Materia Bindus! *Metal chains loop you to the groudn around your hands and feet and neck.* *Even after I said hi?! :(*
*Blocks the punch and pins you to the ground* This is a little uncomforatable. (Good)
Lol, Does Myu have a grudge against me too? *Pulls out a switch blade and cuts your knee, and you double over in pain, and I tackle you.*
*Grabs your foot and flips you over, then grabs your amr and twists behind your back on the ground.* I may be from the city, but I sure as hell...
Now you're just plain earth-bending. -.- *Races up to it before you can and kicks it back to you, knocking you into the ground.
*swings sword in circles, destroying all the boulders, then spins so fast turns into whirlwind and comes at you.*
*ahem* Can I help? The design bases completely on what fanbase you are following. Some have a blue, zig-zag bottom, with a white top, others have a white crown in a blue background, etc. Just pick whichever you think fits.
*Flips over and races toward you, then feints an attack to your left shoulder then trips up your right leg, knocking you to the ground. I pull my...
Hey guys, Aigavlov, God of Wisdom, at your service.
Yeah, I do. *Swings sword around* *Later, Tifa :) I'll be waiting for that fight.*
*Giant bulletin board comes down saying RP FIGHT TIME!* =3
*Pulls out a spider out of my pocket* Oh, it won't hurt you, it's only poisonous. *suddenly throws at your arm.*
*Has been studying you and Accio's conversation.* *Grins maliciously.* Not even if there's......... A SPIDER?!!!!!!!
*Holds up another one* Want me to help?
I'm sixteen, yes. But I was one of those guys who wolfed down their Textbooks for the first MONTH before exams. It was easy for me.
I wasn't talking online friends, Tifa.
Err, Hi, I would like to join your "Gods of KH" group as the God of Wisdom? Is that alright?
Thanks Tifa. You and Jaden are good friends.
I just don't have many friends as I used too. Nobody seems to like me. What with Jaden crying on my shoulder and the rest of KH-Vids hating me,...
The usual I geuss. Just feeling a little lonely, and I caught a cold last week, so I'm sick....