Right arm. Like Ed.
Hannah was about to call Jinx a party pooper, but her next comment caught her off gaurd. "That's ridiculous, Jinx. Hands don't talk." Beatrice remained still on the stairs. Now she wasn't sure if she should leave them, or go back and join them.
Hannah looked to Jinx with a mechevious grin. "Want to kill him? One less hunter in the world can't do that much harm." Beatrice stopped in her tracks. She rubbed her dry eyes of the tears that would have been there if she were still human. I don't see why I should stay if no one is going to trust me. She looked at the stairs beneath her feet.
An ally. Why did he have to be down a dark ally? Sameire fretted, her arms wrapped around her waist. I'm going to have to yell at him for that later.
Okay. It's been more than five minutes. xD Yeah, it'll just be for tonight.
If he's not back in... five mintues, sure. ^^
Bush=a plant, not a president. XD I don't even know what Utah is. lol I don't pay too much attention to politics.
"Get over yourself," Beatrice muttered grumpily. She swatted the sword away, walked on, and folded her arms. I don't get it. They're still mad at me? Even Hannah, after I saved her butt? Why do I bother? Hannah's jaw nearly dropped at Beatrice's attitude. "Well that was... different...."
Don't blame him. Blame the internet. xD
Yeah. -__- I've got to rework my whole plan. ><