...Something about eggs?
Now about that whole thing with wishes OOOOOOOW YOU KICKED ME IN THE FACE
Goooooo for it 8)
Okay, go for it @_@
New Jacket 8D Spoiler Check out the facial hair that I finally got around to growing (also silly smile is silly) Spoiler
lol dis doesnt even ryme u suk at poams
Dude that would be awesome. We'd have a bunch of little CtRs all over the place just running around and excavating things or whatever CtR does. x3
On another note, I found that McMaNgos somehow knows what my dreams look like. This makes him the first person on record to have figured it out.
9/10 Done very well but if I can weed it out then something was done wrong. Otherwise I don't see how anyone else would notice.
Who uses the term ho bag anymore?
It's true if I figured it out you probably can too.
Hahahaha xD
I wish for world peace and goodwill towards all.
8DDD a
Yeah, I found that. I'm listening to everything.
pls come back I'm sorry ;_;
nuuuuuu don't do that ;~;
Thank you.
http://tinyurl.com/lugwt5 For this entire article.