It is just another year Just another summer I'm not going anywhere At least not this summer Just like the winter before Walking through the cold door Time and again It's just another season I'm not going anywhere The autum is almost here Just gotta go through summer So I'm not going anywhere Just like the spring yesterday I only have to look away For a moment or two And everything will be different anew So when will I ever get away From this old farm Where the only thing to do Is watch the changing seasons
Mark noticed some dragons flying by himself, and sighed, "today's the ritual, huh buddy? I'm sorry we didn't have time to take part," he said. Hwaje growled saddly, Mark, hearing this, "I'll make it up to you, how about tomorow we go hunting? No more of that nasty dragon rations you've been eating, Eh?" he said.
Joshua was now digging through a pile of rubble, "We are looking for something of Church's, something that he kept close to him always, at least until this attack took place, when it was lost in the battle," he said.
Malum nodded solomly, "I know what I'm doing, so stay out of it Starrk," he said, seeing the look on his face.
Yeah, they are, but if you get too much of them in too short a time period.... bad things happen to my mind, at least with me.
Malum grinned, "you see, it was said that each of the swords, if not destroyed, would eventualy be found by one who could use them, giving them even more power than they had before, not invincible, just stronger, but it also would become attuned to them, you see, if I don't kill you, I have no doubt in my mind that you will eventualy find the sound sword," he said, "but that is a long way off, you have to survive this battle first." OOC: I got to go
Malum sensed that Cooper was tiring, but he was still cautious, "you should, boy, the legendary swords of the elements, Fire, Ice, Shadows, Sound, Gavity, and Spirit, the swords of the Elements, or at least the surviving ones, at one time there were thousands, but now only those few remain, and those are all lost, missing, only three are found, and we are holding two of them," he growled.
Mark looked down at the scenery around the water region, while ridding his dragon, Hwaje, "nice day for a flight, huh buddy?" he asked.
OOC: Johua and Kaia are off at Church's old base that was attacked and destroyed, looking for clues about Kaia's past, or at least Kaia is looking, Josh is just explaining, Trent, Furtim and Church are having a conversation about Church hating Trent, right in front of Seth, who has been silent through the conversation.
Nice, if you like those kinds of things, I would be driven crazy in a matter of hours.
Malum brought up his sword to block Cooper's swing, then pushed into a grapple, the two blades, which in design were identical, but their colors were as different as night and day, "do you know the history behind these swords?" Malum asked. Genservant and Xifernos leapt at eachother, Xifernos using his Lance, Genservant using his fists and feet.
OOC: but the problem is, if even one of us stops posting, then it will start a chain reaction, leading to a dead thread.
Trent sighed, "at least you can't turn me into a guina pig," he said. Furitm starred, 'WTF?' was practicaly written on his face. Trent sighed, "don't ask."
Lol indeed, it isn't the first RP we've been in together, but it is one more, which is always a good thing ;)
OOC: I would say yes, we should wait for one more. But it is up to you, just throwing in my suggestion.
Trent scratched his head, "I can recall you saying that a few times," he said. Furtim facepalmed and sighed. Neco looked into Greed's eyes, "Yes sir," he said coldly, and walked out the door into the rest of the base.
OOC: no, we need more then two people to do a good RP, it it is only two of us then we would end up getting bored out of our minds, and I think people are less inclined to join after one has started.
Malum hit the ground and rolled, then quickly jumped to his feet, completly unharmed, he pointed his sword at the beast, "I challenge you to a sword dule, no magic, no zombies, only your blade and mine," he said.
OOC: Now that I have convinced you, I will join! OC: Name: Mark Ignis Age: 18 Appearance: Weapons: Fire swords, (he has three, one is a broadsword, the other two are smaller ones that he can double weild) Dragon(element):Fire Bio: He grew up on the streets because he is an orphan. When he reached sixteen he was emploed in the army of the fire. When he was Seventeen, he commited an act of treatchery to the fire kingdom(let a high-ranking enemy prisoner escape because the prison guards were treating the enemy with crulty), and had to fight for his life, and flee. Other: now has a price on his head, and is traveling the world, hidding from the fire army, and bounty hunters who want to turn him in, dead or alive, for cash.