Well, That's cool.
Well, all I can say is SUCKERS! I'm gonna laugh when they come crawling back to you.
No Problem. Now, who broke up with you again? ZRW? Mandy?
It's a friend thing. I'll still refer to you as "The Best".
How odd. Anyways, what's up?
Good thank you. Been using your Specterspecs recently, have you?
Any specific reason why?
That's great.
Speaking of which, how is she?
MinishVaati, or Frieza. Those sound SOOOO much beaster than mine. If we had a yearly awards, I would've won "Least Original Username" by now.
As much as I can. I want to change my username soooo badly.
Hey Luna! Long time no see! How go the Dirigible Plums?
So do I, Tifa. So do I.
Atlantica, and the point that you went through it all just for a goddamn keyblade that sucked ASS when you used it.
Oh my god, Ammy, I love your user-title!
Jaden needs it, that's for sure.
Glad to see someone's got some Spirit. Half this place is depressed, including my bestest friend.
Whatcha up to?
So how are you?