"Put things right... Yeah I am going to kill the *******. He doesn't deserve life." Karina sneered. She had gotten past standing up to her father, now it was time to just deal with him once and for all. Karina truly believed that there was nothing good about her father. And then he asked about her mother and Karina barked a bitter laugh. "No, she was around and the perfect example of what my father thought woman should be. No better than a servant, following what he told her, never leaving the house. Submissive even when he would be her, or me. She would back him up, not m,e when he decided I was a bad daughter and thought the only fix for things was to make sure I was better trained at doing chores and being what they thought I should be. Funny thing is, no one would bat an eye if I said this back home. That is just the way things were, and when one refuses to conform, well I may as well have committed murder in their eyes." There was no amusement even though she laughed a little. It was a bitter time, bitter memories and she could do nothing but fake a laugh as she turned and stabbed into the darkside once more. Darkside Blue: 3000/5000 Darkside Red: 1600/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000
Was the girl mocking her? Or did she really believe that what they were doing was right. Did she really think that this was the right way to go? Did what the Light Chaser do to her and Aria not show that he wasn't good? "Just trying to help? You are just trying to help, that was why you were holding Aria with you despite her wanting to be with her friends. That is why you guys kidnapped me, sent me into a realm to convince me my brother betrayed my trust and tried to kill me. Threw me into a time where most people I would know wouldn't be alive. Let me make a connection and learn from a man only to use it against us later, after sending me to what could have very easily been my doom if it wasn't for Gero. Sewing seeds of distrust so bad that I can barely look at half my own friends. And when Gero saved me, brought me back, he tracked me and tried to kill two of three people that meant everything to me! He attacked them and thanked me for the help. And you call that doing the right thing? If you do then there is something seriously twisted with you." Tinarah stated her eyes watering as she stared down the girl. Boreas and Illiana both started to yell at her about her orders and she flinched away from them. Clearly the yelling got to her and she was kind of shying away from them. The nicest words that she heard out of everyone was from the same girl that she was just yelling at, begging her to get out of the way of this fight. But they were right her fight was not with these two, though she did have hell out for Koa, but right now they had to save the world. "Fine. Fine." There was tears sliding down her face, whether it was from what she was yelling at Chrys about, or if it was from the yelling from Illiana and Boreas, it wasn't quite clear, but shaking off and walking a healthy distance from her brother, Tinarah started to deal with the issue at hand, the heartless that were swarming the world. She had to save this world, and because she was upset and annoyed, the people still came first because if she couldn't fight to make things better for others she couldn't fight at all. HP: 75/75 AP: 52 MP: 30/30 DP: 1/3 Heartless Defeated: 3 Neoshadows 5 Shadows Heartless Remaining: 395 Shadows 130 Darkballs 77 Neoshadows 130 Yellow Operas 130 Red Nocturnes 130 Blue Rhapsodies
"I would rather do the test than be stuck without a weapon. Besides I didn't know it would turn out like that." Karina counter argued with Arctus. He didn't understand, how could he? He then brought up daddy issues. "He is a terrible person. Too full of himself, and too proud to see that his way was not the only way and that tradition didn't mean things were right. If you don't conform you die. Simple as that." Karina informed him. Her voice though monotone, seemed to be hiding something. She rarely sounded sad, but when there was no emotion at all, it was a clear sign that something was wrong. She was past anger at this point and now was left with a deep pain that she refused to face and chose to turn off her emotions instead to fight some heartless that never stood a chance in the first place. Darkside Blue: 3400/5000 Darkside Red: 2600/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4600/5000
Barely reunited with their friends, Torrin was already sending them off in different directions to deal with the heartless and buy time for Thallasa to seal the keyhole. However they weren't able to get that far with that before others started to pop down in front of them, some of which Tinarah recognized, others in which called for Aria. Her eyes rested on a brown haired boy, one of the first faces she had seen after passing out all those years ago. He had saved her but also took her from her friends and let the Light Chaser send her off. They were the ones that had held Aria and took her away from them, and now they were back to do the same thing once more. Tinarah knew that she was supposed to be fighting the heartless, but she couldn't bring herself to do that, not when these people were here in front of her. Tears in her eyes, Tinarah moved forward, trying to place herself between Aria and the Chasers. "You will not take her again. I won't let you!" Tinarah almost shouted at them as she held her ground. While she was nervous and shaking slightly. She had seen the power of their master and it was truly frightening. She couldn't imagine what his students could do, but Tinarah was not going to let them get away with trying to take Aria away. "Just leave us alone already! Why are you so insistent on tormenting us?" Tinarah asked them as she continued to stand her ground. If any of them moved to take Aria, then Tinarah would fight, but she was too frightened to make the first move.
While she was not comfortable going with Boreas, Tinarah prepared to leave, haven taken up a seat on his keyblade glider. Before they could set off though darkness filled the sky and a long forgotten dread filled her. The last time she had seen this happen was five years before... or days, depending on who you asked. Either way Tinarah knew it as trouble. It was when something similar had happened that they had lost Aria for the first time. She returned to them, but the world was nearly lost, only to be saved by the Light Chaser. Even that though, Tinarah was not quite sure about everything that she had been told by him now. Boreas decided that they were taking off and heading for the others, and Tinarah didn't argue. They landed near where the other group was, and Tinarah summoned her keyblade as she stood from the glider. Boreas suggested fighting, but Tinarah was not sure if they should. Last time they had to run because not even Choma and Atmos were able to stop what was coming. That being said she wasn't going to sit there and cower if others were fighting. Not ever going too far from the glider, Tinarah took a fighting stance, once more settling on what Torrin had taught her to defend herself if need be. "I don't think we can fight it." Tinarah said quietly but it wasn't her call to make.
Did he really have to say his favourite animal. At least he moved on to a new subject, though this one not that much better than the last. This time he was asking about more sensitive information, about her keyblade and how she lost it. Pausing for a moment she stared at Arctus, sighing trying to get her thoughts in line. She was never going to get stronger if she hid from everything that hurt. "Basically we lost it due to some reset of heart or whatever. I don't totally understand that part. That being said it is strength of heart that unlocks the keyblade and we were sent into illusions to get our keyblades back. In mine I saw my father, failed to face him or save someone sent to help me, and nearly died. I didn't have the strength to keep it so it rejected me." She explained turning back to the Darkside, trying to hide the pain. Darkside Red: 3400/5000 Darkside Blue: 3800/5,000 Darkside Yellow: 4800/5000
Scoffing at the response, Karina rolled her eyes. "I don't think I have thought about what my favourite colour is since I was five. So I would say I don't have one." She replied to him as she turned around and slashed at the Darkside. "So is there anything important that you want to talk about or just ask what my favourite animal is next?" Karina scorned Arctus. Darkside Red: 3600/5000 Darkside Blue: 4,200/5,000 Darkside Yellow: 4800/5000
Aislinn used Zantetsuken
"As I said if we ever find a break to talk normally." Karina repeated herself as darksides rose up around them, cutting off the path to Uniform. "Damn it." She cursed under her breath as she glared at the new Darksides blocking her from her target. "Damn coward, always hiding behind heartless.!" Karina screamed out at Uniform before turning to what was in her way. "Guess we just have to make this go more quickly this time. So we can deal with him before he decides to summon more like the coward he is." Karina muttered to Arctus clearly in a more fowl mood than before as now she was also soaking wet on top of having more heartless to fight. Turning her anger into something useful Karina attacked the Dakeside in front of her and Arctus. Darkside Blue: 4,600/5,000
Listening to the conversation, Thea agreed, they had to save Selena as soon as possible. But instead of going to help her, Gavin thought that sounded like a bad idea. He then continued to ask her to stay hidden instead of helping. Thea turned around and looked at her own teammate dead in the eye. "No!" She stomped her foot as heat radiated off of her. "I will not wait around and stay hidden. We have to save Selena. I am not a child, I am just as strong as any of you! I can fight as well. I want to go to that spider lady and stop her from taking the children. I am just as much a member of this guild so stop treating me like a child!" Thea shouted at Gavin before she turned and gave the flute back to Izra. After she yelled at Gavin, she turned around and walked away from where they were all staying. She knew that she was getting dangerous. She could feel the fire boiling beneath her skin, and at this rate she would need an excuse to expend the magical energy. Hopefully it could be used for good, hopefully they could get moving and she could use her magic to save Selena. But if Gavin wanted to argue with her more, she couldn't promise that she wouldn't accidentally do the wrong thing. Everette followed close behind the chief to where they were going. As they neared Town Hall, Chief Yolvun got some water and showed it to Everette. The colour was very off. "This isn't anything natural. It isn't even possible. We.... There has to be someone causing this, and I don't think it is safe to face this on my own. While it shouldn't be impossible for me to handle on my own, there is no reason not to have back up. I am going to start searching the streets for any sign of strange people, someone who might cause this. Head back to the inn, Sam and Conrad should be there. Depending on how Renza is doing, send them to find me. We are dealing with this tonight. No time to wait." Everette told the Chief, hoping this was going to be the best course of action.
As Qamar placed a hand on her shoulder, Tinarah shied away slightly before the girl walked off without much of a word to her. It left things still awkward, given she wasn't necessarily on the best terms with Qamar and Tinarah could never quite figure out how to handle the girl. Every time Tinarah seemed to try and do something, Qamar suddenly came up and took whatever she was doing away, treating her like she was not even there, only to later come around and seem to not understand why that was upsetting. It was getting on Tinarah's nerves, given all that Tinarah was trying to do and the steps back she got pushed every time she tried to take a step forward and Qamar showed up. Perhaps the girl didn't actually mean to do it, but none the less she still always ended up coming in and messing something up on Tinarah. Thankfully it was time to go however soon after. No so thankfully as they exited the underground there was a group of people starting to surround them and question them. She caught the sound of someone saying Black and White Beauty and Tinarah wondered if they were talking to her. It was all so overwhelming she took a step back, trying to retreat, though they were given no room to do such thing. She once tries to open her mouth to try and ask if they would go away, but nothng came from her lips as people pushed in closer. Soon though she felt a hand on her shoulder, this one a little bigger and stronger than Qamar's. Peaking back over her shoulder her brother stood there, telling her to ride with Boreas out of there. Glancing over at the man who seemed to actually be engaging in conversation with the reporters, Tinarah didn't know how she felt about going with him. However looking at her other option, she decided she could deal with this one for now. Approaching Boreas she stood awkwardly beside him until he affirmed that she could mount. She glanced at the crowd then to the person she was riding with, then to her brother. Nothing about this say all that well with her, but she was at least glad to be getting out of there. It was far too many people to deal with at this moment, plus they needed to figure out if their friends were okay. She only hoped that they managed to destroy the Magiteck device in time to give them the upper hand in the fight.
Aislinn uses Barrier surge
The situation was starting to feel a little awkward. Tinarah was glad that Take was okay, she didn't understand why her healing didn't help his hand at all, but she also knew whatever happened there, happened before she really was aware of what was going on, so it wouldn't benefit anyone to ask about it. His comment about her healing and his suggestion just kind of hung in the air. Yes when she was younger she was too scared of getting hurt to do much, but she always intended to help others were she could. "I just don't want to lose any of you again." It wasn't that his suggestion wasn't helpful at all, it was just that wasn't what was on her mind when she had done it. She did it because she thought he might die if she didn't do something. As they spoke Qamar walked up, practically ignoring her to talk to Take. The way that she spoke about how she saved him from death and that she might have healed him. Tinarah felt rather pushed to the side and unimportant. While Qamar was trying to show off to Take, Tinarah just turned away from the two, leaving them to their conversations as she walked closer to Mr. Incredible and Frozone ready to leave whenever. Her eyes were down turned and there was a sadness radiating from her. Tinarah had been finding it really hard to fit in. She was doing her best to learn how to just talk normally to these people again, she still found conversation with her own brother hard. But it seemed every time that she had tried, something came in the way and she was left alone once more. Perhaps it was stupid to try to form relationships, she was going to go back anyways. Once the threat to this world was dealt with, Tinarah would beg Stamatis or Gero to teach her how to travel back to that other realm, back into the time line where she was still training. Then with Master Stamatis and Uncle Fost's help, she could stop Torrin before he started the war and killed everyone she cared about. None of this would be pretty, so what was the point of building relationships if she was just going to leave and hurt them. Perhaps these were all signs that she shouldn't even try and should just stick with the mission at hand. It would be better if she just followed back to the main group to see where they would go from there, no more attempts to talk or be nice, it wasn't worth it. She had spent a lot of time alone before, it would be no different now.
Tinarah is taking Blitz Tinarah is taking 4 points in AP and 1 point in HP
After she managed to get Take back to his feet, another round of attacks from Boreas, Glyde and Take left the inhibitor, and the goggles broken. Mr. Incredible seemed to be snapping out of his mind control as well. With him freed he was able to easily take out the crazy lady that was controlling him before he and Frozone started to talk once more. Mr. Incredible seemed to be incredibly concerned with what happened to Elastigirl. It was almost cute really, seeing this worry for her, just like she had worried for him earlier. Tinarah waited patiently for them to finish talking before she finally looked back towards the way that they came. "The rest went above ground, towards the tallest building in the area if I remember correctly. Hopefully now they will be able to deal with the enemy, but we should help." Tinarah suggested as she looked over her friends, assessing their health after a wave of energy washed through her, calming her soul and making her feel a bit better about things. The magic that she had gotten back that warmed her veins was familiar and left her a little more relaxed, feeling a bit closer to those who had mentored her and taught her. Without much magic on hand she had to turn to the training of the person she would rather not remember. Though what was more comfortable was seeing Take up and walking around again. It lifted a weight off her shoulders as she walked over to the boy for a moment. "How are you doing?" She asked him, knowing her healing powers were sufficient, but still worrying.
Aislinn used fist bump
No, crap this was bad. This was really bad. As Tinarah watched Take's body drop to the floor a familiar voice flooded her mind. "Take challenged me and, for some reason, could not survive the attempt to remove the light from his heart...." No she wouldn't let him die. She wouldn't lose him. This time she was here, she could do something about it, she could prevent his death. The music twisting around her became a little more sorrowful and angry as Tinarah turned her attention briefly to her fallen ally. "Come on, get up, please get up." Tinarah begged quietly as she turned towards Take casting cure on him, praying that she wasn't too late. Once there was nothing left that she could do, her attention turned back to the enemies. It was clear going for the woman was futile at this point. While Tinarah had no desire to attack Mr. Incredible, there was no avoiding it. To get to the woman controlling him and to the device blocking their magic they had to go through him. Under her breath she apologized to the man before she went in, trying to put her entire effort into taking Mr Incredible down quickly and getting to the real targets that rested behind him. Tinarah is in Magic Dance Drive Tinarah aimed all damage at Mr Incredible Tinarah used Cura on Take HP: 12/60 MP: 0/20 AP: 8/38 DP: 0/3
For this month we are doing a Broadway themed Chorus. It was a three way tie between which song was going to be done, so as per the work of RNG we will be doing Stars from Les Miserables. Line claim will be ending on April 15th. Your lines will be do in by April 22nd Karaoke | Original Lines: Spoiler [There, out in the darkness A fugitive running Fallen from God] -1 [Fallen from grace God be my witness I never shall yield]- 2 [Till we come face to face Till we come face to face] -1,2 [He knows his way in the dark Mine is the way of the Lord] -3 [Those who follow the path of the righteous Shall have their reward] -4 [And if they fall as Lucifer fell The flames The sword!] 3,4 [Stars In your multitudes Scarce to be counted Filling the darkness]-5 [With order and light You are the sentinels Silent and sure]-6 [Keeping watch in the night Keeping watch in the night]- 5,6 [You know your place in the sky You hold your course and your aim]-1 [And each in your season Returns and returns And is always the same] -3 [And if you fall as Lucifer fell You fall in flame!] -1,3 [And so it must be, for so it is written On the doorway to paradise]- 2 [That those who falter and those who fall Must pay the price!]-5 [Lord, let me find him That I may see him Safe behind bars]-4 [I will never rest Till then This I swear This I swear by the stars!]-6 Lines: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-
Alright it is time to vote on the first round of Mr/Mrs KHV on whose project that you like best. Right now here is the challenge that everyone got Contestant 1: Spoiler: Entry Yuno Gasai - Mirai Nikki Contestant 2: Spoiler: Entry Contestant 3: Spoiler: Entry Contestant 4: Spoiler or this Contestant 5: Did not get their entry in on time to be added. Remember you can vote for one entry, and your votes will count towards final scoring. You are not allowed to vote for yourself.
Aislinn used Cross Slash