Ryoku squinted his eyes at the word 'Hurt'-He closed his eyes and licked Mitetas ear-his heart was beating very fast-he got extremely close to Miteta-"What are you thinking?" he whispered.
Same-I'm a Pacifist and a Vegetarian-but according to my friends I wouldn't look too friendly in a dark ally X.X lol
Wow are you Japanese??? And lol XPP
He looked at Miteta and laughed-relived-"Your one of the only girls ive ever been with who doesnt care about me being a vampire..." He leaned over and kissed Miteta-he put one of his hands on her stomach-then slowly down to her waist...
Wow-I Frickin luv the name Taylor =p Hm....Whats YOUR name??????
It was actually funny cuz I could have hit him WAY harder-I have my hands in my pockets alot-My hoodie was unzipped-so I punched him with my hands...
Ryoku thought at Miteta Because nose bleeds alot when I get really stoned-And my room is covered in blood....I cant go in there cuz ill crave blood-it will be dangerious because your here...then another thought struck Ryoku "Are we only kissing because of that spell thingy from when I woke you up?" he was slightly upset-but not surprised.
Yup-to become the monkey on the coco puffs box!!
Whell O_o Mwahahahahaha do u like my name????
To see what would happen-and what did happen is that some guy called me an "Emo freak with no friends"-I punched him in the shoulder (Cuz he...
They both feel on to his red-worn down couch-which was extremely comfortable-at start they lay down kissing-Ryoku sat up-He laughed-but in his mind-it was weird-he moved closer to Miteta-he noticed his hand was on her cheek and in her hair-He moved forward slowly so that Miteta tilted back and he tilted forward as they where kissing.
Ryoku came in closer to Miteta and unconsciously swelled his physique-he stood up slowly-still kissing-they feel through the front door-he wasnt going into his room-his sheets where covered in blood-What is this leading too? he thought at Miteta as he manoeuvred he and Miteta into his sitting room. OOC-why isn't anyone replying???
This will be based on a modern "War of the Worlds" like the H. G. Wells but unlike the two movie in an Amine or Manga point of view =] (but the tread will contain 2005 movie concepts-light the lightning storm) ------------------------------------------- Story- Everyone is living the daily routine in present day Japan-Down-town Tokyo is evacuated when lightning repetitively strikes of otherworldly lightning... ------------------------------------------- Rules: 1)Make sure you know the general storyline of either the book or the 2005 movie. 2)Minor cursing is allowed 3)Fights can be started but make sure it has to do with surviving and stuff 4)You can only be 3 people at a time 5)Nobody actually kills a tripod-an alien-okay but thats at night when they come out of the Tripods. 6)No spamming!! 7)I would encourage using character names off the Book and 2005 movie as a tribute lol 8)Have Fun! 10)Will add more rules if need. (I shouldn't have to though.) ------------------------------------------- Characters: Name: Gender: Experience: (Midwife,Soldier,Doctor??note-This isnt really required-you could just write Survivor) Likes: Dislikes: Appearance: Bio: ------------------------------------------- Legal Note-I do not own the name War of the worlds-I will never own the name War of the Worlds
I wore black and white converes-emo armbands-a bullet for my valentine hoodie and a benie with a skull and crossbones into school-but I still had...
Omg did BlueLazor tell you mky real nome????? lol
OOC-mwahahaha-your last comment got screwed up bad lol Ryoku was close to Miteta-he wasnt expecting what had just happened-he took his lips away from hers-he looked into her eyes-I just teel her my deep dark history and she kisses me?-he wasnt sure how to feel-he start breathing heavily for a few seconds then decided-he kissed Miteta-but it wasnt awkward like his first-(though secretly it was with Miteta)-but it felt right... OOC-Okay I just assumed they kissed on the lip lol-and and plus also-all this drama is starting to feel like a strange twisted compitition XDD
Ryoku suddenly stopped and tried to look Mitetas eyes with effort-he start shaking-he was angry-"Lilys dead..."-his voice was now very unnaturally serious "She-Had a spontaneous auric combustion...they-they blamed me-b-because im a vampire half breed-" he swallowed "-they p-put me in-in t-the i-i-insane asylum" he looked down "Dont tell anyone..." he then looked up-the tears in his eyes where very visible "Please..." he was sobering up at this point.
OOC-lol my last comment was a bit wonkey lol Ryoku looked around-he couldn't make scene of anything-except for the fact that the drug he had taken had been tainted and someone was trying to help him-he put his hands over his ears and rocked back and forward "T-they blamed-they blamed-They blamed me-ME-I-it wasn't my-my fault-" he gasped and looked around-claustrophobia was taking over him "L-Lily-Lily...." he looked up at the rain and shouted "LILY!!!" it echoed-he began to cry.
Mwahahaha its all apart of my secret plan lol
same-except it was a beanie with a skull and cross bone on it!! Im not allowed to wear it anymore cuz a teacher says its emo-i mean wtf right lol