"Tristan?" Sameire ran to her brother and knelt beside him. "You haven't perfected your dodge at all." She sighed, tearing a shread off of the bottom of her tunic. She handed the cloth to Tristan. "You're going to get blood all over your hands. And I don't think you want to wash off in that disgusting water." --------- Aidou said nothing more as he and Aduial came to the gothic style mansion that was the Vampire's home. "Don't attract too much attention to yourself. My family doesn't have any exceptions when it comes to food." When his companion nodded, Aidou opened the door and entered his home. He motioned for Aduial to follow him and stay quiet. His eyes were more adapt to the dark than hers were. He made his way up the stairs, listening for the slightest sound of a member of his family.
O... M... Gee.... that was icky. Hannah says she loves you. BUT NOT LIKE THAT! D:
Hannah says that if you want to play with us that you should join us now. ^^
OOC: Yay for computers with viruses!! -_- ..... I have an apple. Oh, and by the way, my new nickname is Master Shi Fu. =D BIC: "Let's go. It'd be best if we didn't linger," Aidou murmured. He kept his voice so low that Aduial could barely hear him. At her nod, Aidou walked forward, not even telling her to follow; he knew she would. The island was dark, the ground shrouded with fog. It was cold, but Aidou didn't feel it; he never felt the temperature change except for when the sun was out. He made his away along the tree-strewn path towards his family's mansion. "If I tell you to leave, you must do so and not question me. Understand?" "Of course," Aduial agreed. She knew better than to argue with the Vampire. "Aidou, remind me why we're here." "There's someone I need to speak with," Aidou replied. "My mother knows much about myths and legends. She'll know what's going on."
"Well," Sameire began slowly. "I didn't spend much time around him. I trained and stayed in the library most of the time. But... it was the little things that I really noticed. He stopped talking about Mom. He stopped coming to stay good-night and good dreams. But then I confronted him about, and what he said then just wasn't what Dad would say. After that, and after he told me that he wasn't Dad, he actually sent me to my room with guards." ---------- "Of course," Aidou replied nonchalantly. "We won't be more than a hour." Aduial adjusted her quiver on her back. She felt like apologizing, but there was still the return journey to make, so she said nothing and followed Aidou off the ship.
OOC: Yes, I know! Light shall rule the world!! :D Now if only we could kill Near.... >> Aw, poor Michael is abused. He needs a buddy. ^.~ BIC: "Michael and I should be able to hold Dracula down together once someone get him still," Hannah added. She looked to Beatrice. "You can do that, right?" Beatrice nodded. "I'm pretty sure I can. But... it might be easier if someone could help."
Sameire followed her brother. She didn't at all like Ruby. Staying close to Tristan was a bit of comfort to herself, and to him to, she hoped. "Tristan... I don't understand what's going on," She began as she sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't bring up the fact that her hair would be difficult to dye since it was black, and that she didn't like the idea of making it blond. "You've changed a lot... I'm worried about you. What happened to your smile? Your laugh?" She bit her lip. "I'm sorry... you probably don't want to talk right now. But there's something I need to tell you, so just listen. Before I ran away, I talked with Dad. I've been doing research, and I found a book in the library that I had to translate. Tristan, it talked about that legendary war - but I guess it's real since you say that Nas is a summon. Anyway, from what I found in that book, I came up with a theory: Dad's not himself. Really not himself. At first, I thought it was a shape-shifter, but then it confessed right to my face. That's not our Dad, Tristan. It's something that's controlling him."
*shivers* I'm glad Envy wasn't there. He/she/it is creepy!!
~Naruto: Gaara ~Death Note: L ~Bleach: Rukia ~Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward Elric and Greed ~Pokemon: Pikachu (of course!) ~Ouran High School Host Club: The Hitachiin Twins ~Negima: Prof. Negi ~Dragon Ball Z: Broly ~Tsubasa: Mokona! ~Vampire Knight: Aidou Hanabusa
I'll post as Hinata then.
Right. Well Julia's going to head inside, they'll all eat something (maybe), and then it'll be off to bed for the kiddypoos! xD Ed, Al, Claire,...
I know! I've got a plan for Rush Valley too. ^^
It's mostly school starting up on Monday, getting a cosplay outfit for October, getting money for October, the play for October/November, and the...
By whom?? *waves chocolate bar to lure you out*
Don't forget the chocolate for the after party!
Suddenly, Light Yagami came out of no where and walked up to Anna. "You're useless. People like you shouldn't be in my new world!! Buahahahahaha!" Light asked Anna's name and then wrote it in his smexy notebook. Then he left, muttering something about a Misa. Anna died of a heart attack 40 seconds later. OOC: YAY!
"Who's Nas?" Samiere asked. OOC: Nuh uh!! There was the sea dragon battle too! :D
Haha! Strength in numbers! :D
I've just got a lot on my mind.
Ha! My Shinigami and I could kick her butt any day!