Ryoku kissed Miteta-and slowly they both lay own in his bed-Ryoku start kissing Mitetas neck-He adjusted the blanket to it coverd them both-Slowly Ryoku pulled his underwear down his legs-he kicked then off his ankles "I love you..."
X( I have to wear glasses again!!!!! *Cries*
He looked at Miteta with his Gray vampire eyes when his breathing calmed "Clearly" he smiled and stood up-he wrapped his arms around Miteta and lifted her with strength that was not his own-He walked past the couch and into his room-with one arm he held Miteta above the ground and with the other throwing his blood soaked sheets into a corner and out of view-He sat Miteta on his bead and start kissing her and then whispered into her ear "...Miteta-I think I might be in love with you...."
+0 GMT (Ireland and England n stuff)
He was still breathing heavily-"S-Sorry" He got up and ran to his fridge and pulled out a plastic pouch filled with blood-he tore it open with his fangs and drank the blood inside-pouring down his mouth and body-he collapsed onto the ground and took the pouch away from his mouth. OOC-Sorry-gotta go-Bye!!!!
More like supper in my time zone =p
Ryoku start kissing Miteta-He dropped his guitar-A string broke and it slashed his wrist-He winced in pain-he slowly start bleeding-His eyes flickered Gray-Blue and then stayed Gray-He start breathing heavily-not because of the pain-but because of the blood.
O_o Nice!!! *Virtually rubs stomach*-All I had today was Bran flakes X.X
He couldn't think for a few seconds "Err-Loose Lips-by...Kimya Dawson" he played with the strings for a second then played-not a note out of tune "Loose lips may sink ships but loose kisses take trips to San Francisco double Dutch disco-teach TV hottie-Do it for Scottie-Do it for the living and do it for the dead-do it for the monsters under your bed..." he played he smiled
I would laugh-they'd never know-there unconscious XP lol
Ryoku looked into Mitetas eyes very seriously "...Miteta-You have no idea what you could get yourself into..." he hardly breath-nobody had ever spoken to him like that before...he smiled and turned backward to reach for his guitar to play Miteta a song-but he fell off the couch and hit his head off the coffee table "...Ouch..."
XDD Mwahahahaha wee could so achive world domination if we show everyont the tread it will be so like Us-Look at this *Shows Tread* Random...
OOC-Yeah-Nakedly-with condoms XDD He smiled-and whispered "...only if its for real..." he leaned forward and start kissing Miteta....
Yeah dont worry-and dont have a nose bleed XDD
OMG the tread is getting HOT and im afraid Lovely Phantasmagoria might explode or something XDD
Ryoku could hardly breath-he whispered into Mitetas ear "Only if your sure..." he smiled-accidentally reviling his fangs-He reached for the condom... OOC-Well than we should do a before and after kinda thing-so we know it happened but it doesn't actually happen
Ryoku ndded and got up slowly-he walked into the darkness of his room-when he was in there he pulled out a clean blanket from his wardrobe-A condom out of a chest of draw and he picked up Guitar, He walked back into the sitting room-he put the Guitar at the foot of the couch-he condom beside Mitetas arm and the blanked around himself-he dropped his trousers to revile black boxers-he went back into position over Miteta-so they where both warm OOC-How do we do this part without making it graphic?? lol
Ryoku too off he shirt-to revile on the left side of his rips-scars and on the right wrist bite marks-and a line of hair from underneath his belly button-Condoms are in my room...He leaned down and kissed Miteta-he helped her take off her shirt OOC-Lol-Ive got to go-very bad timing XDDD-Bye!!!
He looked lovingly into her eyes-His eyes seemed mesmerizing because of his Vampire genes. The look on his face told her the answer-"Well whatever..." he looked down for a few seconds-then up-he had a genuine smile on his face-something that didn't happen too often...
Very lol-so yeah-It sounds interesting lol-And the name Sakura is amazing might I add lol