been the entire truth but she would pretend for the time being just to see how much she could get under his skin now that he was left agape not able to form words.

    Demon Tide Blue: 3,650/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Aelin
    What... what was this guy on? What was going on in that mind of his? Without an answer but desperate to get him at least making sense again, Karina sighed and did something that she never thought she would do even days ago. Dropping her whip blade she walked up to Arctus, grabbed his face in her hands and planted a kiss right on his lips. After a moment she broke away and without a word turned around picking her weapon back up and heading back into the fight. She snuck a glance over her shoulder though, wondering how he was going to respond to that. Karina herself was blushing slightly but she tried to push it off like it was nothing as she purposefully let her hips sway with a sort of swagger to help pretend that she was more confident about what just happened than she actually was.

    Demon Tide Blue: 3,950/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Aelin
    Rolling her eyes she grinned a little bit. "What is there to be jealous of. I mean they have everything you don't have. They are cute, quiet, fighting spirit. What is not to love about them. How can I possible be jealous. You just want me to be because you seem to like it when I am angry. Nice try lover boy but I have a secret for you, I am always angry." With that she patted him on the cheek and then took off to fight more of the heartless. If they could get rid of this tide, then they could move on to the other one and eliminate the danger for those who had to fight the bigger creatures.

    Red Demon Tide: 4,260/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Aelin
    "Do you just like hearing yourself talk or are you crazy. I mean sure Shadows CAN be cute, but not when they are giant swirling masses of death." Karina responded to Arctus rolling her eyes at him. "We really should kick ass first and deal with everything else later." Karina agreed as she launched herself forward at the demon tide ready to deal with that as well. They were easier to deal with than Arctus, he was just.... strange. She didn't know what to do with him, it felt like she had a lost dog running around with her.

    Red Demon Tide: 4,410/5,000
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Aelin
    It wasn't long after they had gotten Auburn a seat to look at her wounds that she had passed out on them. That much blood loss was taking a toll on the small girls body and it was considered lucky that she managed to stay with it for as long as she did. It wasn't until shortly after she got moved to a room to rest that she began to come to once more, pain killers now in her system to help with everything. Waking up, Auburn slowly sat up as a nurse ushered her to lay back down as to not bother the stitches. "It is okay sweetie we are going to find out what is happening with your family soon. Your brother is right there. Do you see him?" She pointed to a small crib set up in the corner of her room and Auburn nodded at the woman choosing not to speak, but instead watching her brother, thankful that he was alright.
    Post by: Aelin, Apr 4, 2018 in forum: Retirement Home