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  1. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku kissed Miteta-and slowly they both lay own in his bed-Ryoku start kissing Mitetas neck-He adjusted the blanket to it coverd them both-Slowly Ryoku pulled his underwear down his legs-he kicked then off his ankles "I love you..."
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SoraUchiha
  3. SoraUchiha
    He looked at Miteta with his Gray vampire eyes when his breathing calmed "Clearly" he smiled and stood up-he wrapped his arms around Miteta and lifted her with strength that was not his own-He walked past the couch and into his room-with one arm he held Miteta above the ground and with the other throwing his blood soaked sheets into a corner and out of view-He sat Miteta on his bead and start kissing her and then whispered into her ear "...Miteta-I think I might be in love with you...."
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SoraUchiha
  5. SoraUchiha
    He was still breathing heavily-"S-Sorry" He got up and ran to his fridge and pulled out a plastic pouch filled with blood-he tore it open with his fangs and drank the blood inside-pouring down his mouth and body-he collapsed onto the ground and took the pouch away from his mouth.

    OOC-Sorry-gotta go-Bye!!!!
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SoraUchiha
  7. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku start kissing Miteta-He dropped his guitar-A string broke and it slashed his wrist-He winced in pain-he slowly start bleeding-His eyes flickered Gray-Blue and then stayed Gray-He start breathing heavily-not because of the pain-but because of the blood.
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SoraUchiha
  9. SoraUchiha
    He couldn't think for a few seconds "Err-Loose Lips-by...Kimya Dawson" he played with the strings for a second then played-not a note out of tune "Loose lips may sink ships but loose kisses take trips to San Francisco double Dutch disco-teach TV hottie-Do it for Scottie-Do it for the living and do it for the dead-do it for the monsters under your bed..." he played he smiled
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SoraUchiha
  11. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku looked into Mitetas eyes very seriously "...Miteta-You have no idea what you could get yourself into..." he hardly breath-nobody had ever spoken to him like that before...he smiled and turned backward to reach for his guitar to play Miteta a song-but he fell off the couch and hit his head off the coffee table "...Ouch..."
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SoraUchiha
  13. SoraUchiha
    OOC-Yeah-Nakedly-with condoms XDD

    He smiled-and whispered "...only if its for real..." he leaned forward and start kissing Miteta....
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SoraUchiha
  15. SoraUchiha
  16. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku could hardly breath-he whispered into Mitetas ear "Only if your sure..." he smiled-accidentally reviling his fangs-He reached for the condom...

    OOC-Well than we should do a before and after kinda thing-so we know it happened but it doesn't actually happen
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku ndded and got up slowly-he walked into the darkness of his room-when he was in there he pulled out a clean blanket from his wardrobe-A condom out of a chest of draw and he picked up Guitar, He walked back into the sitting room-he put the Guitar at the foot of the couch-he condom beside Mitetas arm and the blanked around himself-he dropped his trousers to revile black boxers-he went back into position over Miteta-so they where both warm

    OOC-How do we do this part without making it graphic?? lol
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SoraUchiha
    Ryoku too off he shirt-to revile on the left side of his rips-scars and on the right wrist bite marks-and a line of hair from underneath his belly button-Condoms are in my room...He leaned down and kissed Miteta-he helped her take off her shirt

    OOC-Lol-Ive got to go-very bad timing XDDD-Bye!!!
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SoraUchiha
    He looked lovingly into her eyes-His eyes seemed mesmerizing because of his Vampire genes. The look on his face told her the answer-"Well whatever..." he looked down for a few seconds-then up-he had a genuine smile on his face-something that didn't happen too often...
    Post by: SoraUchiha, Mar 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SoraUchiha