That show used to scare me...
My parents are in bad moods so they are yelling at me so... But I am fine^^ Don't worry! 26204
Hi people... Today I am deppressed... *sits alone in a corner* 26202
Oh my God I know!! That tear thing scared the crud out of me!
Has anyone had this assembly at their school? It is about the events of Columbine Highschool. If you don't know look it up in Wikipedia, or a reliable source. There was a girl named Rachel who was killed in the events. She believed that everyone was the same and that Prejudice, Racism, and Sexism should not be allowed. They had this presentation at my school today. I thought it was really good! It was kind of deppressing, but really inspiring! I just want to know if anyone else has had this and what you think of it!
*jawdrop* OMG!!! I want to try that^^ And Nu huh!!! Watermelon=90% Yummyness!!!
OMG!!! This is like th best thing since.....anything!!! I wants one!!!!!
No it's Kritik!!! In Speech it is Kritik in english it's critique...
What is the reason I exist?
1,000,000 I finally got The Million!!!
lol Jube!!! Just lol!!!
I know I just got home from school^^ CTR Its awesome to have you back!!!!
Ctr!! :glomp: I think everyone missed you!! 26172
Saix: *Jumps and licks Frostex* Xemnas: Saix No! Bad Dog!
Xemnas: Frostex I am Saix's owner... Sit Saix! *waves to sam* Saix: *sits obediently*
Xemnas: Whatever! You people are too similar anyway! *sits on couch* Saix: *wags tail*
Xemnas: Xigibar, I thought you were the Whirlwind Lance Saix: Bark!!
*agrees with GX* Diamond rules!
...well then I have no clue...but I could swear he licked him....Oh well I guess I am wrong...
Xemnas: He never dies see? *pulls out article*