mwahahahahahahahahahaha lol lol I gotz yet another detention =P
Ryoku feel in the mud and start gasping-at this point he had no idea what was happening-he looked around-his vision was blurring rapidly-he got up than stumbled-he could feel his heart pounding-he was panicing-he closed his eyes[COLOR] Ryoku feel in the mud and start gasping-at this point he had no idea what was happening-he looked around-his vision was blurring rapidly-he got up than stumbled-he could feel his heart pounding-he was panicing-he closed his eyes-he heard ansems voice and wonderd what was going on...[COLOR]
omg you just copied off me o_O Well-im a secret super hero of the league of nuclear mechanical space monkeys of the planet WoozleWazzle
kwl and did I??? since when? lol
not as bad as Joanna Rider!!! Say it slowly -syllable by syllable... Mwahahahahahahaha
Ryoku slowly opened his door-he was high but he tried to hide it-but he wasnt that good at it-he then called out after disposing the roll''-Where-whare-w-where are you guys-you guys off too??'' he stumbled out his front door-steadied himself and took a deep breath after looking at Miteta.
That name isnt as bad as Iver Rash!!! I can just imagine "Whats your name?" "Iv,a,rash" "O-kay...." Mwahahahahahahahah
sweet lol whats you guys song?
Ryoku sat alone in his room-he let to light enter-in his right hand-between the middle and index fingers he held what appeared to be a smoke. He wiped the tears off his face and puffed the smoke and whispered "Thy drug works quick..." he was slowly calming. He looked around with dilated eyes...Heres to hoping know one will discover my past... He then heard Miteta calling him-he started to panic. OOC-Okay please-if im offending anybody just tell me and I will stop this part of Ryokus storyline...
OMG that so totally sucks!!! im so sorry *virtual hug*
Yo Yo Yippidy Yo"! random person of the worlds coolest lava chamber that is occupied by giant leprechauns!!!
OOC-im kinda confused-Miteta is crying cuz of her child that she put up for adoption (Yuki)-but Yuki is taking a picture of Miteta and Riku??? Ryoku looked down and said in a hurry "Ive gotta go..." he turned away and hurried off without another word...
Yeah that would so work lol....and....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!...May love and joy...ect, Okay here is something random for your birthday-My real name is...
Well...*Looks at self* yep pretty sure lol
Ice Cream Cake you say?? Uch...School is bad for me too T.T Im getting lots of detention and its working in a big snowball effect....So Yeah nm =P
=] so whats happening in your world?-Happy Almost Birthday by the way ^^
Look it up lol and im not gone-See! Hiii
OOC-Omg a lot happens in a few hours lol-so yet again im gonna have to randomly pop up out of nowhere-And whats this about Kayoko and a cave??? BIC-Ryoku looked around and heard Miteta and Mira "....Actually Riku-you are-when I was about five my best friend died-For about 3 years I couldn't talk-or I didnt want to...But I realised that certain things happen for a reason..."Ryokus eyes where bloodshot-"...I still think about her everyday-I know she wouldn't have been happy because she was blind..." he looked up "...Things like this....just....happen..."
g2g Ryoku nodded and continued to look at Miteta-He moved closer and his lips locked with hers for a few seconds...
Ryoku shaked his head "Well we dont know each other that long so it wont be as weird..." he felt like he had been punched in the stomach-He took a deep breath "Okay..." he knelt down a small bit and looked around at everyone then looked down at Miteta-his face go closer to hers... OOC- G2G-dont change the current situation please-kinda leave it on a cliff hanger lol