Okay what about zombies?
Monsters: Amazoness Fighter Amazoness Archer Amazoness Sage (x2) Amazoness Blowpiper Amazoness Chain Master Amazoness Paladin (x2)...
Oh okay. xd
Could you look at it in a duel? I think that would be easier posting a bunch of pictures.
Xd I'm still new to all this lol but at least I'm better than I was lol
Okay. Will you help me with my amazoness deck?
Um would you like to do it tomorrow then?
Would you like to do it on the Dn? The arena and vm thing confuses me.
I was using a Zombie deck and they were using some kinda fairy/plant thing.
Oh really? Me too. We should duel on there some time.
:blink: :nonono: :yessir: :type: :locked2:
Awww! Xd *huggles*
Let me ask you something: does this happen when you're in large crowds? Is it triggered when near people? Do you often start to feel anxious? I may know the problem if you answered yes to any of these questions.
Most of my classes have lots of students in them and they tend to get very loud. I often cannot do class work because of my Sensory Overload. My teachers often don't understand when I go into Sensory Overload, and when it gets to a meltdown, they often yell at me and are unwilling to help. What can I do when this happens, and how can I get them to understand?
Thanks. This can be closed now.
Aww okay. :(
Yays! xdddddd
I should try that. lol
If you want I can show you how to use it once you do join.
Oh. Maybe you could join Dn. That way we can at least talk and maybe duel sometime.