Josh heard Seth breathing, and pulled out his stun-gun, he aimed it at Seth, "yeah, he's right, you should breath quieter!" he said, and pulled the trigger.
Genservant rushed in behind Cooper, throwing flaming punches and kicks, but Malum leaned back Matrix-style and avoided the sword, bringing his own up to stab at Cooper.
Xifernos was getting angery, "you say I fail?! You can't even get my name right!" he yelled, with each word creating more and more fire. Hades looked at Sakura, "hmm... two for the price of one? I like that!" Kouri whispered, "on the count of three?" Genservant looked to Cooper, "we are in a battle, marvle at the sword later!" he said, throwing a flaming punch at Malum, who dodged it. "I realy think you don't know," was Malum's reply.
OOC: what to add to make it even better? :thinking: BIC:Malum blocked the attack, "you don't know what you are getting into, boy," he snarled, his scar burning with black fire. Genservant ran and stood next to Cooper, flames in his hands, "we can do this," he said. Hades leaned down over Kouri, "don't fight it," he said. Kouri's only response was to spit in his face. Xifernos shot a ball of fire at Nyoko.
Genservant swung his sword at Malum repeatedly; he had enough force with each swing to crack the groud around them. Malum either parried or dodged these attacks, "stop crying about your pathetic girlfreind! If she hadn't been in the way, I wouldn't have killed her!" he said. Genservant growled and swung his sword harder, "I hate you!" he snarled. Favian contenued to run away from the battle. Malum jumped backwards and disapeared in a burst of black fire, his voice resonated through the forest, "a new war has begun in this time, if you wish to find the heart of the disaster you must go to Santax." Favian heard the voice, "santax?" he wondered. Genservant ran through the forest, he needed to find that pilot.
OOC: XD! :lolface: BIC: Kouri screamed, "get away from me you creep!" Hades just stopped, "what did I do?" he asked. Genservant saw Cooper, "would you get out here and help us?!" he shouted. Malum took the oppertunity to slash at Genservant, who's sword was knocked from his hands. Xifernos stepped out of the portal, right next to Lexah.
Eventus nodded, "I can remember it as clear as day, the council set my troop out on a mission, on the best ship in the light fleet at the time, the redemption, anyway, we were just a bunch of inexpirenced troops and pilots on an oversized warship, with way to many guns, and we were supposed to take out the strongest darkness military base in the outskirts worlds, we did it, to point, but the losses were so great. I was literaly the only survivor, and that only just." he said.
black kid (not to be racist)
not everything, some things, few thing actualy, for some people it is a matter of daily living to justify the means with the ends.
OOC: I have permision from TerryNirv to use his characters BIC: Josh crept up to the base, silent as ever, he began to look through the rooms, he stealthily looked into each to see who was in there, he came to the halway with Kaia's room in it. Furtim just sat on the couch, trying to sleep. Trent was still sleeping. Greed looked at Neco, "you need to prove yourself to me, I have heard rumors of a spy in the Military, I want you to find him, and eliminate him."
OOC: it isn't me, but it doesn't fit Xifernos's profile, if he was asked to play it; then that would be the reaction that Terry Nirv would have given. BIC: Kouri stood up on shaky legs, and stumbled away from Hades, who was now walking closer to her. Hades grinned, "where ya goin' sweetheart?" he asked. The dusk fled rapidly. Xifernos stood up, "now I'm angery!" he said, and opened up a portal. Malum and Genservant were still fighting.
Xifernos was getting realy bord now, "thats it!" he yelled. A red dusk suddenly ran in, (you called master?) it asked in the nobody language. Xifernos sighed, "no, I didn't!" The dusk held out a bunch of castle oblivion cards, (are you sure you don't want to play KH Yugioh?) it asked. Xifernos shot a blast of fire at the dusk, "GO AWAY!" Meanwhile.... Hades was almost to Kouri. Genservant and Malum were still fighting. Kouri was trying to get up.
OOC: no kidding, Hades deserved it! XD BIC: Xifernos was realy getting bord, "what am I supposed to do while I wait for him?!" he wondered aloud. Hades began to walk towards Kouri. Kouri saw him comming and stuggled into a sitting position, at least I can move now, she thought. Genservant and Malum began to fight even harder.
OOC: umm... where is Sora and Company? I don't know where to start my characters off.
OOC: yeah, I have Xifernos BIC: Xifernos sat in the chair at Castle Oblivion, what is takeing Malum so long? I sent him to do that task hours ago! He thought. Hades looked around, where is Cooper? and who is that girl laying on the beach over there, it looks like she's hurt! He thought, maybe I should go over there and work some of my Hades magic! Genservant and Malum clashed blades once more. Kouri saw Hades looking at her, a predatory expresion on his face, who is that creep? She wondered.
Eventus nodded, "I remember the good old days, before the council was corrupt, but once it became so, I lost many freinds due to the battles that ensued," he said saddly.
OOC: I have permission from TerryNirv to use his character Hades. BIC: Malum and Genservant both backfliped awway from eachother, then both sent Massive fireballs at the same time, they hit and made an explosion. Kouri just laid on the sand, waiting for her movement to return. Hades jumped out of the sand; he had been startled awake by the loud explosion, what the hell? he thought, seeing the chared sand left over from Phenox's lighting bolt, he looked up, and saw Malum and Genservant, and Lexah and Nyoko, all in the fight for their lives, WTF?! he thought.
Eventus walked in and took a seat as well, he looked at the strange mouse-like creature that stood before Phisoxa, "and what are you supposed to be?" he asked.
Eventus walked towards the meeting room, "it isn't possible that he was there, I was the only survivor, for either side," he said. Eventus knocked on the meeting room door.
Eventus shook his head, "unless you were a member of the darkness armies, stationed on an outskirts world, in a small darkness base, that was assaulted by the Light war ship the Redemption, I have not attempted to kill you," he said.