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  1. Tyrant Valvatorez
    That can be simple to do, all you have to do is look at the man in the mirror.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Tyrant Valvatorez

    Exploring huh? Laharl thought to himself. He could use exploring to find something, or someone, than he could give them information. "Well if you're exploring, I'm coming too, no exceptions!" He said with a glare on him, "You may need my skills" as he grinned with a cocky smile.

    OCC: The more I act like Laharl, the more tempting it is for me just to bring Prinnies into this >u<​
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Laharl jumped, he heard that name before "Earth" that was where that Idiot Captain Gordon came from. Laharl laughed, if idiots like him are from here, he could take over this place with not problem. But he needed some leads "Anyways....." he said, "what exactly are you two doing?" maybe he could get something out of them that could help him.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Once again Laharl let out a grin, "fast and to the point, just the way I like them" he thought to himself. He than began to introduce himself in a loud voice "I AM OVERLORD LAHARL! KING OF THE NETHERWORLD!" he said after his introduction, he switched back to his normal voice "I don't really have any goals, but know this, I want to find whoever is in charge of this world" he didn't simply tell them "I want to find whoever is in charge of this world and kill and overthrow him" but he thought what he said was good enough.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Laharl smiled, "you're right, I'm not" he didn't feel like telling them his thoughts on world domination, "Why don't you go first and tell me where I am? I don't like being held in the dark" he said with a glare
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Laharl heard the conversation, they must know its him something in his mind said "wait" while the other said "GO GO GO!" Laharl decided to go with thought B as he dived down in front of them "AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" He let out a huge laugh. There was a silence afterwards, Laharl began to sweat "oh crap...maybe I should have waited to practice what I had to say" that's when it occurred to him. He had to say it, the word he thought he would never say, the word that would break the demons rule, the word that makes all demons cringe, the word he has only said once, the word that gave him goosebumps, the word that he thought if he said it the world would end, but he had to do it, he had to say it! ".......Hi....."
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Tyrant Valvatorez
    This still doesn't hide that Megaupload is gone and will never be seen again ಥ_ಥ
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Tyrant Valvatorez
    >Kingdom Hearts 3

    Also, does anyone else thing Haley looks like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo now?
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Just to let you all know, Sephy's start is that he's still asleep, one of you villains has to wake him up before his story begins.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Tyrant Valvatorez
    OCC: Better be ready for a Laharl ambush

    Laharl was gliding as he thought to himself "Maybe if I set a forest on fire, that should get some attention". "No" he though "that's all you can do? You can do more evil than that" just as he was walking, he saw two people talking to each other. "Just my luck" he thought to himself, "I shall persuade them to "assist" me" this was just all to easy for him
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Laharl got the attention of almost every human he could see, he repeated what he shouted last time; Only to find a long pause and than the humans returning to their walks. "It looks like this place is still too hard for me to take over" he thought, after all, human city's can be very hard for people to follow orders. He needed to stop on the bottom and rise to the top, how well can you get to the bottom without mother nature herself? There must be some people around the forest whom he can "ask for help" in the forest, natives possibly. He left the ignorant humans of the city to find the nearest forest. It was tough to even walk without something to teleport him, back in the Nether, he just had to ask a kind witch the destination he wanted to go and than BOOM! He would be there. "But this isn't the Nether" he thought to himself "this is a whole 'nother world, not the human world I'm used to, but a different one, if there is anything I learned about exploring other planets, its that sometimes to make reputation rather it be good or bad, you have to play by its rules". He could see this places rules, but he wanted an attempt to change them, and he thought to himself that time, will be very very soon.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Laharl looked around the city, he could see humans walking, talking, doing whatever humans do. He smiled as he thought "first I must overthrow their government! Killing random people will not do anything....yet" he grinned with that wicked smile of his. "First I need to get peoples attention" he though to himself, how could he get attention to these humans? He simply yelled out loud to the whole city "PEOPLE OF THIS FOOLISH WORLD! I AM OVERLORD LAHARL! KING OF THE NETHERWORLD AND SOON TO BE YOUR NEW RULER! ALL MUST BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!" The crowd ignored him. "Foolish humans, why must they always let me go the hard way?" As Laharl simply slammed his fist on the ground making the ground shake with no damage (or so he hoped not)
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Oh god...this is depressing, I don't want this to happen. All of the sites I go to KHV, 4chan, Facebook all of the people I talk to, argued with, had fun with, I just don't want this to happen KHV.....manly tears where shed reading this.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Laharl's eyes opened as he awoke from a slumber he does not remember starting. "Wow" he says to himself, "what a long sleep, hope I didn't sleep to long" he said to himself; remembering when he once took a slumber for two years, afterwards finding out his father was dead and the Netherworld had gone on a revolution against each other and himself. He looked around to see that he was not in his room, "strange" he said as by the looks of it, he seemed to be in an alleyway of some sorts. This reminded him when he went to the human world "I should have conquered it" he thought remembering it. Than the sudden thought came to Laharl, as the biggest grin came upon him, "HA! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I'll just have to conquer this world!" Wait.....what about the Netherworld? You're not going to question how you get back? "Shut up narrator! You're not supposed to have any dialogue!" Well this is an exception Laharl, this is not what I originally planned....."I DON'T CARE! I'M THE OVERLORD HERE! AND YOU ARE MY VASSAL!" No I am not, you are a character I am RPing as and I-OW! Di-did you just cut me with your sword? How is that even possible? I'm the narrator! "Possible or not, I am Overlord Laharl! Now continue to narrate about me trying to take over this world!" O-O-Ok...I will! I will! *Ahem* As Laharl set out of the alleyway he grinned and giggled all the way "Whoever these people are, they shall know my power!" As his scarf transformed to allow him to glide.

    OCC: Don't worry, I won't break any 4th walls....well rarely anyways.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Ok with Laharl I'm going to just wonder around until one of you guys find me, I think that would be better on the safe side since most of the things should be left alone. Also about the villains in Japan, I'll have Sephy join later (when we get there)
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Can anyone tell me whats going on in the RP before I join?
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I seriously think that guy should get punched once in the face, by every person protesting against SOPA *gets in line to punch his face*
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Tyrant Valvatorez

    So KHV....

    Will this ever happen?
    Wait a minute, just found out its an April fools joke....never mind......fuck
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 18, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Can someone update the banner and put me in? Also before they do that, I have another character to add, its a villain. One that fanboys will cream over and one that hipsters and FFVII haters will sigh for. I bring you:

    Character of choice: Sephiroth
    Origin: FFVII
    Info: A super soldier created with the cells of the alien life form JENOVA. He was Shinra's top agent in their super squad SOLDIER, but after learning about his past, he goes psychotic and threatens the world for his mother (JENOVA). He simply believes that once his mother is happy, he will be able to become the ruler of this world. After an attempt to use the Black Materiea and summon meteor and all of the WEAPON monsters and failing by defeat by Cloud Strife and his friends, everyone believes Sephiroth is dead right? Wrong, one day he wakes up, to find himself alive and in his original form, and he doesn't know why. He seems to have awaken in another world, deemed to continue his goal last time, regardless of the world; he sets out to destroy this new world he has awaken in, and kill anyone who gets in his way.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I'd say "hi" take a shit in your cardboard box when I tell you that a kid stole your change cup.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jan 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone