Search Results

  1. Peace and War
    Goodness I was terrible and bungee up...

    Anyway, my vote goes to #5. I've never heard any of these songs before, but I liked the sense of that song and got into it more then the others.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Peace and War
  3. Peace and War
  4. Peace and War

    PSN IDs

    I'm a good liars.

    PSN: Kam-Sage
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 17, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  5. Peace and War

    PSN IDs

    KamSage, I think.
    (or Kam-Sage or Kam Sage...)
    Will double check later but I believe the top is it
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 17, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  6. Peace and War


    Just make out already.

    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Peace and War
    Handed mine in earlier, so that should be at least two now.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 15, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Peace and War
    Playing a GTA game, you know how great it is to have the radio playing whilst your escaping the police, cruising down the side of a mountain, flying a plane all whilst beating to death a lady of the night to recover her well earned cash.

    List of tracks and links to iTunes and spotify here!

    On of the things I've noticed though, is that iTunes doesn't have half the songs for some stations, since I believe the collection are only placed together in a mash up of singles throughout iTunes, so if the single isn't out on iTunes it won't be there in the collection sadly.... not sure if this is permanent or not and they'll add them later, but spotify looks to have every single on of them in their library, so maybe go with that option.

    Anyway, post your favourite stations and tell me what I should be listening to!
    Thread by: Peace and War, Apr 15, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Peace and War
    What an I say? There was drama, there was action, there was comedy and there bass... lots of bass! This week of judging for the Top 5, something I've only done once before, has really shown me the progress the community here on KHV has made over time. The individual creativity of every participant was obvious, everyone had their own style and voice, and what they wanted to bring forward to the table. This was really tough, it's taken me a while to weigh up who was slightly above the other for me. IN the end I got there and here we have our Top 5!

    This Week's Judge(s): Peace and War

    1. Kingdom Hearts Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
    Kingdom Hearts Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
    Submitted by: OttoOtter
    Song: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Theme
    Details: This nostalgia filled video from the title alone made me stop and think 'Well this is going to be bad' and I was so far away from that in the end, as is obvious by being number one on my list. This video faithfully recreates the the opening of the original Power Rangers with Kingdom Hearts character counterparts, and they all fit in really well to the Power Ranger theme. I smiled throughout, even laughed near the end when Roxas was the Green Ranger, ha!
    It was also well put together, the scenes chosen were appropriate for the theme, the edit remaining faithful to my childhood series, I just love it and it deserves the top for its pure quality deliverance and great ability to work with two conflicting entertainment mediums.

    Submitted by: starlight2011studio
    Song: N/A
    Details: The grainy filter and pumping bass really set up the intensity of the potential this video was giving off. The key cutscene of Sora and Riku first together was made especially dramatic by the fantastic use of drum and bass, the foreign kind of song to the KH universe ended up being a good match! Siri dictating the beginning of a Kingdom Hearts fuelled rave set me going, and if this is a preview, I can't wait to see the full thing!

    3. [COLLAB] Losing You; {ShelbyMutou/Starlight2011studios
    Submitted by: Starlight2011studios (collaborating with ShelbyMutou)
    Song:Losing You by Dead By April
    Details: I enjoyed the amount of combinations here of editing techniquea that helped this video be dramatic and powerful, from the filttering, use of zoom, lyrics being in time with the music, and many others. It lights up the conflict in Sora and how he deals with it in a way I've never properly seen in the games and makes this something of an eye opener to me. Great work on it indeed!

    4.Perfect Two- Riku and Aqua
    Submitted by: cloud <3
    Song: Perfect Two by Auburn
    Details: Now this video took me aback at first. I'd never seen a pairing of characters that have never met in the games properly, not to mention the age difference, ha. Yet, the song, the use of scenes that are reminiscent of TV hows where couples are really meant for each other actually made me think this was highly possible and lovely together. That feat alone meant this vid was going to get somewhere on this TOp 5! However, the posing of Riku and Aqua into scenes the other is in, though good for a majority, looked very cut and paste like at times. Though with the restrictions in place this is understandable, along with the ambition to try something this ambitious made me put it up in the charts.

    Submitted by: starlight2011studios
    Song: Lullaby by Sia
    Details: This sweet and almost tragic video encompassed friendship, love and dreams very well, the etheral effect of memories that linger in moments that have passed us by. I liked the character's lines presented in an echoic and ghostly manner, yet at times the singing and speaking parts didn't flow very well, and I found myself wanting more at the end from this video, almost as if it was cut off too soon. Still the beauty of it and the well done visuals earned it a spot up here for me.

    Congratulations to all who placed this week!
    Haven't placed yet? Don't give up! Your video certainly was not bad, I really am proud of everyone's improvements and you may place in a future week!
    Thread by: Peace and War, Apr 14, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Peace and War
    We just can't get rid of her no matter how hard we try.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Peace and War
    Happy Anniversary. Congrats, you survived!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
    First World Problems are indeed terrible enough to swear about....
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Peace and War
    I disliked Constantinople, seemed kind of generic. Rome had diversity, ruins, the Coliseum, fields, cities, Vatican, Saint Angelo.

    Constantinople had Hagia Sofia, and nothing really outstanding.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War
    Are Ubisoft moving the way of Sony and making they're own Super Smash Bros?

    Honestly, this seemed fairly terrible to me. Most of these fighting games are succesful because of a dynamic and diverse roster of characters that make them up. AC isn't like that by any means, you have cool Assassin protagonists, alright support cast, but no one stands out in terms of look or style.

    I could see a roster of Ubisoft characters going at it, though. The mock up locked characters a the bottom are enough to warrant diverse looks and styles that might keep it interesting.
    Imagine adding Aiden Pierce for WATCH_DOGS, Vaas form Far Cry 3, a few more lesser known titles' characters, and then we'd have a decent line up of characters to me.

    Maybe another time Ubi.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Peace and War

    Pet Peeves

    I've avoided this thread because i don't usually care enough to get constantly angered or hateful of a certain thing over time. I'll have one offs and that's not really a peeve to me. Not to mention

    People who think they know things and talk about it:
    This encompasses newspapers, politicians, my friends, people in discussion, my parents especially. Just anyone who does it and i hear it.
    Talk about immigration, religion, politics, a set of people, a strike, a union, etc whatever but sound like an unbiased knowledgable person otherwise just admit you don't know. Sure you'll have an opinion, but don't believe in verything people tell you about something you know nothing about, be skeptical about news especially, please. I do this when I don't know a topic usually, i don't see the point in acting like a know it all if you don't know about the subject.

    People who think aggression is a good first resort:
    No. Last resort. Stop randomly wanting to punch people you maniacs.

    Most of them. Because most are selfish and arrogant, not to mention clueless of their actions.
    Those people who have sultry, silky words or demeanor and suck you in to listening to them or believing in them. They're basically lonely people who can't make friends and try to subvert that by controlling someone. Also, girls who tease guys with sexual stuff and don't follow through. It's despicable to use your body or words to manipulate someone and then reject them for no better reason then you got bored of them or found a new victim. Disastrous.

    People who blindly defend their partner/spouse/etc:
    "You tried to tempt him you *****, that's why he slept with you but he loves me. I'll effing gut you! Stay away from us!"
    ...Yeah, seen this too much in delusional girlfriends. It's idiotic and disrespectful to yourself if you never question your partner.

    The Gaming Community:
    Whether it's COD fan boys, or people who complain about modern gaming, i'm sick to death of all this complaining and moaning about games. You'd think tha since these people play games for enjoyment they'd be more relaxed about the whole thing, or more willing to give things a wide birth, but nope. You've got people who stick to one genre and complain about the others, the fans who don't stop getting nostalgic and want to recapture that so complain when games are like that, people who complain about endings to games, people who complain about QTEs, people who complain that they don't like the characters (pick up a book, learn that's the point of half the characters in literature, to get yo emotional), those who don't like how they can get money in games so easily, how they're console they bought is better than the others... Seriously this list has near endless posibilities.
    I'm not saying there aren't any problems, there are, what I hate is how you go about addressing them Gaming Community. Don't just say it's ****. Give valid reasons and better yet offer an alternative to the problem. If your so smart at seeing flaws, then you must be able to see ways to improve it right? I mean you know how to design games, write plots and characters, etc?

    Never really care about them, but since they acquired Bioware, holy **** if I don't think they're the worst big comlany in gaming. Seriously, the one rep of theirs I met barely looked at me when he handed out prizes and ****ed off as soon as. Just... EA, that's all you need to know before i rant on more.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  16. Peace and War
    Yeah, more suited to the The Playground to me, making a game out of comedic memes and GIFs would be perfectly suited for that area.
    Gaming and the sub forums are more to discuss and take maybe a slightly serious look at games instead of joking about them, since it would likely be considered spam if you posted that image.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Peace and War
    This is massively difficult. I've got one that I tried but I did terrible with it. I'll try it again soon, so I will have something in eventually!
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Production Studio
  18. Peace and War
  19. Peace and War
    As you may have realised, some posts we're deleted mainly because of being spam, off topic and at times insulting. If this is the case in a thread not located in the spam zone, I highly recommend reporting the post/s or contacting a member of staff instead of letting it go on. I would also like to think members, especially longer time members would be able to understand to leave alone a conversation that is spam filled and off topic instead of joining in.If you wish to discuss about the deletion of your post or other matters in this thread please contact me separately, and not post in the thread.

    Now, please, people would like this discussion to continue so please do so and keep on that topic.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Peace and War


    I say that's more a personal preference then a dishonesty. I think some people, mainly men but a number of women too, use the excuse that it's good for a relationship when all they wanna do is just have sex. That's dishonest. The first time is usually the milestone, the utter beautiful loveliness and drive of passion. After that it becomes more the recreational activity, yet certain times are more special than others, like most things you do as a couple.

    Sexual preference can encompass whether we prefer romantic sex, hormonal sex, no sex, etc. Relationships is closely connected with it, so it's worth a mention.

    If you want to talk more off topic, about yourself in particular or just whatever, I'd be interested to talk in a Convo or Skype or soemthing. Obviously you can tell I'm fairly open, so I don't mind if you wanna chat, just go ahead.
    Post by: Peace and War, Apr 12, 2013 in forum: Discussion