Doesnt Kun mean small child??
Ryoku looked at Riku awkwardly-Just dont fight-You or me?...
Why thank you for your kind words lol
Kayoko!! Sorta like Coco but way different! lol
Ryoku looked up suddenly and when red "...You've heard of Snow White Tomoyo-sensei?..." he asked as he spun his blade-making the hilt point backward. OOC-Ohhhh...The one that healed Ryoku? Okay lol
Kaya Yoga??? wtf-thats a weird exercise XD
Ryoku nodded and drew his keyblade under a cloud of smoke-he looked at his Keyblade,then Tomoyos eyes "...Just Encase..." OOC-XD-Who exactly is Tomoyo???
*Dark,slightly growling voice* should be lol
OOC-Wow!! that sounds so familiar....First Kayoko,Now Miteta's stepmom...Will the drama never end??? lol Okay im gonna have to just appearer randomly if I want to stay in the circle lol... Ryoku walked past the house-as he walked passed he cault a glimpse of the scene inside a bedroom window....Anybody-Whats going on-Do you need help?-He put his phone in his pocket and wondered what to do...
Wow-make sure u txt me when you finish it!!! god darn-im kinda excited too now!!! lol
OOC-em...recap please....O_o
Yeah...Speaking of ppl not liking things I created-cheak out my new album-its just stupid random things I drew a while ago-give me ur verdict plz lol
g2g He smiled-almost chuckled,"Thank you....again..."
True.....*Gasps* Ya know the way the universe works things out for people?? Maybe its trying to help me....maybe something bad will happen if I...
He quickly looked at Mira "Yes-Thank you...." He hid his eyes Beneath his hair-physiologically it made it less awkward...
I know-lol..maybe my amvs are not meant for the internet...=[
Yeah sure lol
lol Axel is cool ppl and Id go on upload video-after a browse and pic out the vid I want-the gauge loads and doesnt do anything else O_o
Ryoku looked up at the front door-They should be here just about now-He sighed,walked over and put his hand on the shiny door knob-He noted there was dry blood still under his fingernails-How can I thank everybody?....He smiled-He was thankful.....
OOC-Where is everyone suppost to be in Destiny Islands? and MandyXRiku4ever-I just noticed both of us have Merlin's Housekeeper under our username? XD