Well yeah. But uh *feels awkward*
lol Okay xd
It may be allergies though. Would you like to go on Dn?
[IMG] I think I may have a cold. *coughs* Ouch.
lol Idk Just feelin' chatty
You know I felt that. I mean I literally had a sore throat.
Hey are you okay? [IMG]
Oh well hi. He he *runs*
Oh... [IMG]
My point exactly O_O
uhhh I thought you left?
The site. I'm worried about him.
uh okay. Btw did you know terra left?
oh right. extra: Evil Hero Wild Cyclone x2 Inferno Wing Lightning Golem But I think I'll use your format.
Sure. Monsters: Evil Hero Infernal Gainer Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy Clayman Burstinatrix Avian Sparkman Evil Hero Malicious Edge Wildheart...
Well I'm most interested in a water theme
Ah more blood sucking faries and shapeshifters. I'm going to see both only for closure. It better not end how it's rumored to end.
hmmm for some reason it won't pull up.
oh okay. lol