[IMG] *nervous*
[IMG] I feel kind of silly now. (highlight invisible text) I've always kind of liked you as more than a friend, even though it's kind of silly....
Hey Jaden, can I tell you something?
Although being a girl, I have no idea why I like yuri.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeDz9sI7Sq8 This is for you Jay.
How many of you like Yuri... besides me?
Hmmm noone here huh
Hey Goki! How are ya? [spoiler]
I don't have an exact time, but I believe it took five to ten minutes to draw from a reference.
Well I haven't ever rped on here, but I can tell you the pros and cons of rping in general. Pros: 1. When rping you get to step into a character's shoes, and you get to interact with the characters (provided it's not an original rp of course) 2. You can discover new ways to rp, and can develop you character more (provided the character is an oc) 3. You can also improve your writing (providing you're rping in story format) Cons: 1. Just like rl, there are consequences to your actions. 2. Not everyone rps the same way. 3. Not everyone rps in the same format as you do.
Thank you. This can be closed now.
I want to use an image from a proboard to link to another forum that uses bbcode. How would I do this?
Okay but what does a splitter look like?
What would this card look like?
Is this a computer program?
I've seen people do this but I don't know how. What materials would I need? In case it wasn't clear, I want to do this for my wii
They're all usually in Spanish.
Okay I have this weird problem: Ads are displayed in Spanish on my computer. My ip address is not in a place where Spanish is the dominate language. I also have this message that says that there is an ip address conflict. I'm on Windows 7.
Yays xd *hugs*
It does this on all skins for me.