Auburn shook her head. She was fine, if anything she was simply more tired than anything else and after the blood and everything that she witnessed that day, she felt more sick to her stomach. It was not a pleasant day and she was still figuring out on how to deal with the stuff. Looking at the man she just sat there for a while. "What is going to happen to us now?" She asked him knowing going home was not an option.
Auburn barely looked up at the man who saved her. She didn't know what to think of him and she was still a little dizzy. With a pale face still and tired expression she looked over to the man who had save her life. "I'm okay." It was a lie, a complete and udder lie. Nothing about this situation was okay. She wasn't in pain anymore, but she had a nagging feeling that she knew what happened to her parents. Her mind was a little fuzzy thanks to the medication that she was on, but she was holding up for the time being. "They say I will be okay." She tried to assure him, not knowing what else to offer.
The idea of spitting up didn't sit well with Karina. After all, didn't they know to never split the party? It was only asking for trouble. That being said she had been trying to get rid of the leader role and here she was ready to argue the moment someone else took lead. At least they were following long enough to make sure they got to where they were going. Karina lingered near the back as they entered Shibuya since she was not here to participate but only an escort for the time being. However the change of management that was mentioned did bring a little concern to Karina. "So if someone new is running the game, are you even fit to run the Mark of Mastery? Are you the ones who ran it last time, or has the change been since then?" Karina pressed for information, not trusting a single thing about this place. She didn't know what it was about it that bothered her but it did. Trying to push back those thoughts Karina just stared down Charlie, waiting to either leave, start their exam, or perhaps even fight this guy, if worse came to worse.
Nini hissed but at least didn't attack as Qamar approached. At least that was a start for the cat not attacking everyone near her, though she did seem to not like being restrained in Tinarah's arms as Qamar approached. Patting the cats head, Tinarah was more focused on controlling the cat than she was on what Qamar was saying. Tinarah gave her and Aria a wave goodbye and a small fake smile. She couldn't muster a real smile yet but she could at least offer something. When they left Tinarah was about to put Nini down, hoping the cat would behaved, when Edna came running in being as loud as ever. Tinarah could only imagine how bad that would go if Nini was on the ground being protective while Edna was around. They might end up having to rebuild the house again, and then all of Take's hard work would be for nothing. Tinarah stayed back and listened to the explanation of what was happening and looked concerned. So the Unforgivables were not yet completely dealt with after all. That could cause some bigger issues than they first thought. Letting out a bit of a sigh Tinarah prepared herself, putting her backpack on the ground and helping Nini inside so she would stay out of the way for a bit. The cat wasn't happy about it, but Tinarah knew she couldn't let her wander on her own, not with this much danger around. It was the last thing she had left from Mika, she would protect her. "If they are going around taking all the heroes, perhaps we just need to pretend to be heroes to draw them out. It could be as simple as going around and fixing everything that has happened since yesterday." While it was practically making themselves traps, they could at least control the situation more than if they were marching in on wherever this group made their layer and hoping for the best.
After weeks of challenges and harsh judging, a winner has finally been decided. Everyone was so beautiful, so wonderful. I don't know how any of our judges decided. I am glad I didn't have to judge it, I think it might have been impossible. Either way they did it and I am sure you are all done listening to me ramble on about this and just wanted to know who actually won. Well that is easy, here we go. In Fifth Place we have @Rat with 0 Points In Fourth Place we have @GarrettFinch with 11 Points In Third Place we have @LadyAzura with 18 Points In Second Place we have @Day~Dream with 28 Points And in First Place we have Spoiler @Mixt !!!!! With 39 Points Congratulations to everyone! If any of the contestants want to know the scoring for their entries, feel free to talk to me in private and I will happily share the judges scoring with you. Otherwise, good luck next you, I hope to see all your beautiful faces again.
A man showed up after they were frozen, talking to Aux. Aislinn was annoyed with the way the man talked to Aux but she couldn't do too much about it. She watched Aux come into his own, think for himself and to seem to actually have emotions. She wanted to see him fight it off but the longer this conversation lasted, the less likely it seemed that he could manage to do so. As she watched, suddenly Steel managed to break free of the spell. He then jumped on attacking the man and freeing them from their frozen state. Breaking out of her frozen state, Aislinn moved quickly between Aux and the man, protecting him to the best of her abilities. "Don't you dare do anything else to him. Leave Aux be." Aislinn shouted at No Heart, preparing herself to fight.
Alright May is upon us, and that means new chorus for us to do. This month is just a regular chorus, I randomly selected 4 songs from your general nominated songs, and now it is time for you to vote for which one you want to do. You have until May 13th to get your votes in. The song options for this month are: Weight of the World full song | instrumental Twister Original | Karaoke Blue Original | Karaoke Stand Out - Goofy Movie Original | Karaoke
Tinarah lingered a little closer to Torrin than Thallasa since she planned to stay behind with him. Before they got ready to go, Torrin showed them all a few new tricks, something Tinarah found quite interesting. She struggled at first to get the keyblade transformation right, however after trying for quite some time, she managed to get her keyblade to transform into an instrument that she was less familiar with, a harp. While Tinarah didn't really know what the harp did, she didn't want to try it out when she could hurt people with it. It was better to not bother and just put it away. After they learned their transformations Thallasa was getting everyone ready to go, meanwhile Boreas stated his desire to stay behind as well. Tinarah shifted uncomfortably as he spoke, moving a little bit away from him. She wasn't fond of having to learn to deal with both of them at once, but she would do it anyways. Tinarah had decided that she wanted to finish what she started and didn't want to let Torrin win. If she backed off and left, changing her mind about this, than she was still cowering when she just wanted to stop cowering. So with chin held as high as she could manage, Tinarah pushed forward and stood her ground, ready to start with whatever they were to do now.
So it begins All together that gains me 6 crowns and 900 Munny
It was almost surprising that Torrin was the one stepping away from her. Sure she wasn't too fond of him, but it wasn't like she was threatening... at all. Really she was just kind of a pathetic mess at the moment, so to have someone backing away, it was a bit off. Either way she tried not to think too much about it as Torrin looked her over seeming a little taken aback by the situation. He didn't seem to convinced about what she asked of him but she held her ground still. She wanted to back down, but she had done it once when things were much worse, she could do it again. "I will be fine. I can handle it. If I couldn't there is no reason I should be allowed out here." If she couldn't help here, she couldn't help in the next place either, she would have to force herself to be alright, despite the mornings events and the lack of food as well. As she spoke Thallasa called them to all meet at the front, and it was a convenient excuse to get away from Torrin now. She wanted to try and face him, but now that things were sufficiently awkward, she was happy to move along for a bit at least and focus on whatever else was happening. Going outside to meet them, she saw Aria and Qamar. One she felt bad for walking away on, the other not so much. She didn't really know what to say to either of them, so she just kind of held on to Nini and hoped the cat wouldn't attack anyone else for getting to close to her.
Just as he managed to get himself free, thanks to the help of Alder another attack came flying his way. Still recovering from the previous attack, Cerdic didn't have a chance to get out of the way before a ball of dark energy crashed into him. At the very least he had a chance to bring his keyblade up and deflect some of the damage. Staggering back, Daeni came to his side to help him but Cerdic didn't want to let her be in the forefront of this. He tried to step up and put himself between only to find his body not responding like it should. Cursing under his breath he tried his best to ready himself and move a little more on the defensive side as he still tried to keep himself between Daeni and the creature. She might not have liked being protected but they had to keep whatever it was she had from Ria, whether it was truly Marley's heart or not, he didn't want to risk Ria getting their hands on it, so he would gladly take the brunt of the damage if that is what it took.
This.. This was getting nowhere, Thallasa clearly wasn't understanding what Tinarah was trying to tell her and wasn't really helping all that much. She knew that she was safe from Torrin physically getting there to harm her, that wasn't the problem at the moment. It was the fact that even from a disance he was winning the mental battle, the control of her mind. Tinarah tried to think back to what she did before in order to face him. What had changed how she had the strength. There was no real answer for what she did, but she did know that she forced herself to face him, something that she was refusing now. If she could stand up and face the man who was able to kill her in a heartbeat, why could she not face the person who was just a shell of that power? Whether he was around or not the memories were still there, so at least she could make herself stronger. Tinarah was not convinced that the Torrin of the other realm wasn't going to find a way into her life again somehow, but it was better to be prepared to face him by facing the one that she might be able to handle, than avoiding it and jumping straight to the one that she wouldn't be able to handle. Having finished off the rest of the dishes, Tinarah grabbed a towel and dried her hands before scooping Nini up in her arms to prevent the cat from trying to attack anyone else. "Thanks for trying Master Thallasa." Tinarah walked passed her and set her eyes on Torrin. It was a tremendous effort of will not to look away or cower as she approached him. "I am staying here to help fix this world." She informed him, still seeming uncomfortable, but at least she attempted to talk to him, that was a step in the right direction at least.
"Not him." Tinarah's eyes flicked to the Torrin who was standing in the distance. "But the other him. He wanted to get to me. He was fine breaking me and I got out but still, even away I still sense that he would take great pleasure in watching me struggle right now, and I hate that. I thought I escaped but I don't think I did and I don't know what to do now." Tinarah told her. She was trying to to say too much, trying not to bring the Master down like she had done to Aria. She just wanted her mind sorted before they were forced to move out, and as it seemed, hiding and doing dishes was not going to help.
Tinarah was in own silent space, oblivious to what was around her until she heard hissing. Turning back she noticed Nini and Take, Nini seeming to have put herself between them. She could see the concern on Take's face as he asked if she was alright, but before she could really answer, Nini had chased him away. Tinarah didn't know if she should be thankful to the cat or not, for she didn't want to talk in fear of messing things up again, but at the same time part of her was screaming out at him to not leave, she didn't want to be alone, still all she could do was watch him go. Turning back to the dishes, Tinarah barely got started again before Nini was hissing and Tinarah paused to look at Master Thallasa. "Nini is just being protective, it is nothing against you." Tinarah tried to assure the Keyblade master as she looked down at the cat. "I am almost done the dishes, I am fine, it is a good distraction." It was a lie though, she wasn't fine, nothing was fine about this. What happened to the girl who looked Torrin in the eye and told him she would rather die then let him do anything to her. What happened to the girl who would meditate in silence and skip meals just to fight back enough to regain her keyblade or die trying. Why was it, when she got it back, she couldn't look anyone in the eye? She was letting him win by being like this. She was letting the Torrin of the other realm still dictate her life, even though she had gotten out. She escaped his physical cages, but not the mental ones. "Master Thallasa... How am I... How do I talk to everyone without making them feel the need to help shoulder my problem. How do I face them? Every time I try it ends up being about how I am handling things and then it goes badly for either me or them. How do I get by? How do I not let him win? Even though I escaped I feel like he is still winning." Tinarah finally asked. She hadn't really the time to talk with Stamatis or Choma or Fost about any of this and while Thallasa wasn't her first choice at this point she was desperate. She felt like she was bringing Aria down when she spoke with her, and she had yet to have a conversation with Qamar that didn't end with her hurting.
Qamar had brought out her food and shoved it into her hands expecting her to eat. Meanwhile Tinarah could tell she messed up with Aria again and felt horrible for it. She didn't want to upset anyone, she didn't mean for that to happen. She just wanted to point out what she already knew based on the experiences so far, things that Aria might not have known, but she probably made things worse. On top of that as Qamar started to speak with her, Tinarah could feel herself getting more and more annoyed. Tinarah didn't clump anyone with anyone else for reasons besides what she had seen. She didn't actually care about the darkness, but as Qamar tried to compare herself to the Evil Torrin, that was the point Tinarah snapped. Everything else after that was just a hollow echo through her ears. When Qamar finally stepped back for a moment giving Tinarah space, Tinarah stood up, looking at the ground again. She was starting to feel better with talking to Aria and feeling accepted by her, but then Qamar came up and started caving things in on her. There was no emotion to her face as Tinarah pushed past Qamar and walked inside, not even saying goodbye to Aria, though part of her at least wanted to apologize for messing up their little moment again. Walking back into the house Tinarah entered the kitchen once more, looking almost more dead inside than she when she first entered that morning. Scraping her food into the garbage, Tinarah went back to the sink to finish cleaning the dishes. Tinarah at one point had considered eating but changed her mind rather quickly after Qamar had spoken up. She had done the exact thing Boreas did, and decided that she should just pass it off and act like it never happened, acted like she could be in control of her anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. It wasn't that easy, she wished it was but she couldn't just stop. None of what was said made Tinarah feel any better, if anything she just felt numb, completely numb in mind and body. She couldn't focus, she didn't know what she was doing, it just became a mindless routine of cleaning dishes, whatever was in the sink, and whatever else of Take's that she could clean. While she did the work, it seemed nothing around her was registering any more, and to her, it was for the best.
"Well that is just because my brother is a little over protective. I actually fell unconscious during the battle yesterday. Thanks to Qamar, then Chrono I was back up on my feet, and my brother continued to heal me. So you know, if it wasn't for that I would have been down and out I think. And I was barely able to stand yesterday, so I wouldn't say I was in a better shape." Tinarah tried to explain as she sighed and leaned back, just enjoying the rocking of the chair, letting it start to relax her a bit. Aria tried to assure her that everyone would understand but Tinarah knew better. "Boreas won't. He thinks that it is stupid for me to hold anything against him or Torrin because it wasn't them but a version of them from another time line. Like it is easy to just look at them and not see the evil that I had seen in the other realm. It is frustrating and makes me hate him more. At least Torrin doesn't try and pretend I have no right to be upset." Tinarah clearly wasn't happy with that situation but tried to not get too bitter about it. Aria then suggested getting to know the Stamatis here and Tinarah was already thinking about it. "I want to, at least just enough that he teaches me how to get back. I don't know, the idea of training with the council there, it doesn't sit well. I miss the quiet castle in the woods where Uncle Fost would come visit. Maybe if I could train with Uncle Fost instead... but he is too important to be bothered with me." Tinarah stated as she sat back a little bit. "He said we would be in contact but I haven't heard from him again. I don't know what to think about it. I could always call him, but I don't want to annoy him either.." Tinarah went on speaking about Fost just as Aria tried to explain about a communicator that she had. "I can actually call them with my keyblade. I know how, I just... I don't want to annoy people, especially when he doesn't even know me in this realm, you know? Maybe when we are back, Gero said he would like to get to know me. At the very least I need to apologize for leading the Light Chaser straight to him, getting him hurt."
"Your very... I don't know, you are just like I remembered you. It shouldn't be a surprise it has only been a few days, but for me it hasn't and I have changed so much so I expect others to have as well, but that is not the case and I don't know. What am I even saying anymore? I don't know what I am doing and I guess it makes it hard for me to just accept other people still know how to handle me when I don't know how to handle them. I mean I only had Stamatis and Fost for so long, having anyone my age around is weird, and it is even weirder when I am not younger than all of them like I think I should be. And you know I am not in the most healthy state physically so I am scared I will hold you all back. Then there is Torrin and Boreas. I- I know they aren't the same as those who did awful things, but Boreas scares me, and Torrin..." Tinarah stopped talking for a moment and took a deep breath. "I see everyone else likes him, but I had a nightmare last night and I saw him trying to kill Mika... then me. It was shifting between older and younger Torrin and it scares me. I don't know how to trust him and stuff and I am sorry I just started to talk a lot and I don't know why." When Tinarah started to talk she couldn't stop. The fact that Aria actually wanted to be there with her and found comfort in her being there made Tinarah feel a little better. Besides there had been a lot on her mind and Tinarah had been trying to bottle it up to no avail. Perhaps it wasn't what Aria needed, but likely Aria would prefer hearing her in this self than hiding in her shell and she didn't want to hurt Aria, partly because she was terrified of losing Aria again.
Tinarah opened her mouth to speak, but Aria was already grabbing her hands out of the sink and started to dry them off for her. Tinarah didn't know what to do or think at all and she didn't really want to be dragged away, however she knew from the weeks spent with Aria before this, that there was no saying no to her. Aria took her wrist and actually started to drag her out of the kitchen without giving her an option. Tinarah tried to pull away at first, she wasn't too fond of being dragged around, but after a moment Tinarah just gave up as the girl was clearly doing everything in her power to not let her walk away, going as far as to balance pancakes on her head to open the door instead of letting go of her hand or passing her the plate. "I-I can walk myself." Tinarah tried to protest for a moment but just ended up giving up. She glance back inside wondering what other people thought of this bazaar situation. "I am fine, you don't need to drag me around like some sort of broken doll." But that was exactly what she was, wasn't she? She couldn't do anything on her own it seemed and had no energy to try and talk with people anymore. She did what she had to and then often ended up essentially breaking after it all because she wasn't able to keep herself going, she still wasn't healthy enough for that, the fact that she wasn't eating didn't help either.
As Tinarah cleaned and talked with Qamar, Aria approached to wash her mug and invite Tinarah to come outside and eat with her. Tinarah looked at the fresh pile of dishes in the sink and just stared at them for a moment. "No thanks. I am not hungry, and I should finish these dishes anyways. I don't want to leave the house a mess for Ms. Mode." It was a pathetic excuse for a lie, but she would only take away from everyone elses joy. She would rather them sit, eat, talk, enjoy themselves. Tinarah was fine with distracting herself with chores, or at least that was what she was telling herself for the time being. She wasn't okay, but she didn't know what to do to make things okay, so instead of trying she thought it was better to not bring everyone else down with her.
That was not what she wanted to hear, Karina didn't want to know that she was still in charge of this group. She didn't know how to lead them, and... in the end now that she had her keyblade, she would need to leave them anyways. They had pointed out the issues that it would cause with her being there. Either way it was one step at a time, and Karina gave one last nod to the group before leaving with Shiro and her group to go back to where they belonged. After all they had to do that thing to get back to the realm of light, and they had two members to find, as well as figure out what happened with Yue and Lea. There was a lot on the plate and Karina didn't even know where to start, perhaps they shoudl find out what happened with Lea, Melus, and Luther first. Turning to Shiro once more Karina spoke up. "When do we have to do that thing you were talking about? Should we look into that happened to Lea first?" She didn't know how they were going to look into that, what they were going to do with it, but Karina didn't want to just leave this place without knowing anything. The least they could do was try.