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  1. Peace and War
    hey .
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War


    For a number of years when I felt and kept myself alone I was disastrously depressed, angered and wanting for more. I think I'm a hopeless romantic, in the sense that I easily connect to people, and fall in love with them, not always to the same depth or degree with everyone, but care for them all the same. But I wasn't willing for. Along time to accept that, I rejected it, tried to not admit my want to be connected with others. My friends at the time, I didn't realise they had already accepted me, I was always the distant one, so when I finally felt it I was relieved and happy for it.
    This was probably the first instance I could see myself being with someone of the same sex. Because at the end of it, loving and be loved was all that I needed.

    Sexually I have always explored, when in the mood, I've played about with both sexes yet still I'm keeping myself a virgin not because of some religious restriction or cultural reaction to the promiscuity about these days. I'm doing it because I want to do it with someone I love or at least care for deeply. I've resisted several times by some though I've really wanted to do it, I really wanted to get that release. The sexual drive and the love crash, and make me unable to really move on till I find someone like that. The reason I place it so high on the romance pedestal, as it we're, is because I truly need to trust someone with me that physically, I'm not good looking or attractive, so for someone to allow me that trust properly means to me that they can care for me on a deeper level then most other people. Also, sex is suppose to be best with someone you love and know properly, and I'd rather have that then have sub par which will make me desire more to have the romantic sex.

    A few pairings of couples where one is a confessed asexual still have a sex life, just not as frequent as regular sexual couples. I've even seen a pair of swingers who organise sex parties and the asexual let's their partner have at it with anyone at the party.
    I think it's a false belief to think that there are only functional relationships where sex is involved. There are so many various relationship degrees and dynamics that it's almost hard to see any restriction apart from the ones we place upon ourselves. Some are only in it for the sex, some don't do it at all, some give and take when the time comes.

    Sex is as important as the couple wants it to be. Not really sure what you mean by if it's even honest. Sex is purely stimulating, it's not deceptive, there is one goal, to have a release which satisfies you, when that comes to two people both usually want to get off with their partners help. It's much like masturbation in that sense of honesty.

    Maybe you're exploring a new type of person, and that's why you find him interesting, because he's not the typical person you talk to. Something new and fresh on the table. Maybe you are even intrigued as to his sexual appetite for you on a certain level, being desired can make us more aware, alert and interested in the person.
    Happened to me when I found out a girl liked me from a friend, I never really noticed her properly before that and I got really intrigued.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 11, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  3. Peace and War
    Missed this thread since busy week with friends. Anyway, count me in, will really have to think for this since I don't remember any good songs on TV shows, ha!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 10, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  4. Peace and War


    I don't find the need to be with someone as sexual or societal. Spiritually, mentally even chemically, more so I believe is where my need comes from to be around others and connect with them, to fall in love with them.
    I also have a sexual need, a separate entity to the above and if I have the above my sexual drive is lowered, as I have observed in myself. When I am not in love, I am more sexual, more willing to sleep with anyone up for it. When I am in love, I want to hold hands and stroke cheeks.
    I want to pair up because it makes me a better person, to be with someone I love, I am a better person, a more fulfilled one. Society, my family, they can look down on me for who I pick because that won't matter at all, it is what I want and would be better for it.

    So I think it's just personal preference compared to society or our libidos dictating who we do or do not love.

    Platonic relationships can mean a distant relationship. To want to keep someone physically distant from you is a form of rejection to many and is hard to deal with. Internet relationships are also tough to cope for many couples since there is literally no physical contact act all, usually resulting in cyber sex which has varying results in helping or not. It's tough for a majority to not want to feel the warmth of another person, their skin and hair to touch or that their lips to hips will not meet.

    I also feel there is a difference, for me, between 'just sex' and romantic sex. You can't always have the later, sometimes the closest you'll get is the former. You can't just tell yourself to fall in love with anyone. Sexual attraction, however...
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 10, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  5. Peace and War
    Well Black Mask appears briefly at the beginning of Arkham City, and from character bios and in universe stories, Black Mask is referred to be Sionis if I remember correctly. Then again, since this takes years before the first game, could mean Arkham was head of the institute instead of Quincy Sharp and was Black Mask on the side. Either way, I decent villain to have at the helm, a more grounded criminal instead of a purely insane character would be interesting after having dealt with th e more flamboyant criminals in the last two games.

    Arkham Asylum has been around for a century or two if I remember, but I know it is definitely older then Batman, ha. It could mean that this is the first time Arkham properly becomes an institute for the more over the top and villainous criminally insane. Or it could refer to just Batman's origins as being a more inexperienced detective and crime fighter.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 10, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Peace and War
  7. Peace and War
    Well you did hear the 'epilogue' sequence, no? : D
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Peace and War

    Welcome again, happy listeners, to the first of many OFFICIAL KHV Chilled Pods, starting with my favourite Roman numeral: I. The first two Chilled Pods were pilots, testers and displaying our general ability to get off topic in a podcast, so we made it official! The structure of Chilled Pods remains pretty much the same as last time, we talk about the media industry like gaming, books, TV, movies with a pinch of news and politics to give our opinions a flex... oh and some stuff about Kingdom Hearts, whatever that is! : P

    This show includes Peace and War, with Staff members Clawtooth and Forsaken, and special premium guest Kitty/Oerba Yun Fang/whatever you know her by.SO this went very European with line up of French, English and Scottish members (walking into a bar...) and talking about stuff that only Europeans know. So you'll either get the inside references or learn about another culture, win/win, right?

    Enjoy guys and see ya next time!



    Intro: 500 Miles by The Proclaimers
    Outro: Woo Hoo by Blur

    Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here.
    Thread by: Peace and War, Apr 8, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Peace and War
    Ok, not a Pokémon nut, but let me think this. When a Pokémon has multiple forms it usually is there to compensate for their 'weaknesses'. If a Pokemon like Mewtwo who is a big Special Attack and Defence kind of guy, his alternate form would be big for Attack and Defence. This one looks more the former, more like Mewtwo, but bigger, better, more powerful, more cosmic and alien even.
    I say evolution mainly because of this.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. Peace and War
  11. Peace and War
    Nostalgia is the enemy of innovation.

    Opinions are the long line of the master copy.

    We are all on islands, floating to be together again.

    Offer the old, stifle progress. Offer the same, stifle uniqueness. Offer the new, stifle nothing.

    Stir a cup of tea, pour milk, watch the universe unfold.
    Thread by: Peace and War, Apr 5, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
    I apologise profusely for being an idiot Jayn. Glad to know I got through, I don't think I'll be able to hear it though, since I have mates round. Still can't wait to hear everyone!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 5, 2013 in forum: KHV Chorus
  13. Peace and War
    Hope mine got through.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 5, 2013 in forum: KHV Chorus
  14. Peace and War
    It think this is evidence enough to say we all have a degree of stereotyping, which isn't necessarily a bad or a wrong thing to think with. Stereotypes are based off of some truths, not all are lies.

    Pat and myself have looked and found nothing on other countries. His link shows there seems to be a reason for this because of the fundamentals of the American justice system, which I mentioned before. And I'm admitting I have no facts, I'm not claiming that my estimate is based on quantifiable data, but purely from watching and reading news media in British and US capacities. I'm also not denying that other countries do this, this very case is obvious of this. Yet I stand by my points.
    And before this starts getting off topic....
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 4, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  15. Peace and War
    No? I explained already why it's an American thing. My explanation was based more so in facts then general opinion, and I was being derogatory I was simply stating it's validity. It comes from America and is used by America more frequently then others, making it an American thing to do. And I'm encompassing purely the United States of America in this, otherwise I would've stated North America for the continent. Most Americans call the United States, America, so I do to. I have been Americanised into this because I've watched a lot of American TV since I was young.
    I've never said that lawsuits we're 'evil' I said "It's idiotic, and worst, detrimental to all people within the society, it creates a leak of justice, and demeans the work of police officers." I was referring to individuals who use these loops in the law to get away with stuff, not countries as a whole
    Most of you probably don't know the abuse our super injunction laws got, where the identity of those involved in a case are protected of their identity and anyone who reveals it is up for prosecution. Footballers in this country bought these, effectively, to keep their cheating names out of the papers, yet these types of laws we're suppose to protect victims of rape and other violent cases. Eventually, every individual in the country knew the identities of the footballers and many people posted it against said footballer's twitter account. He wanted them all to be prosecuted and arrested, yet arresting and prosecuting 10,000 people for this kind of crime was seen as ridiculous by the courts, and eventually their super injunctions ere revoked.

    If I wanted to criticise America, I'd have plenty to go on, however for once I don't care to. Simply stating facts of the matter.

    And you hate too many things with a burning passion. Relax a bit more, don't take this so harshly, please.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 4, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  16. Peace and War
    In terms of legal cases, the earliest examples I've seen used of the insanity plea and sueing have come from the American law system. I can probably say as an estimate or guess, that over 50% of the lawsuits in the world come from America. It's a guess, of course, but I can almost guarantee it's true, hell, the figures might be more.

    The world is becoming Americanised, Britain especially since the 80s I believe. We now do American things, watch American shows, eat American food, wear American clothing. The world has picked up a lot of cultural tendencies because they choose to. Britain at one point became very French, as we spoke it, wrote it, dressed in it, and emulated it as something cool and current to do in our culture. It's the way of the world, fact, that we share cultures the more closely linked we become as a species.

    And to some, having afternoon tea with crumpets is a very 'British' thing to do, or arranged marriages a very Asian thing to do, or that everything is bigger in Texas.
    It's called cultural difference, we are not one pure copy paste race living with the same widely held beliefs or thoughts as others, we have diversity. Sometimes they are derogatory, or stereotypical, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're false or wrong. British people love tea, a great deal more than most countries. Asia still has a high proportionate rate of arranged marriages from Korea to India than other places in the world.
    More cases of law suits come from America than other countries. It's not false, it's just true.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  17. Peace and War
    I should note this is a very American thing to so, to sue everything and anything. It's idiotic, and worst, detrimental to all people within the society, it creates a leak of justice, and demeans the work of police officers.

    I ignore every single one of these. And suggest that every court does too.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: Current Events
  18. Peace and War
    We've had this talk. You're talking about the novel Revan, not the game TOR, which basically never touches upon it's predecessors, it's essentially independent. And I'd still like to see these retcons and then what's ****ed up about em.

    I don't think the 1313 would have been bad, the bounty hunter element is very appealing to most fans and the physics and locals would've made it probably more interesting then either of the Force Unleashed games. Too bad.

    LucasArts is a legend in terms of what they've accomplished and created over the years, with industry greats being a part of the team at some time or capacity. It's a shame to see another company going under, and the loss of jobs is a blow. Hope that the best and lovers of their industry keep going on and create fabulous game sin the future.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  19. Peace and War
    I'd want a DayZ Console version, because I've seen the online community, and they already know too much about this mod turned full game that I'd likely be put off unless playing with a friend. However, one way or the other, I'm not sure whether I want this game, it's interesting and immensely popular, but unless they iron so major gameplay problems and fluidity issues in gameplay I had, it's not going to make me buy it because it is looking better. Yet, I have confidence in this guy, he's said it won't be done till it's done in the past, and being effectively an indie game, the quality and not the sale will likely dictate it's outcome as a game.

    One to watch.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Peace and War
    Not enough praise for 5, that was incredibly performed!

    One heck of a range this time round. Mine was a disgraceful choice compared.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 3, 2013 in forum: Production Studio