From the back Tinarah listened to Torrin's story about the Light Chaser and all that he had been doing. He spoke out of his need to protect the light and Tinarah wondered if that was why he always was with Aria. Besides discovering that Aria was a princess of heart, she also just glowed with personality, perhaps he felt the need to protect her as part of it. It hit her, how different this was from the story of the Torrin on the other side. The man who wanted to take over everything with darkness, until there was no bit of light left, meanwhile this man who flew before her only wanted to protect the light. She couldn't help but ponder the thought for a while. "It... It is strange hearing that." Tinarah cleared her throat and spoke up only slightly. "So backwards from what I came to know from the other... you. He wanted to eliminate all the light, finish a war of long ago." Tinarah pointed out as she caught up a bit more. She was more talking to herself than anyone else at this point as she looked ahead. "My mind screams at me to be afraid and stay away, but I don't see him in you at all besides appearances." She then admitted. Sure she was still scared and uncomfortable, but slowly after hearing his story and speaking her thoughts out loud she was starting to see more clearly that the man she feared and the man in front of her, were not indeed one and the same.
"Better." Though Auburn barely looked up at Onyx. It seemed like after the scare of the injuries wore off he now remained just barely a shell, she seemed upset, and finally the weight, the true understanding of her loss had hit her. "Leave and go where? I have no home." Auburn pointed out, tears in her eyes. It was clear that she was not okay and not sure what to think of anything. Instead she found herself sitting there staring at the man, her chest tight and unable to think fully, she just didn't know.
There was almost joy, and fire that danced in Thea's eyes as she saw what was coming with this battle ahead, a chance to get out the magic crawling in her skin. More than anything she needed to release the flames that crawled under her skin. The power that was too much for her, but was her burden to deal with. She could at least release it a little bit as red flames burst forth from the tips of her fingers, aimed at the spider who stood taller than her. Thea kept her distance, as a solid wall of bright white flames, slammed into place between her and the spider. The white flames burned bright but not hot, they were mostly there in order to deter the spider. She could cause them to burn hot if she needed, but as soon as she did it would start draining her quickly, so instead little spears of red flame burst from the white as she aimed them all towards the spider. Everette was almost relieved that Samuel was speaking for him. He was too worried about the current situation to trust himself to properly form the words that he wished to speak. As they ran though, he expressed his concern about them being expected and it being a trap. It was true, it was very possible that a trap awaited them. Conrad continued to speak about the ideas of possible plans and what would be more beneficial. "As much as we need to hurry with this, we can't be wasting any time. We should not split up. If they have poisoned all the water in the village, then they might be moving on to the other sources. Either way it wouldn't be smart to stay around the city in my opinion. Too many people to see you and point others in the right direction. If they wanted to get the jump on us, they would be waiting outside town." Everette suggested, trying to make some sort of reasoning around everything that was going on. As they hit the edge of town, Everette created mirrored copies of himself that walked around them, just a bit of extra protection if the enemy tried to get a jump on them, the enemy would have to know which one of the copies as him before they could harm him. Perhaps it would be just enough to buy themselves time to be ready for whatever lay ahead, that was if they were heading in the right direction. "Be on your guard, we don't know what waits ahead." He knew both the males knew that already, but it never hurt to remind them as Everette himself pulled out his sword, all six mirrored versions of him, mimicking the movement.
Having her piece said and seeming no reaction from it, Aislinn turned to the others who were rushing to the boats. It was time to head out to the realm of light once again. What they would find once they were there, Aislinn wasn't entirely sure. She thought for a moment about the idea of home being on the other side, but that was not necessarily going to happen. She still had to make sure everything was alright with this group and make sure that no one actually brought anymore harm to these kids. She needed to hold to her promise and see them destroy the ******* who thought it was okay to stand there and taunt them, turn friends on friends and try to make one kill another. For now it was time to see where this would all go as she stepped into a random boat ready to leave. Aislinn is going to Native Grounds.
All Aislinn could do was watch, sit and watch as Hikaru made up his mind to sacrifice everything. There was shock and awe at his resolution, and while she had no real idea what was going on, or why, she still found some sort of grim peace in it. Looking into the boys face, seeing the tears but the resolve he had to do such things, even if she could stop him, she didn't know if she would. Of course seeing him now as his body fell, quickly disappearing into nothing but light, she was upset, tears stung her own eyes. As light flooded out from Hikaru she could feel the bindings on her loosen and she was able to get up. Looking around, seeing how emotional everyone else was, those who had been fighting along side him for so much longer, Aislinn couldn't help but feel bad for them. She thought.... no she thought wrong, every step of the way she thought wrong. She had thought she could protect her home and she couldn't. She thought that she could protect these kids, but here they were. As the light faded and Aux fell to his knees, Aislinn was left standing, looking at No Heart, she couldn't fight him, she knew that she was not that strong, she was not dumb enough to try, but in the place of the glowing light that was there a moment before, Aislinn was now glowing as she looked at the man before them. "You have tried, every step of the way to bring them down, to dampen their spirits, haven't you? You bring pain and harm and now death to this spectacular group for your own gain, believing yourself unstoppable. But I will tell you the truth, I have seen these peoples hearts and what they are like, and what Hikaru did, you might think you won, you might act as though it played into your hand, but I hope you know the fire you just ignited, because now they are going to rage on, and become a force not even you can stop, no matter how much scheming you have or what sort of trails that you lay ahead. We will burn through them and make them look like nothing, they are stronger than you know. And when they day comes when they prove to you what a mistake you have made trying to kill one of them, forcing one to sacrifice themselves, driving discord between them, I just hope I will be there to witness it." Aislinn might not have had the same emotional attachment to Hikaru as some of these people had, but she was invested in this group and just wanted to see them be able to walk on, heads high, glowing as brightly as she did now as she stood up to the man who was causing this all, no fear in her eyes, just a burning passion to protect those around her.
As she was preparing to leave, three new faces and two old ones, and a unfriendly face appeared before her. The unfriendly one however she wasn't sure about. The boy didn't seem like typical minion of Nequa's he just seemed... well broken if she was being honest. However she had no time to deal with him or the new faces as Melus and Luther arrived, explaining all that had happened with them as well as asking about her. Still trying to process what the story with Lea was, Karina chose to answer the latter of the questions, turning her attention to Melus for a moment. "We went to help some of my old friends, they got themselves in trouble with Uniform and I just went to help out. And as you know, my name is actually Karina, it kind of became even more clear around people who only ever knew me as Karina, and instead of trying to explain why I wanted to be called something else, I just gave up and went with it. As for the keyblade, well it is a long story. I had it, then I lost it, then all my friends got it back and I couldn't, so I came here, then I want to help my friends and before we left, they took pity on me and helped me get it back." Karina explained quickly the best she could knowing that Shiro wanted to go. "Well I think we need to go check some stuff out and be back. I will fill you in later." Karina assured. She seemed nicer now that she had returned, not necessarily happy but, less broody and more willing to talk. Turning back to Shiro Karina nodded and followed him, knowing they had to be quick and some of their questions were already answered, but she still just wanted to see for herself before she completely let this go. To her, Karina believed that Yue, and Lea were supposed to be so much better than her, and yet to have them die to these groups, it made the entire thing seem hopeless, she was just searching for something to say otherwise.
Why he was even up this morning, Reno couldn't really answer, except for the fact that it had been too damn loud to actually sleep through. The red-brown, nine tailed fox, sauntered around the back of the crowd, looking for food that he could perhaps snatch out of someone's hand and go find a quiet place to eat it, boy would quiet be nice right about now, but nowhere in the city was ever quiet, no where in any city for that matter. Well perhaps if he couldn't beat them, he could join them. After all, he was sure there was a fight going to break out any moment now. Just one wrong word from any one person and all hell could break loose. Perhaps he would be the one to cause that to happen, perhaps not. Pushing back the thought for the time being, Reno took a walk around the block getting out of site of most of the people before he flashed back into his human form, taking to the crowd once again, wandering around looking for something interesting to watch, but finding nothing so far besides a headache from all the noise. Perhaps these protesters would win their little fight, it would be nice if it put an end to all the ridiculous laws, then perhaps things would be fun again. At first all these laws and watching everyone stumble over them was a great time to watch, but over recent weeks it had just started to get plain annoying.
Should be able to catch her.... perhaps not the most comforting words but it could also be much, much worse. Watching Torrin and Boreas fly, they were good enough at it, that she felt that she could take at least some comfort in their words, even as she still felt nervous about leaning into a turn. However the next chance she got to do it, and it worked, Tinarah's eyes lit up slightly. As she found her balance and started flying more smoothly, she looked almost like she was starting to have some fun with it. Glancing over her shoulder she gave a small smile to Take. "You two holding in okay back there?" She asked him, eyeing Nini who was riding along. It was kind of cute watching the two of them flying like that, and the fact that Nini was okay just riding along how she was, it kind of amazed Tinarah to some extent. That being said now that she was used to her glider, she was rather enjoying the ride herself and wished that she could fly longer.
Due to lack of interest there was not a chorus last month, but this month we are back with full force, singing a song from NieR Automata. Make sure that you claim your lines by May 20th, lines will be due on May 27th. Make sure you claim your spot! full song | instrumental Spoiler: Lines [I feel like I'm losing hope] -1 [In my body and my soul]-2 [And the sky, it looks so ominous]-3 [And as time comes to a halt]-4 [Silence starts to overflow]-5 [My cries are inconspicuous]-3 [Tell me God, are you punishing me?]-1,2 [Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes? ]-3,4 [This is my redemption song] -5,1 [I need you more than ever right now]-1,4 [Can you hear me now?]-2,5 [Cause we're going to shout it loud]- 3 [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2 [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-1 [I wish that someway, somehow]-2 [That I could save every one of us]-3 [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-4 [Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life Come to life... ]-5 [After all the laughter fades]-4 [Signs of life all washed away]-1 [I can still, still feel a gentle breeze]-2 [No matter how hard I pray]-3 [Signs of warning still remain]-4 [And life has become my enemy]-5 [Tell me God, are you punishing me?]-1,3 [Is this the price I'm paying for my past mistakes?]-2,5 [This is my redemption song]-4,5 [I need you more than ever right now]-1,2 [Can you hear me now?]-3,4 [Cause we're going to shout it loud]-5 [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2 [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-1 [I wish that someway, somehow]-2 [That I could save every one of us]-3 [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-4 [Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life]-5 [Come to life...]-3 [Cause we're going to shout it loud]-1 [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2 [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-3 [I wish that someway, somehow]-4 [That I could save every one of us]-5 [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-1 [Still, we're going to shout it loud]-1 [Even if our words seem meaningless]-2 [It's like I'm carrying the weight of the world]-3 [I hope that someway, somehow]-4 [That I could save every one of us]-5 [But the truth is that I'm only one girl]-4 [Maybe if I keep believing my dreams will come to life Come to life...]-Everyone Line Claim: 1- LadyAzura 2- Glen 3- CrownMoksha 4- Zelda 5- Aelin 6-
As Tinarah stood there trying to figure out how to maintain balance, Boreas called out to her with some advice. As she tried the advice, Tinarah found out that it was actually working to some extent. As she spread her legs a little further apart, she found her balance a little more centered, enough so that she managed to close at least a little of the distance between her and the two males taking lead, or at least enough distance that she didn't feel like she was going to be left behind at any moment. And while Boreas still made her uncomfortable, at least it was helpful. "Um.. thank you." She told him a little timidly, not sure if he could hear her over the wind, but she could at least try. Just because his attitude bothered her, it didn't mean that she didn't want to at least try and be polite. After all she decided that she wouldn't let him win, so she would face them, mostly Torrin, but she needed to learn to face both of them. Being rude to Boreas would not help with the already damaged relationship that she seemed to have with the man, not from the time in the other realm, just their interactions in this realm.
Well none of what was said particularly answered any of the questions Karina had, but crossing her arms and rolling her eyes she got ready to follow Shiro anyways. Karina didn't even acknowledge the person who approached and asked if they could join as well. That was a question for the game master, not her responsibility. She might have had the minor responsibility for the rest of the brooding bunch, but she didn't particularly like it, and she didn't want to deal with a new person either. Glaring back once more at Charlie, she started to move with Shiro but mumbled under her breath. "I don't like him."
It was difficult to get used to figuring out how to fly her glider. She was a bit wobbly and struggled to find the right balance, but at the very least she was able to keep herself on the glider and not go plummeting to the ground. She could only imagine how badly that would hurt. Instead of giving pointers or actually any instructions at all for the three of them who had never flown, Torrin continued to do what he did best since she had been back, especially after telling her story, and avoid all of them altogether. She supposed since Aria wasn't here to be distracted with, he found another way to keep himself occupied, talking to his friends more than he paid attention to how they were doing. Tinarah didn't know why she was so annoyed by this, but part of her way. Perhaps it was because she was finally trying to not just be terrified of him and avoid him, but now, that she perhaps needed a little help learning how to use the damned thing, he was avoiding her equally as much and she was left struggling to figure out how to keep her balance. It was like learning to ride a bike all over again, but this time there was no training wheels to keep her from falling, and the fall, instead of leading to a scraped knee, could lead to her death. Still she tried to just keep her head down and focus on learning, if he wasn't going to pay mind to them, she wouldn't ask for help, and she didn't want to ask Take or Chrono who were likely equally as unsure about flying.
Everything happened so fast, she was up trying to defend Aux and Kaida and the next moment he grabbed her and tossed her at Steel. While it hurt, it was next to nothing as Aislinn tried to get up again, she would be okay, she could still deal with things, she could keep defending them, even as No Heart tried to bring them all down. Almost to her feet, Ignis got knocked into her again and knocked her back to the ground just in time fore him to cast a spell on them, binding them to the ground. Aislinn fought against the spell with all her might, she could get through this, she had to get out of this. She couldn't watch everyone trying to be the heroes if they were just going to end up with getting themselves killed. With every fiber of her being she started struggling against the spell, apologizing to Ignis and Steel as she did so just in case she was hurting them in any way.
As they were wrapping up the conversation, Qrow entered the room again and told them that it was time to go. Sighing a bit she knew that they needed to go but didn't quite want to, still struggling with her confidence. Either way she could get over it if need be, well she had to, there was a mission to do and she couldn't really just walk away from it now. She may have tried but got stopped and now here she was. Slinging her pack across her shoulder, and ensuring that her weapons were strapped tight to her, Auburn got ready to head out and meet the rest of the group. Upon appearing with the other group, Auburn sunk into the background again. Sure she was doing a little bit better with her own group, but given the big group, she still was shy. She didn't know what to do about this. At least they were moving on soon, as soon as they moved on and started doing something, she could be distracted by that instead. "Who knows." Arian brushed of Noires question on how long it took people to get ready. "I am sure they have their reasons." Thankfully those reasons didn't take them too long before the other group started to file back and meet up with them, not long after a conversation Noire seemed to be having with who could only guess would be Qrow. Rolling his eyes at the next comment, Arian was truly getting bored with the woman more than intimidated. "We know, you said that already. Can we just go now?" He pushed not wanting to stand around any longer.
Take came up and took Nini from her, playing with the cat for a moment. As Take started talking to Nini, it caught Tinarah off guard and she found herself laughing a little bit at the fact that Take was laughing at himself. She seemed a bit surprised and thrown off by the fact that she laughed as her hand went to her mouth. She was surprised to find herself laughing, she hadn't in months and it was a strange feeling. Even as Torrin tried to cut things short, he made a pun of his own, and Tinarah looked at him equally surprised as she smiled a bit at that, looking down after feeling a bit weird for smiling at Torrin. Apparently they needed to use the new gliders now, and Tinarah was a little unsure about everything. Looking at her keyblade, she held it out for a moment before finally tossing it out and waiting for it to return as a glider. The glider, surprisingly came to her, she had not expected it to work if she was being honest with herself. Still a little reluctant she climbed onto her glider, though unstable at first. Looking back, Tinarah hoped that Take would follow soon behind her so that if she fell behind, at least someone would know, and she trusted Take.
Tinarah was surprised that Torrin actually liked her idea. Though she supposed it was better to draw them out and fight them on their terms, then find where they were and face them on their home turf. That being said she did start to regret the idea when Torrin told them to put their outfits back on. While hers was not in perfect shape, it was at least still wearable. Mumbling something about being right back, Tinarah returned to her room and put on the too tight supersuit. It had to be at least at as tight as the clothing Mika had lent her, the only difference was that Mika's clothing showed more skin, but was more attractive looking. After getting her own outfit on, Tinarah looked down at Nini sitting there waiting, guarding the door. "You know Ms Mode should have made you an outfit. After all you are closer to a hero than I am. Protector of all, loved by everyone, bravest of us all. I can't imagine how you must be hurting right now." "Meow." Nini rubbed up against her leg but looked a little sad herself, almost to confirm that she was hurting as well. With a small sad smile, Tinarah bent down and picked the cat up, quickly scanning the room for something to use before ripping off a part of her left sleeve, so it matched the tattered and ripped right sleeve of her outfit, then tied the fabric around Nini's neck. "There you go, now you fit in. Come on lets get back out there." Taking the cat with her, Tinarah emerged to meet with the rest of the party. Upon approaching, Tinarah stood a bit awkwardly near the back. "Well I am ready to go whenever. Hopefully we can prepare enough to make this work to our advantage." Tinarah said quietly, but who was she to act like she knew what she was doing. Boreas and Torrin were both trained warriors, and she was just... well herself. Sure they went with her plan, but that didn't mean she actually knew what she was doing. She could pretend though, at the very least. She couldn't let herself cower again, she could face this. She had to face this, she had escaped that horrible place, she could at least pretend to hold her head high and not collapse after a mere moment of strength. She would never get stronger that way.
Reaching out she tool the mans pinkie in her own and shook it. After that she relaxed and let herself fall back into a deep sleep. It was a few days before the doctors stopped worrying about Auburns wounds reopening or getting infected. She was almost ready to be able to go home, but the issue was figuring out where that would be for her. It has already been decided that Lukas was going to go to a foster family, given that one volunteered to take the baby, but they had yet to find someone willing to take both kids and the debate was whether it was better to leave Auburn in an orphanage where she might find a forever home, or send her to a foster parent until she was doing a bit better, then bring people to see her as people were looking for a girl to adopt. Of course Auburn was left oblivious to all these conversations, left to rest as the adults decided her future.
Cerdic was at least able to protect Daeni, though with all his might going towards just getting in the way, he couldn't properly block for himself. As the claw struck out and slashed Cerdic down the middle, pain flashing through him as it seemed nearly unbearable. However before he completely collapsed a glow of green energy surrounded him, allowing him just enough fortitude to keep himself standing, if barely. Cerdic looked back to Daeni and gave her a weak smile trying to assure her that he was alright. "Looks like you have to protect yourself now kid. I don't think I can handle another one of those, and I am not going down without a fight." The creature was now attacking the machine that they worked so hard on getting up and running again. He might not have had a ton of strength left in him, but at the very least he could go down swinging. Charging forward Cerdic took his keyblade and tried to swipe at the hands that were attacking the machine, tried to push the creature back and away, or at the very least bring the attention back to him. If he could do at least that then he could buy more time for everyone else, knowing that he was cutting his own time short.
Auburn snuggled into bed and seemed nearly ready to go to sleep as she continued to talk with Onyx. "I am Auburn." She introduced herself quietly. She didn't really know what else to say to the man, but he seemed nice enough. "That is Lukas." She pointed to her baby brother that was still laying in his crib where the nurse had placed him, fast asleep and completely oblivious to everything that happened that day. The boy was too young to really understand what was going on, unlike his older sister who was still a little terrified of it all. "I don't want to go to a home." She had heard the occasional story of orphanages, usually from books and fantasy stories, but every time she heard about them it was not very pleasant, so the idea of having to go to one bothered her.
Alright well here is my attempts at a character sheet and the backstory is at the bottom. Bare with me, I barely know pathfinder stuffs, so this is a learning experience for me.