With so much going on around her, Tinarah wasn't quite sure what was going on anymore. Her mind was still thinking over the notes that she had read, meanwhile Qamar was trying to explain why an apology was not needed, and Glyde approached worried about Illiana. While all this was happening, Torrin, Take, Aria, and Master Thalassa returned. Since Qamar went to talk with them, it made it a little more simple to know what she should be dealing with. Looking towards Glyde she followed his gaze to Illiana. "I... I don't think there is much to be done now. I am out of magic, Chrono healed her, Qamar patched her up. I don't know about you, but I don't think I can even stand right now, much less carry someone else." Everything hurt for Tinarah, she had sustained far too much damage at this point. "I don't think we are going too far right now, so it should be fine." Tinarah tried to inform him, turning to see her friends approaching. They didn't seem too much better off than she was. She gave them all a small wave and smile, happy to see that they were all safe, but knowing that now, she felt the need to relax more. Laying back down, Tinarah closed her eyes trying to fight back the pounding head ache, and aching ribs. Having someone thrown on you on top of the scratches and scrapes didn't help much with the pain. There was a hope that someone had some magic left, but looking around, she wouldn't be the first to get the healing, not when there were so many more important people were around. All she could think was "thank god they were alright." Perhaps she needed to say something. Still not feeling up to getting up, Tinarah forced her eyes open and glance back at the group returning, particularily focusing on Aria and Take. "I am glad you made it back, with that blast... I was scared.... I don't want to lose either of you again." She looked to Aria and Take, two people she knew had died in the battle against the man who now stood beside them, someone who had likely protected them. She should thank him, but she still didn't know how. She still couldn't bring herself to thank him, so instead she focused on her friends. Maybe one day she would get better, but not yet.
As Karina walked away, Hughes continued to use his dying breath to taunt her more. The worst thing was that it was working. She hated him for the stupid smile on his face after she struggled to smile herself. She smiled a couple times with Arctus but even that seemed so foreign to her. The fact that he could be dying and still be smiling. No she wouldn't let him see how much it bothered her. She wouldn't turn back to show him her face, give him that last satisfaction before he died. He could suffer and expend all his breath, she wouldn't stop him. She had come to accept that she couldn't do things alone. She didn't care about that anymore, she glanced around at the people that she lead into this battle. None of her old friends or those who followed her here couldn't have done it alone, but since they were all together, they all survived, Hughes couldn't say the same. He went up against them and died, he couldn't do it alone either. Even her father... he had a full army behind him, it was never done alone. The last words that Hughes said stopped Karina though. She couldn't help but stand there a little unsure of what to think of it. She scanned the group, trying to figure out who. Judging by the boy that she had not seen before being held, she couldn't help but think they might have already figured that out. They must have found him after she had left. It was now their issue to deal with she supposed, though she lingered not too far away. That being said without a weapon she could only do so much. Her fists clenched at her side and Karina was trying her best to pretend that his words were not getting to her, but was failing. She was nearly at breaking point and she didn't wish to hit it while standing around all these people. "I agree with Ignis. Aux has been helpful this entire time, there is no reason to start questioning it now. Sure he lost his memories before but he would have attacked or left when he got them back rather than still help up. Perhaps we are jumping to conclusions too fast." That being said, Aislinn didn't want to believe that anyone here would betray them. If there was indeed a traitor in their midst, they had been really missing something, unless it was indeed Aux, but... well that would be too obvious. He was barely trusted in the first place. If they really wanted information, and good information the traitor would be someone that they trusted more.
Around her was still chaos. Chrys had approached but Boreas still seemed ready to attack. Before he could there was a flash of light that had caused Tinarah to shield her eyes, then Chrys and Koa were gone. Tinarah couldn't help but stare at the place that the boy had been. "You know he was the one that took me to him." She whispered now that the conflict was done. She didn't know what to think about it all really at this point. She couldn't understand any of this. That being said she was becoming ever more sure that whatever the Light Chaser and his students were up to, it was not going to end up well, judging by Dentro. As she laid on the ground she saw something out of the corner of her eye land by her. Pushing herself to a seated position she picked up what seemed to be a scrap of paper. Reading it over it didn't make much sense, but it also didn't seem complete. "Hey... no one happened to have found more of these?" Tinarah asked holding up the paper. Luckily enough for her Chrono had, and handed over what he had. Not everything was complete, but it did give a little more context to what she had. Reading it over, Tinarah gasped as she looked up to the others. "These papers... the notes. I think... I recognize the story, I was there." She told them, it sounded odd to say but she was reading them over again. "This sounds... this sounds like exactly what happened after A saved me. His father... then his mother died protecting us, but the chasm spoken of here. He... he fell in and I made it across where I met Uncle Fost." Reading through the next page there was a mention of a Keyblade Master named Fost. "Is this... is this what happened to the real A?" Tinarah pondered out loud. It could be a coincidence, but it seemed too similar. "Chrono, do you mind if I hold on to these?"
Aeira did as Karina asked her to and started to find a way to get Shiro out. Shiro had his own plans though, as he started to pound on the barrier. With interest, Karina watched what he was doing, listening to the conversation. It was quite the interesting thing that was happening in there and without power to do anything against it, all she could do was watch. Finally wind started to expand and burst open, after a lengthy yelling. The barrier burst and Shiro collapsed as Hughes went flying. She didn't need Aeira's permission to head towards them. Ignoring the hurt man that she had been trying to protect, Karina walked over to Arctus. "I am just borrowing this for a moment considering you have failed your mission I had given you." Karina then slipped the sword from Arctus's hand. Stalking over, Karina had a feeling that he was already dead, but Karina needed to just make sure. Taking the sword she stabbed it through the heart of Hughes. "I am done with you. And this." She took her whip blade out and threw it on the lap of Hughes, before turning around and walking away from him, not looking back at the man as she moved back to Arctus handing him back his sword quietly, in a grim manner. Her mind was rather muddled with things of the past. She didn't feel better after killing Hughes, but she felt like she could move on at least, she at least hoped so. And it looked like she was going to be down to punching things for a while, she wasn't taking back that damn whip again. She couldn't, no she wasn't going to hold anything that reminded her of those times, it was stupid for her to have taken it in the first part. With one last set of attacks the giant Darkside finally fell, just in time to hear some loud noise and turn around to see the man who was summoning the heartless on the ground, the girl who brought the extra help standing over him. Meanwhile the loud man was on the ground being tended to by a small girl. This was a little confusing to her, but Aislinn slowly approached and gathered with the others. She was smiling, but a little worried about what was going on now. There was no point in her getting involved at this point, but she could at least watch and be ready if she was indeed needed.
Tinarah will take Esuna and Relfectra
As she spoke, Tinarah could tell that her words weren't getting to either of them. Before things could get much worse the ground shook and Tinarah lost her footing, falling to the ground as she saw another fissure open up near Dentro. Of course something like this would only prove to provoke the boys rage as he went on to make a threat on Qamar's life, followed by her own. It would be so easy to take it right now, she was aware of that fact. There was little strength to fight back at this moment, or even defend herself really. It was game over for her if he had gone for her first, though he seemed content on killing Qamar. Closing her eyes and looking away, Tinarah couldn't bare to watch it anymore. She had done all that she could to keep the girl up and going, but she seemed to not be able to withstand a lot of damage, and Tinarah feared how much more of this she could take. He spoke about destroying everyone with darkness in their hearts as his own darkness filled him. She could only think of someone else who tried similar but the other way around "perhaps by removing your light I can remove that weakness." It had not proven for a very pleasant world. Tinarah knew well enough that having a balance of both was probably the most stable option. That being said Aria was fine and she was all light, but at the same time she seemed to be a target. And if there was only seven people with this true light, then the boy would have to kill everyone but the seven, something that wasn't really possible. Before it could get much worse though the ground shook again, and Tinarah looked up just in time to see Dentro slipping back into the fissure. "A no!" She called out not thinking then realizing what she said. Tears started anew as she no longer saw the man. He might have been threatening to kill her, but this wasn't what Tinarah wanted, she didn't want anyone to die. She just wanted the needless violence to stop. Not even feeling safe to get back to her feet, Tinarah remained on the ground, curled slightly clutching at her stomach. Soon after there was a voice, then Qamar was picking her up. Tinarah wrapped her arms around the girl and held on tight for support as she started to bring her away from the place were she just witnessed the second death in a few minutes. When they stopped for a moment by Boreas, Tinarah looked away. She still wasn't fond of the man and the way he was yelling commands at her earlier still had her a little shaken. She was scared if she spoke to him again he would only yell again. But quickly they moved and and Qamar set Tinarah down by Illiana. "Thank you." She said quietly to the girl before looking up. "And... Sorry. For the way I acted before. I was just.. hurt. I felt like you were trying to get in the way of the conversation I was having with Take and take all the credit. I.... I just get hurt too easily, so don't mind me." Tinarah tried her best to apologize as Qamar tried to bandage up Illiana. If there was only something she could do to help, but there was little left that she had the energy for. Closing her eyes and just trying to relax a little bit, Tinarah realized she had not seen Aria and Take since Torrin took off with them. They had been the two she had become the closest with since returning and she began to worry. Forcing her eyes open again, she looked at her brother, trying to sit up a bit from where she was laying down. "Aria...and Take, where are they?" She didn't care as much for Torrin, though she supposed she should be asking that as well. It was hard still, considering him as an ally and not an enemy. Perhaps it was unfair to him, but it was something she couldn't just change, even if she wanted to. It would at least take time. "Are they alright?" She could only hope that they were safe and on their way back, but time would tell she supposed, she could barely walk enough at this point to go looking herself.
The attacks from the heartless never let up and left Tinarah on her knees, trying to defend herself instead of continuing the fight. There was no way that she could keep fighting like this, but she had no choice, she had to keep it up, keep protecting the people of this town. The ground shook and out of the corner of her eye Tinarah could see something happening in the distance, she couldn't tell exactly what became of it though as she brought her keyblade up to protect herself again. There was only so much longer she could do this before her body would give out entirely. Luckily it stopped though, Tinarah didn't know how but suddenly the heartless were gone, though the two orbs in the sky glowed brighter as her hearing returned but so did a lot more noise. instinctual she covered her ears trying to drown it out. Her head pounded her ears rung, but she could see Dentro not so far away still trying to hurt Qamar after he had killed Adalric. In pain and weak, Tinarah still forced herself to her feet, staggering a bit in their direction now that she could be heard. "Stop it! Both of you please." It was pathetic she knew, but there was no need for this. "You guys say that you are good and just trying to help the worlds? How is killing one of few trying to protect this world helping your case. She says you aren't bad people, but if that was true you should have been helping kill the heartless. If you don't want us to fight you, if you want to do what you believe is right, stop trying to kill the innocent, stop putting petty arguments over the lives of people. This mess could have been dealt with sooner if we all worked together but you refuse and call us the bad ones. It doesn't make sense." Tinarah looked over in the direction of Chrys. "I want to believe you can be good people and are just misguided but this doesn't help." Tinarah found her knees shaking and threatening to collapse under her. She put her keyblade in the ground and leaned on it, her body shaky and weak, her stomach growling, having not been ready for that exertion of energy it took to fight this battle and desperate for something anything. She felt that her body was panicking scared to go back into the state it was recently, but still she forced herself to stand. "And if you want Aria, you won't have her. I won't let you take her, none of us will, so stop wasting your time and leave." She at least tried to reason but it likely wouldn't work, at least not with Dentro, Tinarah only prayed that Chrys was listening and more reasonable.
Well another week over and another challenge ready to be viewed. Before we do that however lets look at the standings after challenge 2. In Fifth place we have @Rat Tied in Third place we have @GarrettFinch and @LadyAzura In Second place we have @Day~Dream And in First place sitting at the top for now is @Mixt Don't lose hope yet though contestants, there are still three more contests that need to be judged, your scores can still change yet. Speaking of more contests, lets get to the next one: Contestant 1: Spoiler Contestant 2: Spoiler Contestant 3: Spoiler As for the other contestants, they didn't get their art in for this round, so will not be considered in this round of judging. One more round to go before we get to see who the final winner is!
"There is no waiting to see who wins. Hughes is going to destroy himself and Shiro with him. Save Shiro damn it! Just do whatever you can! Try! That barrier was going to collapse on them and we can't stop that from happening, Hughes can crush himself to death for all I care, but we have to do something!" Karina turned and yelled at Aeira. She wasn't willing to just watch Shiro die right now. She had to do something. She had to do something useful, since she felt like she hadn't been. Hopefully Arctus was at least doing as he was asked, she would hate to deal with a crying child.
Cocky b*stard. Just because she wasn't able to get the jump on him in the middle of this battle, but he didn't need to talk down to her. Parrying her attack, he managed to kick her in the gut, pushing her back. She was barely able to get back up from that before Adalric came flying at her knocking the wind out of her once more and leaving her hurting. Tinarah tried to push him off a bit getting him away from her, but she collapsed back to the ground as she watched Adalric sprint off. In the distance Dentro was looming over Qamar, and she wasn't looking like she was doing too great. There was nothing she could do to stop Dentro, protect Qamar, or stop Adalric from what he did next. As Dentro went to strike Qamar down, suddenly Adalric was in the way. While she didn't really know the man, it still hurt. She was the one who looked to Qamar to help save Adalric, and now Adalric died to save her. It was stupid, she should have never brought Qamar along. She should have saved her magic and just provided support from afar. As tears came to her eyes, Tinarah near ready to give up on the fight, given how much pain she was in and how she failed, however before she could completely give up, Chrono was there. Taking her brothers hand some warmth of healing washed over her getting her standing at least slightly. She looked at her brother, and she looked ready to cry, but she shook it off. Knowing she had to be more careful, she glanced back at Dentro fighting Qamar, but then looked away towards the heartless. She needed to deal with them and defend herself in whatever way that she could. Nodding to Chrono, Tinarah stepped towards the heartless, doing whatever she could to start killing them, though her movements were sluggish and sore, she did the best she could but even that was not as much as usual. HP: 16/75 AP: 16/52 MP: 4/30 Heartless defeated: 3 Darkballs Heartless Remaining: 70 Darkballs (12AP) 57 Neoshadows (16AP) 28 Yellow Operas (4AP) 15 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 27 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
The world was fuzzy and there was a pounding in her head. She couldn't seem to fully come to, until she heard a quiet voice, but as the face came into focus it was panicked. What exactly had happened? Was it safe now? Looking over the girls shoulder, Tinarah discovered that it wasn't safe yet, heartless still swarmed. She couldn't just sit here and do nothing, despite the blurred vision and slight dizziness, that came with just coming too again. Pushing herself to her feet, Tinarah didn't remain down for long, not when there was so much to do still. From this perspective, she could see the fight going on with Adalric, it still wasn't going well. Not able to provide any more support healing, Tinarah started to sort of stagger over towards him. Her steps slow at first, but she knew that she had to help. Fight her way through the heartless on her way there. She didn't want to see anyone else die, even someone that she barely knew. This was wrong, this was so wrong. Heartless blocked her path, but even in her current state, Tinarah pushed through in order to get to helping him. She glanced back at Qamar, while there was no use talking, the way she looked between the fight and Qamar, she hoped was a good sign that she would need the help stopping this. There was no way that she could prevent this all on her own, but she couldn't turn her back on it either. If Qamar insisted on following her, then she would lead the girl into saving the one person who was more likely to be her friend. The one person that Qamar should actually care about here. Soon there was enough of a path cleared that Tinarah found herself standing in front of the battle, looking at Dentro. She readied her keyblade to fight. Boreas told her before to not bother with these battles since her job was the heartless, but she couldn't just let this go on, and she was still dealing with the heartless as she went. If she was lucky she would catch Dentro by surprise as she launched herself at him, trying to catch him behind with a swift set of movement. She might have not had magic left, but at least she was taught how to fight without it. HP: 15/75 AP: 0/52 MP: 3/30 DP: 0/3 Enemies Defeated: 4 Darkball 1 Blue Rhapsodies Heartless Remaining: 10 Shadows (2AP) 90 Darkballs (12AP) 59 Neoshadows (16AP) 44 Yellow Operas (4AP) 44 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 43 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
Perhaps curing Qamar and Adalric was a mistake, she should have worried more about herself. She had thought that she was doing fine but as the heartless started jumping on her again, it got overwhelming. She was not able to defend against the heartless forever though. Soon enough she found with her magic running out and her physical strength still on the weak side due to all that had happened in the mirror realm, she was unable to hold her own. The heartless jumped on her knocking her back. She managed to deflect the next attack, but bloodied and beaten, there was no getting back up from it. Before she could get up from that attack a Neoshadow launched itself at her and slashing at at her several times over. The last thing Tinarah remembered was covering her face, trying to protect herself, then the pain before the world went black for her. Hopefully the support that she provided others would get them out of here, she was wrong to refuse the destruction of this world. It wasn't up to her. Who was she to decide the fate of the worlds? She was nobody who never accomplished anything but hiding, running away, and being used. She was wrong to think that now she could be anything else.
Aislinn uses Power Aura Aislinn uses a combo
As she fought trying to keep everyone safe, Qamar walked up to her and tried to talk with her, yelling though the sound was muffled and Tinarah was barely hearing it, especially since she had to deal with the heartless around them. "I refuse!" Was all Tinarah called back to Qamar, and even with that, she was quieter than Qamar was since she never really had a loud voice, even yelling. What she was trying to say, was that she refused to believe that it was over and the world is done for. She still had the energy to go, though it was waning a little bit. The wave of healing that came over her gave her a little more energy to keep going keep fighting. Tinarah could only offer a small smile before she turned back to the battle. If she continued to keep the heartless off of the ones that were fighting the light chaser students, maybe she could make a bit of a difference. It probably wouldn't help that much, the only way things would get better would be if they stopped fighting and everyone worked to save this planet. However she knew that wouldn't happen there was no getting along here, and Tinarah found herself feeling strangely alone in her goal to keep the heartless at bay. She hoped that Master Thalassa did what she needed to soon, the heartless were stopping and she was out of her magic. There was only so much left for her to do now. Looking around there were large floating circular creatures of darkness that started to close in on her. Bracing herself for their attacks, Tinarah decided to go on the offense first, try to clear the area. She honestly didn't trust Qamar to deal with the heartless properly herself. There was something about the girl, how easily distracted that she got with other people that made her worried that she wouldn't be able to handle the heartless. For one of the councils chosen students she seemed to not be on top of things as much as Tinarah expected. As long as she didn't need to save the girl again then she figured that it would be fine, because Tinarah knew that she couldn't save her again, even if she wanted to her magic had run dry, she was running on whatever energy she had left, and whatever energy that Choma had lent her. The Darkballs started to fall around her, but not nearly enough as she was forced to turn her attention to a blue floating creature near her, trying to blast her with a shot of ice. Barely getting out of the way, Tinarah killed that too, continuing the slash that hit one last shadow. Tinarah found herself panting while the help from her former Master started to fade, but at least there was a few less heartless out there. She was starting to make a difference, even if it was slight. At least as long as the heartless were fighting her, they weren't fighting the people who couldn't protect themselves in this town, she had taken some solace in that. D-Link with Choma 3/3 HP: 34/75 AP: 1/52 (+15) MP: 2/30 DP: 1/3 Enemies Defeated: 5 Neoshadows 1 Blue Rhapsodies 1 Shadow Heartless Remaining: 46 Shadows (2AP) 108 Darkballs (12AP) 60 Neoshadows (16AP) 60 Yellow Operas (4AP) 54 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 62 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
What was going on? She was supposed to be making sure Qamar didn't follow according to Illiana, but too preoccupied with heartless to stop her from following. While Tinarah couldn't really hear what was going on, she could see well enough the heat between the two of them. She then saw Illiana kick Qamar and Qamar try and retaliate. Glyde then went to try and fix it which seemed to become even more of a mess. Standing there watching all this going on from her vantage point it was just a mess considering all that was going on here. Two red moons in the sky, looming over them, heartless everywhere, buildings falling, and the world literally falling apart and these people wanted to fight over trivial matters, or at least Tinarah assumed they were trivial, at least in comparison to everything else. As the fight went on Qamar suddenly got hit for a lot of damage, she was looking rough and while Tinarah watched that she missed the heartless that were coming for her. One knocked her down and there was a wave of pain and dizziness and she hit her head. Stumbling back to her feet, Tinarah knew that she wasn't going to be able to keep up this fighting too much longer, but Qamar needed her help first. But out of the corner of her eye she could see that one of the Light Chaser Students was doing quite a number to Alderic. This wasn't good. While she knew that she should try and keep herself standing, these two were the people hand picked by the council, they were the ones meant to save the worlds, not her. She was not going to let them die if she could help it. And if things went well enough, she wouldn't need to worry too much about her own safety. She could always heal herself next time, for now they needed help. Not close enough to either anymore to be help, she had to just aim her keyblade and hope that she got her aim right as she sent the first cure spell at Qamar. She then turned to Dentro and Alderic. Chrys claimed they were trying to do what was right, but what was right about this? What was so right about the man going after one of the quietest people around who was probably the most reasonable. Provoking him until he was attacking a little more wildly, and taking advantage of that. It wasn't fair and while Tinarah wanted to stop him, she felt like she might only be more in the way than helpful. At the very least she could keep heartless off of them. It would have to do. Turning back to the heartless, Tinarah cringed as she could feel a sting in her head, near where there was another scar. She tried to ignore it as she focused more on the battle. A little pain wouldn't stop her, not when there was so many people to help. This was about the only thing she was good for anyways protecting other people. It was the goal she had given herself and she would do it regardless of her own condition, until which point that she couldn't fight anymore. There were still heartless to be fought, so Tinarah threw herself into it, still drawing power from Choma in order to do so. D-Link with Choma 2/3 Tinarah healed Adalric and Qamar for 35 HP each HP: 19/75 AP: 1/52 (+15) MP: 1/30 DP: 1/3 Enemies Defeated: 3 Neoshadows 4 Red Nocturens 1 Shadow Heartless Remaining: 47 Shadows (2AP) 113 Darkballs (12AP) 60 Neoshadows (16AP) 60 Yellow Operas (4AP) 54 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 63 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
Aislinn used a ground combo
As Tinarah let off her torrent of attacks, something shifted. A loud thunderous sound shook the earth as it seemed to split open throwing everyone off their feet. Darkness filled the sky and Tinarah could say, she was really truly frightened by this. In the sky, two red moons illuminated the area and the pulse of energy through the area had Tinarah a little shaken. As she looked at the crack that formed in the earth she could just see herself jumping it only to turn around and see A gone. She wasn't going to lose anyone else to this. She wouldn't let it happen. Glancing around she noticed that Illiana was shooting a spell at her leg to get debris off of her. Soon after was Qamar hovering over her. They both seemed hurt, and while Tinarah too could feel the sting of pain coursing through her, she had to ignore it, at least she was confident that she could still get to her feet. The heartless still surrounded her, the thunder in the sky still threatened to bring them down. Not sure what she could do, Tinarah did the only thing that she could think of as she sprinted for Qamar and Illiana. As she neared their position it was clear the heartless weren't leaving the two girls alone just because they were hurt. Not wasting time she spun into action, clearing the immediate heartless as some of the bigger enemies seemed to be trying to take advantage of their chance to strike. Striking a Neoshadow down, Tinarah put herself between Qamar and Illiana. She then swung out taking on two more Neoshadows. She knew that this was a bad idea, knew that she wasn't necessarily strong enough to take on both at once, but she knew people who were able to. She focused on them. Focused on Uncle Fost, and Master Stamatis, but in the end she knew the person who would have been best to deal with this on slaughter was Choma. Channeling her connection with him, though it was fainter than the one she had with Stamatis, she put that into the strength needed to protect her friends. Finding a wave of energy that she could use to continue fighting. Both the Neoshadows that she was fighting soon fell to her. She turned around to look at some of the floating creatures that also surrounded her, preparing to rain fire on them, but Tinarah made sure she was quicker, making out the four that were lined up before turning and stabbing a single shadow that was trying to sneak by. "You two okay?" Tinarah asked after clearing the immediate area, giving them a moment of safety. She then knelt down and one hand on each of the girls. Warm energy flowed from her as she started pouring healing powers into the two of them. "There you go. Take all the time you need to recover, I will be making sure they stay off, but best watch out for the falling buildings." There was an unnatural calmness to Tinarah, almost like in the panic she went into a kind of auto pilot mode, just doing what she could to make sure everyone was safe. Fear was still visible in her eyes though she seemed to be handling things decently well on the outside, what was going on in her own mind was a different story entirely. Tinarah Activated D-Link with Choma Tinarah healed Illiana and Qamar for 35 HP each HP: 30/75 AP: 1/52 (+15) MP: 11/30 DP: 1/3 Enemies Defeated: 3 Neoshadows 4 Red Nocturens 1 Shadow Heartless Remaining: 165 Shadows (2AP) 126 Darkballs (12AP) 68 Neoshadows (16AP) 75 Yellow Operas (4AP) 72 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 72 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
While this was a far cry from her normal way of venting, Tinarah was able to use the time fighting to calm herself down. It wasn't like music which soothed her soul, and while she wasn't often angry, she still got frustrated, mostly at herself. This was at the very least something else to focus on until she stopped thinking about all that she should have done, but instead it replaced it with a feeling of guilt over how she acted out towards everyone. Sure Qamar jumping in and taking over the conversation that she was trying to have with Take was annoying, but Take was allowed to have more than one friend. Who was she to get mad because someone else was concerned about him. Sure the way that Qamar worded it was not the best, but there was no way Tinarah believed that Qamar actually wanted to take credit from her. After all the last time they talked, Qamar said she wanted more friends, it was probably an awkward way of making friends. As for Chrys, while Tinarah still believed that she was mislead in her thinking, it probably didn't help change her thinking to yell at her about all that had happened. She should have calmed down and spoken in a more civilized tone, like Chrys had done with her. It still amazed Tinarah that the nicest response she had gotten was from the person that was supposed to be their enemy. It only added to the confusion of what was going on in this realm. At least the other one, while it had caused her a lot of pain, it seemed black and white on the stance of right and wrong. Knowing she would have to apologize to a lot of people after the battle, Tinarah focused on the battle so she could get it over with and the guilt off her chest. Going all out this time she cast a fire spell at them, happy to return to a closer fighting style to her, one that Stamatis taught her that relied more heavily on her magic. After she hit with the fire she struck out into a blitz of attacks that was able to take out another enemy before finally settling on some normal attacking of the heartless to finish off a bit of the crowd that was in her area. Tinarah Used Fira (Black Mage) on 5 Blue Rapsodies Used Blitz + AP on 1 Neoshadow 3 Darkballs 5 Shadows Enemies remaining 269 Shadows 127 Darkballs 73 Neoshadows 90 Yellow Operas 87 Red Nocturnes 84 Blue Rhapsodies HP: 63/75 AP: 0/52 MP: 21/30 DP: 1/3
Aislinn used Barrier surge
Aislinn used Cross Slash