ugh! I wad a weird dream that i was forced to eat stale bread with brown lumpy sugar spread all over it-it was horrible! ugh!!!
XD donno really-just like being random i guess lol
A dark look descended across Ryokos face "Well I think we all know what he's like now...." he gasped his rips where getting worse,it seemed. Kayoko was almost outside the store-False tears falling down his face "....I-I didnt do anything and he-he attacked me and I turned the knife on him-I d-didnt want to...but I had too...."
Since the purple lion granted You three wishes for saving his giant Aztecan goldfish-Obviously lol
Ryoku smiled then slightly tilted his head right then left then back into its normal position-he then swallowed and asked "D-does anybody really know Kayoko?" Moments later Kayoko walked out of the police station-followed by a man in a suit-They walked past where Riku was "....and then all I could do was defend myself...." the man wrote in a notebook as Kayoko spoke...
Ryoku smiled-with alot of effort-but it was worth it..."You know im gonna need to write a squillion thank you cards to all you guys..." he laughed but almost stumbled over his own feet but caught himself on time. Kayoko walked slowly to the police station-making sure nobody paid attention to him-he entered....
Hello my blue haired monkey keeper lol
Happy Halloween Pot Noodle woman lol
Ryoku nodded shakily-He sat up slowly and winced in pain-he stood up and with one arm held his ribs where he had been stabbed "T-thank much you guys..." another tear fell down his face Nobody else ive ever known would have stuck with me for this long... Kayoko looked up-he hadn't notice Rikus hand moving off his shoulder-He slowly got to his feet he started to walk away-he looked into the book shop and saw that Ryoku had almost died and was in pain-He laughed and kept walking...
Ryoku needed rest but he wanted to see what would happen to Kayoko and thought Why us?...why no other random group of teenagers? Why me? He hesitated Why on my birthday? OOC-I dont really know who is in the Bookstore anymore so somebody fill me in lol Kayoko looked up at Riku-his eyes reviled deep sky blue emerals-he started to fell frustrated ''Let me go!'' OOC-Thanks! lol
as you do lol well i gotta go for now...bye lol
g2g Ryoku nodded-He was not gonna cry now-Later. His jaw and voice was still shaky-He tried to take a deep breath but it hurt badly "I-im so sorry if I caused trouble" that thought crossed his mind-a fresh tear fell down his face but he couldn't help it. Kayoko nodded but said nothing-that would make his defeat official.
I'm from Ireland lol U?
Well not here in Ireland lol it stopped quite a while ago =]
He looked up again "W-what did I do so wrong-even...even if he is like that-he-he doesn't...he doesn't need to stab me...." A tear fell down his face What did I ever do to him? Kayoko gasped I He fell to his knees his eyes where hidden by his hair "Im not gonna apologise...Just let me go...."
Well....Your the Giant Empress of the Banana Hammock Organization of the Underworld!!!
Ha Ha really?-I never seemed to notice lol
Ryoku looked up at Mira and asked "Who was the one that attacked me?" his voice was shaky even thinking about what had happened-It almost made him cry.... Kayako almost flipped backward when Riku gapped him-He start swinging his arms rapidly trying to loosen Riku's grip on his collar-He moved his right arm upward and accidentally punched Riku in the face but laughed when he realise what he did-He laughed then shouted for everyone to hear "Help-I'm being assaulted!"
Ryoku looked up again-still in pain but able to talk ''Yes Miteta-Thank You...'' He smiled and looked up gratefully. Kayoko stumled-Being hit by all sides-it disorentataed him-He wouldnt be able to escape the green-haired teenagers friends-but still he ran-Pushing innocent shoppers to the ground...he was almpost at the entrance.... OOC-Its okay really-as long as Ryoku is immoble lol that sorta explains the sora>----UCHIHA<----And if I somehow got the name wrong I wouldn't be able to forgive myself lol