Kouri stood up, her hair no longer standing on end, "So you think it's funny, huh?" she asked, and without waiting for an awnser she created a miniture blizard, millions of ice crystals flying out of nowhere to strike at Xengla. Hades got up then slowly backed up two stepps, chick fight, damn it! He thought.
OOC: could you PM me what you think is happening? So we can get the story strait? BIC: Joshua began to climb down the cliff, "follow me, now tell me more about the accident, what do you know about it?" he asked.
Kouri had taken precautions against being paralyzed again, her spinal cord currently had an almost insubstantial barrier of ice around it, but it was enough to block the electrical current from messing with her control, what it didn't do was protect her from the shock itself. She was knocked down to the ground, all of her hair standing on end. Hades flew back a few feet from the impact, it may protect from elements, but it has nothing on phisical, he thought.
Hades just smiled, "I'm in my final form right now, and thanks to it, I'm immune to elemental attacks," he grinned, before placing an over-powered kick at her face. Kouri looked on, "it's your show Hades, I'm not involved."
Hades shook his head, "no... but you don't just leave in the middle of a battle, this is war, and if you were properly listed under kings followers, then you could be executed for leaving a battle, as I said before, it is war, they don't care wether or not you're tired, they just want to to fight, you're an extra body to throw at the enemy, that is all you are if you are in an army," he said.
Hades raised his eyebrow, Kouri looked plain shocked, "YOU WANT TO WHAT?!!!" they both yelled out at the same time. "This is a war!" Kouri shouted.
"Awww... but I like to see cool things!" Hades said from behind Xengla, now in a orginisation coat, and floating off the ground, "and don't even try the lightning, you'll regret it."
Kouri starred at Xengla, "hello, again, I thought Hades wanted to deal with you?" she said coldly. Xifernos and Genservant began to send waves of fire between them.
As Malum watched the monster, he took note that it's skin seemed to be undamageable, I remember hearing a myth about an invonurable monster, the Minotar, the only thing that could kill it was it's own horn, he thought.
Malum simply used his fire/darkness powers to become temporaly immune to the fire. In other words he absorbed the heat away from the flames right before they hit him, therefore makeing them cause no damage to him.
The lightning shot throughout Hades's body, he began to glow with purple-ish twilight energy, before exploding in a flash of energy, and there was no sign of him left. Kouri nodded, "we're fine, but I thought you were with the kings?" she asked. Malum ducked the sword, and brought his own up in a lunge towards Cooper. Genservant and Xifernos began to play with fire, literaly.
OOC: Joshua and Kaia are gone, they teleported somewhere else. BIC: Joshua motioned for her to follow him, "the answers I must give you lie in the base, it will show you the truth about yourself, for starters, what can you remember about your past?" he asked.
your welcome
There was a flash of blue light, then they were both standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out over a destroyed base, Church's old base. OOC: I have to go, sorry
The ice crystal emerged from the ground near Lexah, and shattered, revealing Sakura and Kouri, unharmed. Xifernos neared the three combatants, "Malum, take down that insolent guitar player! I will handle Genservant!" he ordered. Malum kept up his attack/defence against Cooper, "but sir, Genservant is my target!" he said. Xifernos charged towards Genservant, "that doesn't matter to me!"
Joshua instantly transformed them both, though there were no visible changes, "I have transformed the organ that gives you your power, if you focus on me, it will teleport you to where we need to go," he said.
Malum charged through, silent as ever, and came in behind the demon, he instantly jumped into the shadows, killing several zombies as he did so, he eyed the beast wearily, looking for any weaknesses.
OOC:TerryNirv is on vacation or something, so if I were you I'd wait until he is back, and then post this again. BIC: Joshua stepped forward and reached out his hand, "it is something you will need to see to belive," he said, not grinning, but completly somber.
Eventus made the orbs of fire spin around him and Dace, they were so bright now that they appeared to be miniature suns, he eyed the seeker wearily, "what did he mean, Dace?" he asked again.
As Malum charged towards the source of the disaster, he cut down several zombies, making sure to use all head shots, not sure wether or not that myth is true, but I'm not takiing any chances, he thought.