And then she got sick, for the jelly was poisoned.
And then a giant ball of fire collided with Pete, causing him to explode and sending hamster jelly everywhere.
cookies or muffins?
And then tacos rained down from the heavens~
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?
Even greater than DBZ's...? o.o;;
How about testing this, then? Aerial Form 10340E66 000000F3 01CB9856 00000005 21CB9814 5F303031 21CB9818 4647414D 20340C94 47C35000...
This method only works on slim PS2s though, I think. =X
My brother found it for me. ^^
It basically retells the story and gradually parts off from its original path to the whole EoE movie, giving it a different ending, new Eva. pilots, etc. I kinda liked the first movie of the whole redo thing... though yeah, Evangelion's been milked from hell and back. Still, I'd say it's something good for those few fans who didn't like the original endings. =X
Testing. And from what I see, it'll be similar to just playing as unhittable Riku and watching them accidentally hit each other, only you'll be invisible so it seems more realistic. Am I right? EDIT: BSoD. When narrowing it down, 11CFA3FC 00000000 appears to be the cause.
Code not yet released for having Sephy and Cloud fighting each other, methinks
You are win. <3
To tell you the truth, I was actually expected to be a girl, up until I was born. Then they realised I had a, y'know... penis. I was going to be named Morgan or Lindsey. ...Dodged a bullet there. 8D
This one kid likes this one girl, then this random thing happens so now the one girl likes someone else, then another random thing happens and now the one kid likes this one different girl.
Falling into an abyss while mindlessly shooting bullets.