Yugi! You forgot to list the Draw and Standby Phases!
Good thinking Yami, with the sheep tokens. Remember the plan. If it fails, I'll take over the duel for you.
Jaden? Are you feeling alright? *Puts thermometer in your mouth* Hold Still. Your temperature is...SLIFER THE SKY DRAGON THAT'S HOT!
Font 1! 10chars
The text could so with some resizing and a different font, but otherwise it's pretty cool.
*facedeskfacedeskfacedesk* This is going to bite someone in the ass sometime in the future, isn't it?
Hey! What's up?
That's right you better! I got my hands on some Egyptian God Cards, the only one I'm missing is Slifer.
Hey dude, chill. I was asking could you only use one of the cards listed on the ban list, out of all of them. Sheesh.
STALKER! Just kidding. On your limited list, does that mean we can only use one on the list?
I believe that means that I may be able to advise you every once in a while, and keep the duel going if you can't finish it.
I don't think double duels are allowed.
...Sorry about that last comment. I didn't mean for it to sound mean..... I'm just really frustrated... I'm starting to understand how you felt...
Usually 7:25AM to 8:00AM, And then around 4:00 to 6:00 PM.
Pfhh. I know that! I'm not stupid!
Also, I got the old Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories? It ROCKS!!
Alright! That means I can finally summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon!
hey Jaden, quick Q&A, If you play a monster, could you sacrifice to special summon a different monster all in one turn?
Later man! I'll be ready for our duel!