*is squished and looses breath*
*tries to hold you up cuz youre getting heavy*
*listens to heart*
*smiles more and holds you close*
Heya :D
*relaxes* .
*smiles and closes eyes*
*lays head on chest*
*kisses back*
I hate love you too :lolface:
*smiles more and giggles*
*smiles and kisses cheek back* youre so sweet
*hugglez back* Aww... ^^
Dont get sad get Glad Pwease?
my god evrything is twisted and demonic
Sinder had heard the click. Within the instant the click of the gun came, the-dragon girl moved as fast as lightning to the others in her group. She could only move this fast because of her dragon powers, useful in many situations. She grabbed all three of them and moved into the depth of the trees. "I guess you're all coming with me," she joked. Then she turned all of them invisible and disappeared into the cover of the trees. She left no footprints due to the fact she was running so fast.
omg its like the dark and twisted version xD
haha :lolface:
I only like Jacob :lolface:
Hakuna Matata