Yeah, that does kind of make it annoying, but at least I hear they fixed that in P4, and plus I'm not playing my PSP much anymore so yeah :-I. Oh and also I actually have P3FES :-P sorry for the confusion.
No, its KIND of the same game as Persona 3 (hence why its called Persona 3 portable) with some new things added to it. But some things are dubbed down (due to limitations from the PSP) you can select if you want to play a boy or a girl (since the story is supposed to be about you, it didn't make sense why female players of the original had to play a guy)
Ok I can understand why people make fun of the people who go like "OMG I WILL NOT PLAY ANYTHING AMERICAN BECAUSE ITS ****!" people. But why do people make fun of Atlus? So what if someone likes Atlus? It doesn't mean that every person who like it isn't a fat prick who lives in his or hers mom's basement. I work out every day and love seeing and talking to my friends every day, and I am a huge fan of all Atlus fans? I kind of find it offending whenever some ******* has to go around saying people who like Atlus or NIS America games are stupid fat weaboos. Thoughts KHV?
Of course it is! Also whats cool about P3P is that there's a Catherine cameo in it, if you go into the club you will see Vincent there :D
They are kind of hard to find, but if you have an emulator should work good.
I got it yesterday so I'm not very far, I beat the first boss and got Akiheko (or however you spell it :-P) into my party. My current Persona is Archangel. I'm hanging out with two friends, Kenji Tomockika and Kazushi Miyamoto (lol Spoiler ) I joined the student council and Hidetoshi Odagiri is taking an interest in me, though personally I think he's an *******. No I didn't sadly :-(
>MFW this thread
I'm loving it so much! I'm now a new Persona fan <3 Anyone else a huge Persona fan in here?
Oh yeah forgot the music: [video=youtube;67M1SGJNxz4][/video]
Better to look online, but other than that you are doomed! YOU HEAR ME? DOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
I keep getting Kodak ads and Allstate ads, don't know what the fuck you guys are getting, but sounds like I'm more lucky.
Take just kidding.
The Nazi like leader in this pic is without a doubt, Makaze.