Just as she got there sending her whip out trying to hit Hughes, the barrier of wind came up and knocked it straight from her grasp as she was left staring through the wall, listening to him talking. Doing it for himself or not he still failed, against this group there was no succeeding for him. Karina was confident in this, still she wanted to end him herself, though that seemed like it was unlikely to happen now. "At the time I would have liked nothing more than to fight in his army, but I have grown since then. I am not so naive to think that is the best chance for success for me anymore. Anywhere outside that blasted world gives me a better chance at life then anything I could have done there. So I suppose I should be thanking my father for hurting me to the point of running away. If he didn't I wouldn't get the satisfaction of watching you die." She still wished to be killing him herself, but at least she could watch, hate burning in her eyes. She had to let Shiro deal with this now, there was no choice, but in the end, from what Hughes was saying it sounded like there wasn't going to be a Shiro left after this. Looking over at Arctus, Karina grabbed his arm and pulled him close enough to whisper. "Make sure that Mizu is somewhere else on the island and isn't watching. I don't think this will be pretty." Karina warned, but her eyes were intent on watching regardless of what was going to happen. She then looked over at Aeira. "You can control earth right? Can you have the ground swallow Shiro, tunnel him out of there and close up after? Let the son of a bitch kill himself. He needs to take no one else with him."
Finding a good spot on the roof tops Dayla stopped and crouched taking mostly cover and putting her hood up. From there she kept an eye on the streets, she wouldn't shoot unless given a signal or unless someone was in trouble. Her ears twitched at the sound of someone from behind. For the time being she couldn't see anyone but she was keeping half an eye on her surrounding behind her and doing her best to focus on the task she had taken at the same time. She was glad for her good hearing, it made the job a little easier, still she was used to going into these kinds of things with a lot more back up, this would be interesting. Of course there was more threats and when someone asked if they would do, Aaron got nervous. He was still chained and without weapons, meaning trying to defend himself would be difficult. Still if he could get even one weapon. The people started to launch their attacks. Thanks to axes being one of the slower weapons to wield, Aaron managed to jump out of the way of the one swinging at him before he turned towards the knives that were coming and used the chains to deflect one, hoping to wrap it around and dislodge it from the persons grasp. If he could get their weapons away from them, at least he would have something to use. If not then this battle would be difficult. With eight of these woman it was already looking grim, but Aaron refused to go down without a fight. He was stronger than that, he could do this, he would get out and back to his sister. He wasn't going to die here if he could help it.
Left fighting on her own, Tinarah couldn't help but think about the girl that she was facing before. She was pretty sure that it was the same girl that had been helping head the attack against Torrin in the other realm. For that there was some respect for her. On top of that Chrys was the only one not to yell at her to leave and spoke nicely. She was probably just misguided and Tinarah could honestly understand why. When she was first brought to the Light Chaser after nearly drowning he made himself sound like the hero and Tinarah was finding it hard to find faults with him besides the fact that she was told to have a problem with him. Though when Aria wanted to leave but she wasn't allowed, that was the first hint. Everything that happened to her after that, it just confirmed that he was bad, especially when he tried to kill Gero and Master Stamatis. She couldn't trust him. But if Chrys only ever saw the side that seemed like a hero at first, Tinarah didn't blame her for trusting him, just hopefully her story would make her think. Probably not, but she hoped. As she was fighting, Qamar approached again. So apparently now she was worth acknowledging her existence, even though ten minutes ago it didn't matter and her conversation with Take was more important than the fact Tinarah was already trying to talk to him. She was annoyed with Qamar for that, and hurt, more hurt then anything else, but she was hurt by everything at this moment. Talking to one of the people who hurt her wouldn't help. Unable to really tell her to go away or be rude in that aspect, Tinarah just chose to ignore Qamar, moving away from her as she continued to fight. Giving herself a little distance and hopefully that was good enough for Qamar to take the hint. Perhaps after she blew off some steam then she could be more social. HP: 75/75 AP: 0/52 MP: 30/30 DP: 1/3 Heartless Defeated: 3 Neoshadows 5 Shadows Heartless Remaining: 342 Shadows 130 Darkballs 74 Neoshadows 93Yellow Operas 111 Red Nocturnes 120 Blue Rhapsodies
"I would love to have a real fight some time, beat some sense into you." Karina threatened as she turned towards Uniform who Arctus was asking about his name. "Colonel Marshall Hughes. Though I doubt he is a Colonel anymore. Given that he was with Nequa I am guessing his sadistic attitude only got him so far in the army. Too bad he didn't try and join my fathers, they would have gotten along great I am sure." Karina said loud enough that she was sure that Hughes could here. She knew how well him and her father got along though and didn't want to imagine what her life would have been like if they were both in her world together. That didn't matter anymore though she was going to deal with him here and now. "Lets get this over with." She said to Arctus before she ran forward not wasting anymore time, lashing out with her whip, aiming for his good arm to take that out as well. "It was a pathetic dream of ever thinking you could destroy these people. They are stronger and better than you ever will be, than I ever will be. Now it is time to end you!"
They didn't have to fight forever, but it never seemed to take long before Ria caused major issues for them. "Well the damn thing better start working soon." Cerdic called back as he ducked out of the way of Alders blizzard attack, before sweeping up and out into an attack of his own, using Alder's attack as a distraction of sorts before he managed to get his attack in. Glancing behind him he checked on Daeni for a moment, but didn't dare take his eyes off of Ria for too long, even in the span of a second it could get dangerous.
"Oh would you? Would you really? I would love to see that. It is already such a blessing to just be allowed here. It would be great!" Mirela was practically bouncing as she spoke. She glanced at the guys that Mortimer asked to leave. She didn't think talking politics was a bad thing, but she would keep it in mind that he didn't like it. It wasn't that Mirela really cared for politics herself though. As long as she could continue working here and making enough money to keep inventing than she could care less what was going on outside of that, unless of course it allowed her to get involved with more inventors and learn more like it was now. Then she was perfectly happy to do what it took to learn more and get better at what she did. Okay this certainly was becoming interesting. As more people showed up, Lucian's metal eye started to focus on the figure, taking snapshots of the scene he was witnessing. He would be glad to have them later he was sure. Still Lucian said nothing as Dylan lead the conversation, or more so, failed to really make much conversation. He clearly was the one who knew what was going on, and meanwhile Lucian was totally lost to the point of all this. Leaning over he whispered to Kara "You know your boss is a nut job right?" He couldn't see any point in all of this yet, and unless conversation that provided useful came soon, Lucian was very tempted to just walk away.
Gavin tried to talk to her but Thea didn't really listen, she was already on her way out of the room. While sure he was trying to make it up to her and she wanted to appreciate that, she was just too upset to actually deal with it like she should have, instead standing outside where it was safer for everyone. Even if she tried to stay and talk with Gavin, Thea didn't trust herself not to get upset for no reason and hurt people. Standing outside though, Zephyr still came out to check on her and Thea stood their quietly, her hands shaking a little bit in effort to keep herself under control. "I just want to take it out on the thing causing the pain. Can we just go and rescue Selena?" Thea asked quietly trying to hold herself together along enough to go all out of Xislyn.
Well another week over and another challenge ready to be viewed. Before we do that however lets look at the standings after challenge 1. In Fifth place we have @Rat In Fourth place we have @LadyAzura In Third place we have @GarrettFinch In Second place we have @Day~Dream And in First place sitting at the top for now is @Mixt Don't lose hope yet though contestants, there are still three more contests that need to be judged, your scores can still change yet. Speaking of more contests, lets get to the next one: Contestant 1 Spoiler One day thousands of people are living their everyday lives and a cyclone appears and sucks you up. The next thing you know you are in a different place altogether. You have no idea how you got there but you decide to make the most of it. You decide to look around and the first thing you see is a giant sign floating in the center of a hub like area. The sign reads, 'Kingdom hearts videos' There also seems to be a floating blue heart to the left of the sign. Underneath this sign there is sections that read, 'Home, Forums, video portal, media, members, Chat, community, and upgrades'. Under the 'Home' section there seems to be paths the seam to branch off and have their own path. These section path have names that read, 'Watched Forums, Watched Threads, New Posts, Recent Activity, Authors, and Settings.' You think to yourself that this is an odd place to be. You decide to head in the direction of the area marked 'Forums'. You seem to be in a different hub altogether. The words 'Forums' is floating above your head. Then underneath that is search forums and recent posts'. Farther on there seems to be paths that go off in every direction. There seems to be more people here then the 'home' area of this strange place. Looking down at the paths them seem to be labeled just like the rest of the place. The labeled are marked with, 'Community, Kingdom Hearts, Hacks & codes, Interests, Creativity Corner, and Fun and Games'. You do not know where to start but it looks like this place will be and is a fun place to be. Soon you can find people like you not sure what to do but soon the craziness of it all comes, and everything is somehow crazy. Everyone makes friends with each other and you all seem to respect each other. Contestant 2 Spoiler User logging in... Welcome "FartNugget" FartNugget: Hello everyone! *fire everywhere* FartNugget: Riiiiight. I guess I ought to stay out of the SpamZone today. What about the Discussion section? *book falls off shelf, catches on fire* FartNugget: Nope. Playground? *swingset on fire* FartNugget: Nuh-uh, KH boards? *tumbleweeds. Also on fire* FartNugget: Geez, why is everything so heated today? Staff: Oh we had some budget cuts. The server doesn't need cooling fans, right? FartNugget: Oh good, I thought it was flamewars. Why not get rid of this VR gimmick first though? Staff: Nah, we paid for that by getting rid of the sign out option. FartNugget: NO! SAO jokes are off the table. That doesn't even make pretend sense anyway. Story over! Narrator: Oh, an SAO joke is off the table, but a character becoming self aware and breaking the fourth wall is so original... FartNugget: Wait what? Narrator: You know what [redacted] is too cool of a name for you. You're "FartNugget" now. Staff: Hey! Only we can change people's names! Narrator: Do you realize how silly you sound right now? I control everything here. I'm god basically. Staff: As silly as a god that's using a puppet as a strawman to make fun of a joke that they started, while using another puppet to attack themselves? Narrator: ... I hate you. You know that? I'm glad now I was too lazy to give you an actual name. FartNugget: But you're controlling us. Doesn't that mean you hate yourself? Narrator: I'm not getting philosophical here. That's what the Discussion section is for when it's not on fire. Now where were we with the story? This is quite a pickle isn't it? Maybe if I... No, that won't work. Yeah, this isn't salvageable at all. Let's just start this over. ~~~~ User logging in... Welcome "BurpBurger" Contestant 3 Spoiler When I woke up the next time, I realized........Dorothy wasn't in Kansas anymore. I scratched my head. I looked around and was confused as to where I was exactly. As I examined my surroundings, I immediately saw a sign and walked up to it. I read the sign as it read: 'Forum Families'. I was slightly confused until I turned my head down and saw a small box. I picked it up and saw tiny people running around in the box. "Nope." I immediately put the box down again and went about my merry way until I walked up to a door that was labeled: 'Discussions'. I opened the door and saw tons of people talking with one another. I quietly walked in with the usual expression I have when I'm in a room with strangers. (o-o). I saw another door that read: 'Debate Corner'. I squinted my eyes and walked away from it. Something told me I might regret going through that door and that I would end up there for hours. I walked out of the room and went past some other doors like: 'Writing Nook' or this really weird looking one that read: 'Code Vault'. After some walking around, seeing some people go through Video Portals, partake in something called 'KHV Chorus', I decided to take a break for a few minutes. After I got some rest, I stood up and found myself in front of an ominous looking area. I spent a couple seconds looking for a sign and came upon a trash can with lettering on it, 'The Spam Zone'. I was slightly curious and I went inside. After a few hours, I immediately ran out of there, regretting every decision I made until now. I start speed walking out of there and finally came upon a small house. I walked up to the house and saw the lettering above the mailbox that read: 'Role-Playing Arena'. Did I want to make another bad decision again?..........Well....YOLO! I went inside the house and saw tons and tons of computers, paper, what seemed to be katsudons and tea cups. As I walked further into the house, I saw various pieces of paper with what seemed to be some math. I looked over to another door that said: 'OOC Lounge'. I opened the door and saw various people gathering around drinking tea and coffee. After exploring the place, I decided to crash here. Before I went to bed, I went past a mirror and looked at and asked myself. "Ha...Habadededga!" I realized right then and there. I became a dog in a plane.......I love the internet. The other two contestants failed to get an entry in on time. So they will not be judged this round, but will still have future rounds that they can use to try and catch up. Good luck to all, and be sure to vote and support your favourite. All votes count towards the contestants point total, so your votes are important to help their scoring.
Do to a lack of interest this Chorus has been Cancelled, we will pick the Chorus back up next month where it will be a regular chorus so make sure you suggest songs for that.
"Oh and after all that, just what do you win?" Karina asked trying to hide her disappointment in losing. "Perhaps now we can deal with the annoying prick who keeps summoning these infernal things."
With the creature off balance, Karina wasted no time taking her chance to strike at it, making sure that it would go done once and for all. Still she knew her own limitations but it would bring her closer to killing it before Arctus got to it. That was something she was working towards, so a fireball and attack later she final stepped back allowing someone else to step up. Yellow Darkside: 400/5000
Determination filling Karina seeing how much more injured the heartless was, she wanted a chance to kill it before anyone else could. Although Karina knew that she couldn't do it this turn, at least she could try and do the best she could as she infused her whip blade with fire and continued her barrage of attacks against the heartless. Yellow Darkside: 800/5000
Rolling her eyes at Arctus she chose to ignore his comments as he made an attempt at looking cool, using his magic. "Now that is just lazy." she argued as she put all her effort into an attack. Yellow Darkside: 1600/5000
"Hey." Karina replied as she flew past Aeira towards the Dark side quickly slashing at it several times over before she backed off now more determined than ever to kill it quickly. Red darkside defeated Blue darkside defeated Yellow darkside: 2400/5000
This was like Hikaru all over again, except this time it was clearly intentional. Karina rolled her eyes at Finlay as she ignored her bragging and turned to the yellow Darkside. "Looks like we have a new target for this little contest." She stated as she turned and ran at the yellow one, still determined to beat Arctus and this time Finlay to the kill on the thing, sending a blast of fire at it so it would get there before she did, making sure that she did everything that she could to damage it. Red darkside defeated Blue darkside defeated Yellow darkside: 2800/5000
"Are you serious? Are you serious right now? How long have you been waiting to say that? What did you fall asleep at night lonely and start to think up pick up lines to go with your magic. I almost feel sorry for you." Karina started to get up as Arctus flicked her nose and got up himself claiming he won. "The person who gets the last hit on this thing wins. Don't get too cocky yet." Karina then kicked him in the butt as he ran away to attack. "And don't do that again or I might just have to break your finger." After that she had to get into the battle herself before Arctus ended up really winning. Darkside Blue: 1000/5000 Darkside Red: 400/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4200/5000
Okay she supposed that she was asking for this, but as the gravity shifted she couldn't seem to keep her feet on the ground as she started to fall towards Arctus. As a last ditch effort to hold some sort of position, Karina sent out her whip trying to dig it into the Darkside. While it hit its mark, it wasn't able to dig in enough to stop her from falling and landing on Arctus. "Clever. Now do you plan to keep me here? There is still a battle to be fought." She glance behind her at the Darkside, but returned her gaze to Arctus, trying to guess her motives now. Darkside Blue: 1400/5000 Darkside Red: 600/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000
Taking the opening that was given to her by Arctus, Karina launched forwards with a set of attacks before ducking back behind the Darkside again. "Not a chance. You will have to catch me first." She challenged him as she picked up another rock, popping her head out from around the Darkside long enough to get a clear shot at Arctus as she threw the rock at him before grabbing cover again. She didn't remember the last battle like this being nearly as fun. What was it with this guy? How was he actually making her smile? Darkside Blue: 1800/5000 Darkside Red: 600/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000
Yeah whatever. Did he really have to be like that? Of course he did he was Arctus after all. After taking a few hits at the darkside, he then turned to her and started to throw little pebbles at her. "I thought you weren't one for nice words or sappy comments." Karina countered as she picked up a slightly bigger stone and threw it at Arctus in retaliation before hiding behind the darkside as she fought it. Darkside Blue: 2200/5000 Darkside Red: 600/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000 Aislinn used Fist Bump
"I don't need or want to words of pity I am over it." only in the way she didn't cry herself to sleep or anything. Given her temperament she was anything but. It was a nice thought thinking that she okay, but still she wondered if she could do it. If she could really kill him as easily as the heartless she was currently killing. Darkside Blue: 2600/5000 Darkside Red: 1000/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000