Oh-O_o of course I read what you typed-where would ive got the email idea from? And in any case-The Axel conversation would have been cool cuz...
I guess different people take different things-differently lol
I hadnt checked my email in a while-I guess I didn't mention it lol
I started drinking it when I was like, 10 or so. My growth is perfectly normal. I'm taller than most people I know. I'm fine-Same-im always mistaken for a 16 year old so-Yeah lol What about tea? I drink that quite regularly but I haven't noticed any stunted growth or other problems. Although I drink mine quite milky, so I suppose there is less caffeine. Also, is it true there is less caffeine in tea than coffee?-I used to drink tea-very milky and very sugary! but I actually start having weird dreams about soggy brown sugar getting spread all over mouldy bread and being forced to eat it-Total turn off!!!-Never had tea since!
K-cool ill try it lol
OOC-Okay-ill just summarize the second half of the tread... Basically all the girls were getting ready for the kayaking trip-While this is happening-they bump into Kayoko(D.I bully) And he threatens Ryoku-telling the girls that he will"hear from him"-later in a bookstore Kayoko attacks Ryoku-Stabbing is ribs-Phoenix and Riku-catch the fleeing Kayoko-after a few minutes Kayoko accepts defete and is let go-then heading to the police-reversing the story and lieing to make it look like he(Kayoko) was attacked-Meanwhile Mira and Ryoku struggled to someones dads house-who happens to be a doctor-Healing Ryoku and Letting him see his waiting friends-who have yet to reply!! So basically that's it in Destiny Islands-remind me if i missed somefink!
Sup people of the Internet!!! Im 13 years old and lately ive been getting into drinking Coffee (and when I say lately-I mean yesterday-Night) and since then and now ive had roughly 13 mugs-(I dont even drink that much water in that time-space)-and ive been wondering-is there consequence i drinking so much coffee at such a young age (other that having Coffee Stained teeth)? And ive noticed since i start drinking coffee-im not as tired and can concentrate better than ive done in a long time! So yeah-feel free to tell about the pros and cons about drinking coffee at age 13-or in general lol
OOC-Awww-this sounds so cool-but it sounds like your about to start a final battle or something-but would it be too late to join-and if I can-may I have a quick summery plz??? Pretty plz??? With a dancing leprechaun on top??? =p
Ohhhhhhhhh....Guess i got the just of it lol
Omg Thats disgraceful-putting in a harmful chemical for possible slight taste or something stupid stuff like that!!! McDonald just lost a whhhhooooooollllllleeee lot of customers!!
Hi-Um...I made a User Portal thingymabob and I cant upload any of my amvs-when i do it doesnt do anything-it just loads and doesnt do...
Mwahahahahahaha!!! Penguins are so random lol
Happy Valentines Day ya little sausage!!!
Happy Valentines day from all the penguins in Madagascar!!!
He felt bad for not thanking the doctor properly-he was grateful-but the doctor was grateful he helped his daughter-it would be pointless-but there was an unsaid understanding of thanks-Ryoku walked over to everybody hesitantly-his arms up and his hands behind his head "Nice Place...." he looked down-he let his arms too-he couldn't act any longer "Listen you guys....Thank you-so much....i dont know when im gonna be able to stop saying it..."
I know lol....And oh just a conversation about how a large bird told Bluelazor that im actually a penguin..lol
Ryoko walked into the room where everyone was waiting-at first his face was hidden by his hair and shadow-as he walked he looked up to revival his eyes-he smiled and stood up straight-He looked up at Tomoyo "Thank You..." then at everyone else "...alot guys..." OOC-Since the attack Ryoku took on a new appearance-If its okay-I just sketched a basic picture of Ryoku and his keyblade
GASP! How did you know!?!
As you do...just like me and the penguins of the 8th demention lol
He sighed-"I dont want to experience that again" he agreed. It was getting hard to stand up-he slumped his posture to make it easier to stand-He never felt pain like this before... Kayokos eyes widened as the police officer grabbed his shoulder and dragged him to the station.