Mamaaaaaa, ooooooooh Didn't mean to make you cry If I'm not back by this time tommorrooooow
Nyer her her >8D
Put a gun against his head Pulled my trigger; now he's dead
I wanna be him 8D
Depends, which one wore the really cool hat?
Shhhhhh he's not supposed to know
Indeed, it's not often that I meet someone with so many of my qualities We could be the same person
And I, like you, do not have a face.
O haaaaaay 8D
Quickly, we need to start posting as other people
We have a lot in common
Dude, he finally figured out that we're only two people.
Uhh... A few months ago I got two butterfingers out of the snack machine, and I only paid for one of them.
Why would you be arguing
There are people who actually do this, quite honestly.
:3 .
I've found chloroform and rope to be very useful in these very situations.
I like eggs