Eventus smiled and offered his hand, "name's Eventus, though I don't belive I've tried to kill you," he said jokeingly.
Eventus saw everyone head into the meeting room, "hey, Dace, should we be in that meeting over there? I heard Phisoxa say something about Port Royal," he said.
Joshua began to verticaly land the stealth ship, less than a half-mile from the base, but completely silent for stealth puroses. OOC: that thing you said about sleeping, it just reminded me of something.
OOC: what do you mean? this can go anywhere! BIC: Joshua left Drake Wrath to do what he pleased, and went over to the hanger, he walked up to a stealth fighter, and checked it out. Takeing off, he initiated the stealth function, and headed towardst he re:volt base.
Luxord, I spent hours on that guy, I couldn't ever push the right buttons, and don't get me started on "do you have the time?"
Eraser head.
Living lead.
Furtim walked over to an old couch in the corner of the room, and sat down on it's ripped cloth, with some stuffing falling out of the cusions.
I was pondering this, does anyone have a clear answer to this question?
Eventus looked around, "hey, Dace, do you know if there is a combat training room abord this ship?" he asked.
Eventus smiled, "ah, but the life of a CEO is boring, I want some action in my life, so I'd say an elite pilot or ship commander," he said.
Eventus laughed, "I'd perfer a white one, that way no-one else would have to know where we are going, just punch in the numbers and wait for the action."