Doh! >< I would go up and give you a hug, but I'm too lazy. xD
... But I dun know da word of passness... >>
I'm just really upset. I can't go to photobucket, or youtube, or any other site that I use regullarly, and I can't even listen to Vic's music....
I'm super grumpy right now....
OOC: We really need to get this moving again....
OOC: My brain doesn't know what to do with Sammy... >> BIC: "I hear her," Aidou held up a hand to single Aduial to stop. "If she's-" "I know," Aduial cut him off. "If she's hungry then I leave. Don't worry, I can look out for myself. You should know that by now." "As I recall, the night we met was the night I saved your life." Aidou reminded Aduial. "Do as I say."
My computer just got back in our house yesterday. I'll post in Move Forward now. I'd love to hear your idea.
Mia joined Lucca in the front room. "I know about the two-leggers. You've said it a milliion times. Don't worry, okay? I'll stay away from the water." "Good," Lucca agreed. "Now get all your stuff." Mia dashed to her small room and reached under her bed for her bag. She loved to carry a purse around with her as the two-legger girls did. She had it stuffed with necessities as well as useless things.
See the small group of islands off the east coast of Tehya? That's where most of the action will be taking place. The dotted square is Eyota's...
Yeah, that would work. ^^ Eyota will be like, "Oooh! I luvs j00 so much my loyal li'l minion!" XD
He could be having a discussion with Mr Evil Bad Man. XD Eyota talks with those on the surface through water (like the villanness from Enchanted;...
"Hey, Lucca! Before we eat dinner, do you want to go to the beach?" Mia called as she hoisted herself out of the tub and onto the ground. She started to dry her hair first. "Alright," Lucca sighed, giving up on the oven and stove. "But we're staying away from the water. You know there's always two-leggers at the beach."
Oh crudders..... >> Well, Mustang's got other things on his coloneltastic miniskirt infested mind. xD
Jessie's on his leave remember? His first week was a paid leave. =]
"Oh, it was so cool, Lucca! Going to this school is teaching me so many new things! I think some of these things should be taught in our schools." Mia gushed. The Teal Pearl Princess was relaxing in her rather large bathtub after an exciting day of two-legger school. "What do you think?" "What ever you say, Mia," Lucca called back. He was in the kitchen, once again trying to figure out how to use the two-leggers stove and oven. Mia flipped her fin over the edge of the tub, making small puddles on the floor. Her smiled had changed to a frown, but her brother couldn't see that from the other room. He's getting more and more frustrated with this world, and I'm having the time of my life. OOC: woooooo! :woohoo:
Envy and Deciet. ^^ 'Cause they're super cute.
You. Have. To. Finish. FMA. Or. Die.
I'm kidding! XD Hannah and I are watching anime. Death Note. =D I'm distracted.
HI!!! .............. K, bye.
Sameire shot a look at Eleanor, then turned her attention back to her brother. "Um... there's just one thing I want to ask you.... Do I really have to dye my hair?" She paused to make sure that Tristan didn't think she was joking. "It was Mom's hair color. Can't I just wear a hat or something?"