I'm not saying that. I'm saying that she wasn't "just another girlfreind". She was the only girlfreind worth two shits that I ever had. And I held what we had as special. Now, you come in here and tell me that she was just a girl? She was that, but she cared for me. Something no one else I've opened up to like that has ever given enough of a damn to do.
Exactly. As far as you can see. But what can you see of this relationship that you were nowhere near? What gives you the right to tell me how special she was to me?
She wasn't just a girlfriend, dude. She was the best thing to happen to me, and the break in the long line of ****** relationships that constitutes my attempt at a love life.
I see. Well, people like this do exist.
Dang. Not to that extent.
I think that 3:00 will freak me out now too.
I thought that part of Exorcism was creepy too, but I swear if that actress didn't get some kind of award. That was incredible. Relax, I think...
Thanks. We watched An American Haunting and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I've heard about Orphan before, my freind did his webpage on it in Web...
Only cool person in this thread.
Alright, man. Catch you later.
Ha, I'd imagine. xD Haven't been holding up as weel as I thought I would. I would explain it but I'm really tired and I don't want to re-type...
I know right? I didn't even realize how long it had been until I saw your username.
It's not hard if you try
Hey man
The people are the system. If there are no people then there is no system.
I understand where you're coming from with the sentiment of "losing a gf isn't life-changing", and I shared that perspective once. I was completely fine with being single before she came along. As for the part you said on part of my dad, it's a horrible thought for me that even if he had been given more life it would've been squandered so. While I don't want to say too much, I will say that I actively chose not to be in the house with him that night. Of course I didn't know that he would die then, but that decision makes so much more of a difference now. And to think that I could just pass by that to continue on with my own life is just... I don't know.
I feel like **** at the moment so I'm not typing up a full eighteen pages or anything like that on how bad my live is but here we go Between Fearless breaking up with me and my dad dying (two totally unrelated things that happened within a month of each other), I have no idea what my own state of mind is. I really don't feel anything at this point but my life is spiraling as if I did. I really, really don't want to admit it out of pride but I think that I may never get over her at this point, and that coupled with my dad passing away just seems a bit too much. I almost got back into drugs this weekend; the only reason I quit was because Fearless wanted me to. She said she didn't want anything happening to me. Ha. I got off my train of thought for a bit there and I forgot where I was going with this but I think you get it Talk to me, khv
I'm rusty as hell but in on this one.
You're the one who made me say that, weren't you?
I like chicken nuggets /bad msn joke