ooc: hey peoples, i wonder if any of u have forgoten who i am... ya, anyway srry i havn't been on for like i dunno a month! but i was really busy and i kinda- sorta forgot, i am back now tho bic: orihime looked around her empty dorm. "i am going to see what every one is doing," she thought aloud.
holloween Happy Holloween! :guiltygearXpc37:
"okay, i guess i'll see you tomarow..." ooc: i really have to get off, bye bye
"oh! don't worry i won't tell anyone." orihime said smiling sweetly
"oh, why are you crying? are you hurt?" orihime asked her as the girl burst into tears
"oh, hello," she said smiling at the new-comer, "where are the two you were with? their energy feels like a spirit energy," she said looking around for the two.
orihime looked around... "where is everybody?" she asked no one in particular. i wonder where yuna is...
question ooc: do any of you know any long anime series? and what happened when i was away?^^ i haven't been on for a while srry bic: orihime gazed around the school. she saw three new people walking on the ground. "I wonder who they are..." she wondered aloud. she was still not in her normal cheerful mood. it seems she still felt guilty for anna's wounds. she turned her gaze from the ceiling back to the three new people who had incedently been joined by a fourth. "what is he doing? why did he kick them?!" orihime sprang to her feet and ran down to go see them
"here! yachiru-san! she needs her medicine it is the box over there!" orihime said calming anemone and reaching for the box with her free hand. igtg i am leaving for the fall festival
orihime heard a scream, who is that? she gazed out at the clock tower scanning it for anemone, she seemed so sad, maybe i can cheer her up, she thought glumly still searchig for her hmmm... that is weird anemone is almost allways up there, another blood curtaling scream echoed in orihime's ears. she tried to block out the sound, she glanced at the clocktower again... anemone! orihime jumped from her comfterable place on the grass. she started running, then another scream rang in her ears, quite unlike the first who was that? orihime wheeled around. her gaze drifted to the infirmary window. anna! what the heck is going on here? orihime didn't have time to linger on her thoughts as she began to run towards the first scream or 'i can't swim' orihime looked desperately for anemone, she found her backpack on the ground its contents strewn all over the grass. orihime heard another scream of 'help'. hold on anemone i'm coming!orihime thought still running faster. she came up at the lake. orihime looked despratly over the clear blue water... a form was twisting madly struggling to keep their head above the water. orihime ran to the waters edge but as she got there she saw nami bring anomome from the water. "anemone-san are you allright?" she said nearing the soaked figure. she looked around, where is yachiru? orhime thought she is always with anemone and rukia, why aren't they here? ooc: i gtg get ready for school ^^ ooc: anna has been kidnapped and anemone is drowning
ooc: i gtg but i will be back on asap
"yes anna-san," orihime drew back ayame, shun'ou. orihime sat on the bed opposite of anna. she was looking at anna but not really looking at her. she was lost in thought. her gaze was glassy as she stared ahead, her vision blurred
"yuna-san your wounds are healed, ayame, shun'ou--" they looked up at orihime, "can you heal anna now?" they nodded and turned toward anna
orihime didn't say anything, she continued to heal yuna's wounds in silnce.
"allright, anna needs to be healed to, probably ore than you. ayame, shun'ou. souten kisshun, i reject." orihime said sadly, ayame and shun'ou made a yellow oval over yuna's stomach"
"hello," orihime bowed her head respectfully to the new person who just walked in."yuna-san, do you want my to heal you... fully this time? think of it this way, when you are fully healed you can train more,"
orihime turned away. she noticed yuna cluthcing her stomach, "your wound's havent healed either," she said ooc:* if i don't reply asap it is cause i am watching bleach
"yuna-san, i saw, anemone this morning, she was all gloomy and heading toward the clock tower, she brought her backpack. i wonder what is wrong with her," orihime's normal voice still deserted her. her new voice was all gloomy and depressed
orihime smiled weakly then entered, she glanced at anna, her sheets were peckeld with warm red blood, "anna you opened your wounds," orihime said stating the obvious, though her voie had lost its normal enthusiasm she still felt guilty for anna's injuries
"anna-san? yuna-san? am i intruding?" orihime asked opening the infirmary door open slightly so she could peer into the white room