*shaka shaka*
Demanding link to original video
">> *run away*
Dude they have more gel in their hair than I do in mine
What would make you think that
Yes, you conveniently lost those pictures. >>
And then I remember one time my username was "CtR's slave v2" or something like that.
But I don't have any D: I used to own a karaoke thing but it broke D:
holy **** i ****ing love karaoke
... what IS making those watermelons wiggle? o.o
http://mookiemeister.deviantart.com/ It just came to mind that this could be useful.
Which one of you **** is mookiemeister on dA?
Well I really want to go into my school with a tin can full of nickels and shake it at people. This has nothing to do with the Chinese New Year but I really want to do it.
You ever get the feeling something really bad's about to happen?
If it's any consolation to before I couldn't draw that well in ink if I tried. Also TSO is awesome. pls forgive me ;-;
My brain has learn from Discovery Channel.
Hmph. Better stick around to see Jaden win. Maybe there'll even be some scraps left over. That'd be nice.