Neku from TWEWY. Just 'cause I think having him as an ally would be badass. :3
Yes! I am so joining this.
It's not that the designers forgot to add certain abilities to the sequel, they were just stolen from your character off screen. Deal with it.
Break every rock you will ever see. There may be a slight chance that a near-worthless jewel is inside, somehow.
I love that game. :=D:
If you happen to be able to eat or drink, spam it. You may get power ups.
That 99% of the time, the fact that your character's hair defies gravity and/or has an unnatural color will never be explained.
Isn't he a playable character?
That at times, volley balls > bullets.
I'd say an easier alternative to that would to just use a lvl 99 code at the beginning of the game. I don't really see much difference. =X
So the voices might now be replaced after all...? o.o THERE IS A GODasdasd
The single thing keeping me from spazzing out over this vid is the lack of weapon. I've been waiting for something like this. 8D
...I always thought humanity was doomed. Yet deep, deep inside, there was a small light hoping for the day that we would all redeem ourselves, and change society for the better. This video has killed that light. :bangbang:
Sintaux. Naxuist. Xaintus. Tsunaix. Xanutis. Sanutix. etc.
Scarlet. asdasd
I never said I was going to continue Royal Rumble. o.o -End subject- Does anyone have a code that specifically mods DW Roxas's speed?
I wuv pandas! :=D: What can I do?
My first name? No. My middle name? Yes. :3
That's the internet for you. xD;
'Kay then. Thanks for answering my question. (Feel free to close this?)