"Around here," Danny began with a sad sigh. "People aren't really friendly towards ghosts. I protect this town, but there are still people who would love to see me captured."
"It hurts you?" Danny repeated. "What do you mean?" The two new ghosts that poppedup were weird, that was for sure. But why did they bother to come here? One had said that she wanted to be captured, but this second one didn't appear to want that.
Mia practially swooned when Nicholas hopped off his board and shook out his wet hair. Lucca rolled his eyes. He knew that Nicholas was just doing that for the girls that were watching. Stupid two-legger. Mia ducked her head to look at the ground. Nicholas had started up the beach -- towards her and her brother.
If I stabbed the teacher I wanted to with a fork, she'd come to my house and kill me in my sleep. O.o
Danny looked to the basement door. He thought of Daine, what Vlad had said, what this new ghost had said, and what he already suspected. So that was it then: Daine had to be one of Vlad's experiments. There was no other explination to what had been happening. He was jarred from his thoughts at the ghost's question. "That depends on who you work for."
Danny's expression turned from defensive to confused. "'Little One?' I don't know what you're talking about."
There's just too much to do! D:
"Who are you?" Danny repeated the question he'd asked only a few minutes earlier, his feet rising off the floor in case this new ghost was an enemy.
In one word: Busy.
"Someone will," Danny tried to assure Rhixan. "You must have had at least one friend."
"Alright," Danny agreed after a moment of thought. "Though... Vlad does have weapons that can hurt ghosts." Daine folded her arms across her chest. "I'm not little. And if you don't know who Phantom is, then I'm not telling you. He's my target and I'm not letting anyone get in the way."
But I didn't. I had help.
I've got lots to do: homework, line studying, and drawing, and becoming a Pokemon master!
"Hi there!" Aduial blinked her eyes. There'd been a bright flash of light and then spots had clouded her vision. When she could see again, there was a cute little boy standing on his tip toes in front of her. He had the most cheerful smile she'd ever seen, and looked as though he had no care in the world. "My name's Benjamin, but you can call me Ben," the boy waved a hand in front of Aduial's face. "Helloooo?" "Where did you come from?" Aduial asked, dumbfounded. Ben pointed to the earings on vanity. "Those. Weren't you the one who called me here? You know, you're really pretty! What's your name?" "Aduial Brun," The Cylian answered. "I suppose I did call you here... but all I did was touch the earings."
Mia kicked off her sandles the instant she was on the sand, leaving Lucca to pick them up. She looked around the crowd of the few people who were on the beach; then, not seeing Nicholas, she looked to the waves. Sure enough, Nicholas was on his surf board, riding a wave back to shore. Mia felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Lucca holding out her sandles. She murmured a 'thanks' and took them, then turned her attention back to Nicholas. She heard her brother sigh, but paid no attention.
Danny didn't change back. "There's something I have to do. Sam, could you stay here with Daine and Rhixan?" "You're going to go with just Tucker?" Sam asked, guessing at Danny's intentions. "Yeah," Danny replied. "It's all I can think of. I know that Vlad's got some trick up his sleeve, so I can't go alone. But I don't want to put either of you in a dangerous situation if I don't have to."
"But... if you do want to go to the Ghost Zone, you'll have to watch out for all the other ghosts there. Some of them aren't as good as others." Danny warned.
Danny smiled. "I think you'll be able to do some good things, Rhixan."
"They're my friends, and my helpers," Danny reassured the ghost. "Tucker and Sam. You know my name, but what's yours?"
I've got a plan. But it's fairly vague: -Satoshi and her squad will got out to train tomorrow --They will be ambushed by Kisame ---an epic fight will ensue (and hopefully Satoshi will win) -Hinata will go with Inari and Tobi --Neji will have one of his grumpy moments ---more stuff will happen. XD -Kisame will have his little chat with his buddies before he goes to Suna -The twins and Yuuki will do some training (maybe) with Kiba [even if I don't write it] That's all.