You're right, I should probably ask to borrow it some time soon, I've been meaning to for a while but just keep on forgetting >.< Hopefully this will help me remember though.
I didn't really think much about Sora's name when first introduced to it. It was the first time I had ever heard that name before.
The truck was probably just Square Enix trying to come up with a creative way to block a path.
I would have to say my town is a bit like Halloween Town, we get rather hyped up during the fall season.
Fave --> Destiny Island - not that you get to play there in this game, but it's still pretty sweet. Least Fave --> Atlantica - swimming is the biggest pain ever.
I have a friend who fully introduced me to them a few years ago, the first song she played for me was called "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict." Very few words on this earth can describe that song.
My friend has it and loves it like crazy. I know I've seen some but I don't think it was the whole thing, it's a rather long movie. I do want to see it again at some point though, it's crazy how things were at the time.
Wow, I haven't been able to get on this thread for a while, it seem I missed quite a lot >.< But it's good to see that people are turning in some awesome entries GOOD JOB EVERYONE! =D
At school my friends call me Ginger. Of course it is due to my serious case of Gingervitis which is sadly befallen onto 1337 hopeless babies in the U.S. every day. It is a lifelong disease to which there is no known cure. Forever we shall bear the curse of red hair pale skin and freckles >.< ^^Gotta love South Park for that.
khv is basically what keeps me up at night. But now I must go to school and study for an anatomy test *winkwink* No seriously, I hope I don't fail >.< bye ppl
Chicken Little is like the only summon I use seeing as it's the first on the list. I'm just too lazy to scroll >.<
I usually go to bed a little past twelve on a school night. It's still not really enough but whatev, at least it's not obvious when I start dozing off in class <<
DDR all the way I fail at Guitar Hero ;_;
I would want invisibility for sure. Can you see me now?
No way, Sephiroth's sword may be long but some members of Organization XIII have attacks with much further range. They would also probably be able to backfire his magic attacks.
Well I am fully American, born and raised. But my background is: Irish Polish German Bohemian
Your Guardian Angel ~ The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Whisky Lullaby ~ Brad Paisley I remember specifically getting all teary eyed after listening to those two songs.
Oh my gosh I love it! I really need to start working on mine. I'm either going to go with an autumn theme or perhaps I'll just finish something I started a while ago. Idk yet, I've just been so busy.
I would have to say the first Riku battle. It took me so long, almost long enough to make me quit playing kingdom hearts. Thats just how bad it was for me.
I didn't like how Donald and Goofy jumped on Sora in the very end of the game when they return to Destiny Island. It was just.... weird.