Oh.. Well, do you realize my strategy?
Don't you need a Dark Magician to summon D.M.O.C? Oh, nothing much, just Blackland Fire Dragon, and uhh, what was the other ones? Oh yeah! BLUE...
Also, I bought some great Fusion cards off Ebay, Like Black Magician of Chaos? And Jinzo? I am SOOOO ready.
Oh! I forgot to include that one in my deck! I've got a great strategy up my sleeve for any duel I might have. It involves 3 very rare, very...
But what if he complains? Also, watching your duel with Zeonark, why the hell does every Yusei character feel like he has to summon Stardust...
So, then, who's gonna get Yami Yugi?
Well, He's been online, seen my comments, but NOTHING.
So...Jaden. Exactly HOW LONG did you work on that move? Also, If Yamy doesn't reply to the Duel Arena by 6:00, (conditions) does that mean he...
Did you see the comment I told Protect? Dude! That move was pure genious! Using his Red Nova Dragon to make an Elemental Hero for yourself! I...
I had to move the duel with Yamy up to today. My parents had this surprise trip planned for tomorrow.
What's Up Jaden?
I Hear you're dueling Jaden! Good luck! He's the best duelist around! How Styx beat him, I'll never know.. But just know this! You're up...
Sorry to interupt mates, I just gotta set up my duel. Yamy! Conditions! LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: No Video Game Exclusives: God Cards: Hand Refill: No First Player: You decide Number of Cards per Deck: 50? Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps,): No
So what's up?
Alright [IMG] Also, If you draw, how would you determine the next card pulled?[IMG] So, I could Special Summon Blue Eyes Ultimate and attack...
Hey, Yamy. [IMG] Saturday can't work out for me. My family's taking a trip to a museum. Can we re-schedule for Friday 6:00 CT PM? Thanks! [IMG]...
What's up Wolf?
Alright, I've got a few more Questions. How many cards in a hand at one time? How many actions can we do in one turn? Who are you rooting for...
Hey! You're Jaden's Sis, right?[IMG] I'm his best friend, Cloud, Amte, or Yami. [IMG] I never knew Jaden had a sister!
Are you ready? Because Saturday we duel! [IMG] If you haven't posted in the Duel Thread that I'll make at all on Saturday, then it will be...